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Entertainment Review: Nyad


If there could be a movie particularly inspiring for seniors, it is Nyad (on Netflix), the real-life story of long-distance swimmer, Diana Nyad, who at age 64, finally fulfilled her dream of swimming across the Straits of Florida, a 110-mile journey in shark and jellyfish infested waters. It’s a feat very few swimmers attempted and hardly anyone succeeded—so at that age, it was a marvel of determination and physical prowess. As Nyad says at the end when she staggers on to the beach at Key West, sunburnt, swollen and exhausted: “Never give up” and “You’re never too old to chase your dreams.”

Diana Nyad—played by this year’s Oscar nominee Annette Bening—had attempted this swim when she was 28 and failed; so it remained at the back of her mind as an unfulfilled ambition, till she suddenly decided to go for it again, roping in her reluctant friend, Bonnie (Jodie Foster, also nominated for Best Supporting Actress) to be her coach. It takes killer training and immense stamina to swim nonstop for over two days and nights, but Nyad is willing to put in the effort, never mind the discouragement from everywhere.

Nyad is seen as an abrasive kind of person who steamrolls over even the people who care for her, but her resolve brings on board people who have nothing to gain by her glory—like navigator John Bartlett (Rhys Ifans), and a dedicated crew of 40 who have to accompany her to deal with sharks, stingrays, storms and strong currents. For the feat to be ratified as unassisted, nobody can touch her till she is out of the water. As she says in the end, it may look like a solitary sport…but it takes a team.”

She fails four times and almost dies, but is still driven to yell “Courage” and jump into the sea once again. Bonnie, who cares about her friend, tries to dissuade her, but also puts her own life on hold so that Nyad can achieve her lifelong goal. The swim itself has limitations when it comes to creating drama, it is the relationship between Diana and Bonnie, the unstinting support of Bartlett and the silent backing of the accompanying boat’s captain, Dee Brady (Karly Rothenberg) that give the film its sweet flavour. There are flashbacks to the abuse she faced as a young woman at the hands of her coach, Jack Nelson (Eric T Miller), which does indicate Nyad’s bravery, but does not really enhance her achievement in any manner.

Five-times Academy Award nominee, Annette Bening, at age 66 plays a character that requires a lot of physical and mental strength; even if the swimming shots are short, it must still have been exhausting for a non-professional swimmer. It is Bening’s film, but Jodie Foster also stands out as the friend who imbibes that ne’er-say-die spirit of her obstinate pal and does all it takes to help Nyad break that impossible record. The film (on Netflix) is worth seeing for these two wonderful actresses at their best.


Directed by Jimmy Chin & Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi

Cast: Annette Bening, Jodie Foster, Rhys Ifans and others

On Netflix

Foods to Help Relieve Stress and Anxiety


Think of the food you consume as the building blocks of your body—opting for healthy, high-quality nourishment is akin to selecting premium materials for construction. Just as top-tier materials ensure a sturdy and resilient building, come rain or sunshine, nutritious food fortifies your body for any challenge. Conversely, employing cheap and subpar materials results in an unstable structure that cannot withstand the test of time. Similarly, inadequate nourishment leaves your body vulnerable to deterioration and health issues.

Anxiety, an umbrella term used to describe various disorders affects about 7.3% of the world’s population. It generally manifests as persistent tension, worry and nervousness, disrupting your daily functioning. 

We all encounter stress and anxiety at some point in our lives and the dietary choices we make can help alleviate or worsen these emotions. Your dietary choices significantly influence your emotional state. In addition to maintaining other healthy habits such as regular physical activity and sufficient sleep, consuming balanced meals and snacks can play a vital role in promoting your mental well-being. 

For example, if you’re faced with a stressful situation, the temptation to indulge in a sugary glazed doughnut or thick slice of chocolate cake is high and appealing. But here’s something you may not know- it’s unlikely to uplift your spirits and may even leave you feeling irritable and tired.

I’m here to tell you about the numerous foods that can enhance your brain function and alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety. 

Add these brain-boosting foods to your meal plan today! 

Sweet potatoes​

These vibrant orange gems contain abundant complex carbohydrates that prompt the brain to generate serotonin, a chemical known for its mood-stabilizing properties. Studies highlight that elements within sweet potatoes aid in reducing cortisol levels, a hormone crucial for managing stress responses. Additionally, sweet potatoes boast a high magnesium content, recognized as a top mineral for fostering tranquility and enhancing your mood.

Fatty fish like salmon

Salmon, rich in omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA, along with vitamin D is known to reduce your anxiety by regulating neurotransmitters and lowering inflammation in your body. These nutrients support your brain health, enhancing your adaptability to stressors and potentially alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression. Including salmon in your diet 2–3 times per week, along with other omega-3-rich foods, can significantly improve your mental health and stress. 


Spinach, a leafy green abundant in magnesium, plays a vital role in alleviating stress and anxiety. Its significant vitamin C content further contributes to stress reduction. Moreover, spinach is rich in folate, which helps your body produce more dopamine thereby facilitating better brain communication. Integrate raw spinach into your diet to optimize its advantages, or consider adding other magnesium-rich leafy greens such as kale or swiss chard to enhance your tranquility and overall well being.


Blueberries have a wealth of vitamin C and various antioxidants like flavonoids, renowned for their potential to enhance your brain function and alleviate anxiety. Research also suggests that a higher consumption of fruits, including blueberries, may correlate with reduced anxiety. Incorporating blueberries into your diet offers stress relief, as they are packed with antioxidants that effectively stave off cell damage and delay its onset.


The soft, pale-green flesh concealed beneath a resilient shell serves as an excellent source of B vitamins, integral in the production of brain chemicals that do away with stress and enhance your mood. Some of these naturally occurring compounds also contribute to anxiety prevention and the alleviation of irritability. Additionally, avocados offer lutein, a nutrient vital for both brain and eye health, enhancing memory and problem-solving abilities. Avocados are rich in unsaturated fats, often referred to as “good fats,” as they aid in improving your blood cholesterol levels and stabilizing your heart rhythms. 


Chamomile, an herb with potential anxiety-reducing properties, contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that are known to alleviate anxiety-related inflammation. While the exact mechanisms remain unclear, chamomile is thought to modulate neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and GABA, as well as regulate your body’s stress response through the HPA axis. Chamomile tea is praised for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and relaxant qualities, with flavonoids believed to contribute to its calming and anxiety-reducing effects. Overall, chamomile tea could be beneficial in managing anxiety, offering a readily available and safe herbal remedy, even in high doses.

Oranges and grapefruit

A medium-sized orange or grapefruit offers more than half of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, an antioxidant crucial for the body’s stress response and mood enhancement. Studies indicate that high levels of vitamin C could potentially alleviate stress. Vitamin C supplementation also shows promise in improving symptoms of stress-related disorders like anxiety and depression. Incorporating vitamin C-rich fruits such as oranges, grapefruits and strawberries into your diet can be extremely beneficial in managing your anxiety and caliming your mind. 

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, which can enhance your mood by reducing inflammation and preventing cell damage. While other sources like nuts, animal products and vegetables also provide selenium, it’s crucial not to exceed the recommended daily limit of 400 micrograms to avoid any side effects. 


​All types of squash like pumpkin, dudhi/ lauki also known as summer squash, tinda, butternut, acorn, delicata and hubbard, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These Omega-3s protect your body against chronic stress and are an important dietary addition for your brain health as well as your heart health. 

Green tea

Green tea is rich in L-theanine, an amino acid studied for its potential benefits on brain health and anxiety. Additionally, it contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant known to support brain health and potentially reduce symptoms by boosting GABA levels in the brain. The combination of L-theanine, EGCG, and other compounds in green tea seems to work together synergistically to promote calmness and alleviate any trace of anxiety. 

Yellow bell peppers​

While oranges are often praised for their vitamin C content, yellow bell peppers have nearly double the amount and significantly less sugar. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in supporting your immune system and regulating your cortisol levels.  


Turmeric, a spice containing curcumin, has garnered attention for its potential in enhancing brain health and mitigating anxiety disorders. Renowned for its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, curcumin aids in shielding your brain cells from damage caused by inflammation and oxidative stress. Adding turmeric to your diet is worth considering, and for enhanced curcumin absorption, pairing it with black pepper can do wonders. 


Eggs, abundant in tryptophan and vitamin D, play a pivotal role in enhancing your brain health and regulating your mood by facilitating serotonin production, thus promoting stress relief and safeguarding your memory. Including eggs in your diet, especially those from pasture-raised hens is a great source of protein and nutritional richness.


Probiotics in yogurt can positively impact your mental health by supporting the gut-brain axis, potentially reducing inflammation and enhancing the production of mood-regulating neurotransmitters like serotonin. To reap these benefits, opt for yogurt with live active cultures, as not all varieties contain probiotics.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds, rich in potassium,  aid in electrolyte balance and blood pressure regulation, potentially reducing your stress and anxiety symptoms. Additionally, their zinc content supports brain and nerve development, with significant zinc storage in brain regions associated with your emotions.


Feeling anxious and stressed? Combat it with a bid serving of beets. Incorporating magnesium-rich beets into your diet, boosts your serotonin levels which are crucial to regulate your mood and reduce anxiety. Beets also offer folate, aiding in serotonin production alongside other dark leafy greens and hearty vegetables.


Broccoli, a fast-growing vegetable, is an excellent source of vitamin C, containing nearly twice as much as oranges, crucial for stress reduction, and provides a notable amount of magnesium, vital for stress resilience and symptom management of depression.


Boost your stress resilience with almonds, rich in B vitamins, vitamin E and healthy fats. Almonds offer mood-boosting properties and aiding brain function.

Dark chocolate

Enjoying dark chocolate in moderation, with at least 70% cocoa content, can potentially alleviate your anxiety and improve your mood through its flavonol-rich composition by offering neuroprotective effects and enhancing your brain function.


Water may decrease your anxiety by working with the brain. Drinking water helps your brain get nutrients and energy for proper functioning.

The bottom line —

While you may not have control over anxiety-triggering emails flooding your inbox, you do have the power to choose what you eat. Choose foods that are good for managing your stress and anxiety

Keep in mind that everything works together.  A nutritious diet supports your ability to exercise and to exercise properly you need to sleep well and enough. All of this together can help you tackle stress and anxiety more effectively.

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Ways to Get Rid of Bags Under Your Eyes


The eternal quest- smoother skin, a brighter complexion, no wrinkles and no under eye bags.

Under eye bags can manifest in various forms, including loose skin, fat deposits, changes in pigmentation, and natural shadowing, all contributing to the appearance of dark circles, puffy eyes or a tired look on your face. While these characteristics may be hereditary and observable from a young age, they frequently exacerbate with the passage of time.

There are certain lifestyle adjustments you can implement that might contribute to a sustained reduction in the visibility of under eye bags over time but not a foolproof solution.

Despite the abundance of products in the market that promise to alleviate puffiness and brighten the under-eye region, their efficacy may not always match your expectations.

What causes bags under the eyes?

Under eye bags can develop due to various factors such as genetics, ageing, allergies and skin conditions like eczema or pigmentation. As you age, the tissues around the eyes weaken, leading to sagging and allowing fat to protrude, resulting in puffiness. Fluid retention and shadows may also contribute to the appearance of under eye bags. While they may give the impression of fatigue, under eye bags are typically harmless. However, if accompanied by pain, itchiness, redness, or persistent swelling, it’s advisable to consult a medical professional. Other under eye bag contributing factors include inadequate sleep, smoking, allergies, fluid retention, and genetic predisposition.

Types of eye puffiness

  • Under eye puffiness or bags are commonly characterized by slight swelling in the eyelids and under the eye socket, resulting in a tired and droopy appearance. These bags are typically subtle and may only be noticeable from certain angles. While lack of sleep is often associated with this type of puffiness, dehydration or allergic reactions can also trigger such unwanted swelling.
  • As we age, the initial puffiness around the eyes can progress into sagging eye bags, which can significantly alter your facial aesthetics. These pockets of fat beneath the eyes create small semi circles, contributing to a changed facial contour. While sagging eye bags are not contagious, they are unpleasant.
  • Dark circles appear as black or blue discolorations and stem from insufficient sleep.  Fortunately, these dark circles can be alleviated through simple daily home remedies.

Can eye bags go away?

Although completely eliminating eye bags may not be feasible, you might be able to diminish their appearance through lifestyle changes, eliminating habits and the use of topical treatments.

Keep reading to learn how to reduce the appearance of your under eye bags-

  1. Use a cold compress

You can use a homemade cold compress to relieve your under eye bags or dark circles. The application of a cold compress to the affected area can prompt rapid constriction of the blood vessels. While store-bought cold compresses are an option, DIY methods can be equally effective. Simply dampen a clean washcloth with cool water and gently place it around your eyes for a few minutes. You can substitute the washcloth with a chilled teaspoon, cucumber slices, an ice pack or ice roller. It’s recommended to do this while seated in an upright position.

However, keep in mind that a cold compress is just a temporary solution.

  1. Apply tea bags

Tea bags, particularly those containing caffeine, are more than just a comforting beverage. They can be utilized under the eyes to address issues like dark circles and puffiness. Caffeine, known for its potent antioxidant properties, can enhance blood circulation in the skin and even provide protection against UV damage, potentially slowing down the ageing process. Research highlights green tea as particularly beneficial due to its anti inflammatory effects. To use tea bags for eye care, steep them in hot water for 3 to 5 minutes, then chill them in the refrigerator for around 20 minutes. Afterward, gently squeeze out any excess liquid and apply the chilled tea bags under your eyes for 15 to 30 minutes. This simple home remedy can offer immediate relief and visible improvement in the appearance of dark circles and puffiness.

  1. Clear out your sinuses using nasal irrigation

Using a Neti Pot or a nasal lavage can effectively reduce your under eye bags and dark circles. A Neti Pot is a device filled with a saline solution that is poured into your nasal passages to irrigate and cleanse the sinuses, removing mucus and debris. It’s crucial to ensure the water used is clean and safe, as contaminated water can lead to serious infections. To be as safe as possible during nasal irrigation, it’s recommended to either boil and cool the water before using it or opt for sterile or distilled water.

  1. Stay hydrated

Dehydration is a significant contributing factor to the development of under eye bags. Shockingly, nearly half of the global population fails to meet the daily recommended water intake of 6 to 12 cups per day. Fortunately, hydration doesn’t solely rely on plain water; all fluids contribute to your daily intake like sparkling waters, flavoured waters, fruit-infused water and herbal decaffeinated tea. Staying hydrated is crucial when it comes to  preventing dehydration, which can lead to puffy eyes.

  1. Eat more collagen rich foods

As you age, the muscles and tissues responsible for supporting your eyelids gradually weaken, leading to sagging skin. Increasing your consumption of vitamin C can aid in enhancing your body’s absorption of hyaluronic acid, a crucial compound that diminishes with age. This acid, naturally occurring in the body,  plays a vital role in maintaining skin health. Foods abundant in vitamin C and amino acids can further stimulate collagen production, thereby boosting levels of hyaluronic acid and promoting healthier skin. Excellent sources of vitamin C include oranges, red peppers, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and strawberries.

  1. Eat iron rich foods

Iron deficiency or anemia occurs when there’s a shortage of red blood cells in the blood, which are responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues throughout the body. Insufficient iron levels can lead to the development of dark circles under the eyes. Additional symptoms include extreme fatigue, cold extremities and brittle nails. Iron-rich foods such as red meat, poultry, seafood, beans, leafy greens like kale and spinach, dried fruits like raisins and apricots and iron-fortified foods like cereals and pasta can help replenish your iron levels and alleviate under eye bags.

  1. Cut back on salty foods

Consuming excessive amounts of salty foods can contribute to the development of under eye bags. Salt affects the body’s fluid retention, leading to overall puffiness and potentially causing health issues. To avoid excess salt start checking food labels for salt content and opting for whole foods over packaged and processed ones. Additionally, controlling your fluid intake before bedtime can help minimize your overnight fluid retention and reduce the appearance of under-eye bags as soon as you wake up.

  1. Cut back on alcohol

Cutting back on alcohol can be extremely beneficial when it comes to reducing the appearance of under eye bags and dark circles. Alcohol leads to dehydration, which can exacerbate the formation of bags and dark circles under your eyes. If you do enjoy a drink here and there, try to stay hydrated while doing so.

  1. Wash your face before bed

Improving your nightly skincare routine is key in preventing under eye bags. It’s essential to cleanse your face thoroughly before bed, especially if you wear makeup. Sometimes make up can get stuck in the corners of your eyes or embed itself in your fine lines. Sleeping with makeup on can lead to irritation, allergic reactions and even infections, resulting in redness and puffiness around the eyes. Additionally, neglecting to wash your face before bed may contribute to premature aging and skin damage by oxidative stress. Be sure to wash off all your make up, SPF and the dirt of the day. Going to bed with a clean and hydrated face is imperative to avoid under eye bags, puffiness and redness.

  1. Add retinol to your routine

Focus on adding specific ingredients like retinol to your skincare routine is crucial for addressing eye bags. Retinol, a derivative of vitamin A available in various forms, improves collagen deficiency when applied topically, though stronger formulations require a dermatologist’s prescription and should be avoided during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

  1. Apply topical caffeine

Who said your daily caffeine is just for energy? Topical caffeine is a game-changer when it comes to getting rid of those under eye bags. Caffeine constricts your blood vessels and helps with swelling, making your skin appear smoother.

  1. Use products for hyperpigmentation

Hydroquinone, found in skin-lightening creams, inhibits melanin production, aiding in diminishing dark under-eye circles. Available by prescription from dermatologists, regular use is necessary for lasting effects. It’s best to apply it at night due to potential sunlight sensitivity. Be mindful of the possible side effects of these creams and consult a professional before introducing it into your skincare routine.

  1. Use sunscreen

Shielding your skin from the sun’s rays with sunscreen is crucial for combating various dermatological concerns, including under-eye bags and dark circles. Opt for broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher sunscreen. Be sure to reapply it throughout the day, as needed and consider additional protective measures like seeking shade and wearing appropriate clothing to minimize sun exposure.

  1. Avoid rubbing your eyes and treat your allergies

Reduce allergy symptoms by identifying and avoiding allergens and avoid rubbing your eyelids excessively. RUbbing your eyes and allergies can contribute to puffy dark circles under the eyes along with redness and itching.

  1. Stay elevated while you sleep

Elevate your head with extra pillows or by raising the top end of your bed to prevent fluid from pooling in your lower eyelids and causing puffiness while you sleep. Use two or more pillows, a wedge pillow, bed risers, or bricks placed under the bed posts.

  1. Get enough sleep

How you sleep and how much time you sleep for matter. Aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep nightly to maintain a healthy complexion and minimize the prominence of under eye circles. It’s important to implement a consistent sleep schedule, avoiding stimulants and large meals before bedtime, and practicing relaxation techniques to aid in restful sleep to reduce the appearance of shadows, dark circles and under eye bags.

  1. Quit smoking, if you smoke

Smoking accelerates collagen loss and depletes vitamin C in your body, leading to wrinkles, skin discoloration, under-eye bags and dark circles. Quitting smoking offers numerous health benefits like prolonged life, reduced risk of various health conditions and no under eye bags.


Dark under eye circles are often genetically influenced, yet their appearance can be lessened through lifestyle adjustments. There are a few dermatological procedures that offer further options for reducing their visibility, although maintenance sessions and lifestyle changes are imperative to sustain the results.

RIP, Pankaj Udhas


For over four decades, Pankaj Udhas occupied the limelight as one of the most popular ghazal singers in the country. Beginning his career when the 1980s ghazal wave commenced, he created an impact with simple and melodious songs.

The legendary singer passed away on February 26 (Monday) battling a prolonged illness. He was 72.

Seniors Today had carried this article by Narendra Kusnur on his 71st birthday where we selected 10 of his hits, rounding off by the end of the 1990s. The last two are popular film songs, and the others are from his private albums. This list is in no particular order.

Chandi Jaisa Rang

One of Udhas’s most popular songs at concerts, it has the lines, “Chandi jaisa rang hai tera, sone jaise baal, ek tu hi dhanwan hai gori, baaki sab kangaal”. While these lines were written by Qateel Shifai, the other shers were written specially for the song by Mumtaz Rashid. The process is known as ‘tazmeen’. The song was first performed at London’s Royal Albert Hall in 1984.

Ghungroo Toot Gaye

Another concert favourite, it was penned by Qateel Shifai. The opening lines were, “Mohe aayi na jag se laaj, main itna zor se naachi aaj, ki ghungroo toot gaye”. Though Udhas’s version remains hugely popular, the song has also been performed by Anup Jalota and Abida Parveen, besides being adapted by Vishal-Shekhar in the 2019 film War.

Aap Jinke Kareeb Hote Hain

The song creates an impact with its sheer simplicity and short meter structure. The lyrics, by Nooh Narvi, begin, “Aap jinke kareeb hote hain, woh bade khushnaseeb hote hain”. One of the shers is, “Mujhse milna phir aap ka milna, aap kisko naseeb hote hain”. This is from the 1984 album Tarannum.

Deewaron Se Milkar Rona

The song touches an emotional chord with Udhas singing, “Deewaron se milkar rona achcha lagta hai, hum bhi paagal ho jaayenge, aisa lagta hai”. Lyrics are by Qaisar-ul-Jafri. The song was used in the 1981 album Mu-Kar-Rar.

Jheel Mein Chaand

Poet Mumtaz Rashid, who passed away last month, wrote this gem, also from the album Mu-Kar-Rar. The lines are, “Jheel mein chaand nazar aayi thi hasrat uski, kabse aankhon mein liye baitha hoon soorat uski”. Whenever Udhas performs it live, a sense of melancholy fills the air.

Niklo Na Benaqab 

Also written by Mumtaz Rashid, this was used in the 1985 album Nayaab Vol 1. The main lines are, “Niklo na benaqab zamana kharaab hai, aur uspe yeh shabab zamana kharab hai”. After lockdown, people aired videos using the first line as a message encouraging people to wear masks.

Ek Taraf Uska Ghar

Some of Udhas’s songs revolve around the theme of intoxication, making them very popular among those who love a drink or two. This one by Zafar Gorakhpuri talks of a person’s dilemma. The main lines are, “Ae hamein zindagi kuchh toh de mashwara, ek taraf uska ghar, ek taraf maikada”.

Aur Ahista Keejiye Baatein

Zafar Gorakhpuri’s free verse is expressed beautifully by Udhas, with flute, female back-up vocals and keyboards playing at appropriate moments. The video of this song, featuring Sameera Reddy, was a success in its time.

Jiye To Jiye Kaise

This song has four versions in the 1991 film Saajan, with Udhas appearing as himself and singing one. Music is by Nadeem-Shravan, with Sameer writing, “Jiye toh jiye kaise, bin aapke, lagta nahin dil kahin, bin aapke”. Salman Khan and Madhuri Dixit also appeared on screen.

Chitthi Aayee Hai

A must at every Udhas show, this song has retained its popularity 36 years after the film Naam was released. Music is by Laxmikant-Pyarelal, with Anand Bakshi writing about the emotions of a person staying away from home. Udhas is shown singing the song at a concert with Sanjay Dutt and Amrita Singh in the audience.

Though this selection sticks to the 1980s and 1990s, there has been some fantastic music he’s released over the past two decades. Meriting special mention are Dasthakhat, a collection of Faiz Ahmed Faiz’s works, and his album Nayaab Lamhe with poet Gulzar. Udhas still attracts packed halls, and his shows are filled with nostalgia.


A Guide to Good Urinary Health


On 24 Feb, 2024, Seniors Today hosted their weekly Health Live Webinar with Dr Pankaj Maheshwari, a Senior Urologist at Fortis Hospital Mulund, who spoke on and answered questions about UTI and other Urinary Concerns in Seniors.

About Dr Pankaj Maheshwari

Dr Pankaj Maheshwari is Senior Consultant at Fortis Hospital Mulund. An MBBS and MS from GMC Nagpur, and a DNB and MCH in Urology from Grant Medical College, Mumbai in 1995 with eminent teachers like Dr Percy Chibber and Dr Madhav Kamat. He is also an FRCS from Glasgow.

He is a pioneer in the use of Holmium laser in India and trained in holmium laser prostatectomy with Dr Peter Gilling, NZ. He established the Holmium laser in 1998.

He has to his credit 75 Publications in national and international journals with an RG score of 31.42 (56 in indexed journals).

He is Co-editor of ‘Atlas of Endourology’ & USI’s Clinical Urology.

He has authored 10 chapters in different urology books.

He is a recipient of the Societe Internationale Urology Traveling Fellowship in 1999. He is a member of editorial board of Indian Journal of Urology and on review panel of more than 20 national and international urology journals.

He is a recipient of the Best Reviewer Award for J Endourol & IJU. He is Hon Treasurer of the Urology Society of India (2023-25). He is Ex-Treasurer of the West Zone Chapter of USI and is a Past-President of Lions International.

Urinary tract infection is one of the most common causes for patients coming to the hospital. It is the most common infection people suffer from.

Urinary tract infections can affect anyone at any point of time, since the time of their birth. It is more common in boys below the age of 5 years. Beyond that age, it is more common in girls and women.

There are certain bacterias which are normally present in our body and they are called commensals. These are helpful bacteria in the intestines which help with the process of digestion, they are also present in the urinary tract, vagina- and help in preventing aggressive infections.

But, if your immune system is not very strong, or if you are not consuming adequate amounts of water, or presence of any other disease which is causing an obstruction in the urinary tract- this can lead to the proliferation of the existing bacteria or it can also be due to entry of other bacterias and their growth which can lead to symptomatic urinary tract infections.

If your routine urine investigation shows presence of bacteria, it is not a cause for concern, since the bacteria present are commensals. Thus, every patient with a report showing presence of bacteria in their urine does not need to be treated for a urinary tract infection. Unless the individual is symptomatic or has immunocompromised status.

Urinary tract infections are more common in women for the following reasons:

  • Anatomic: urinary and vaginal passage are very close and the rectal passage is just behind. There is infection around the rectal passage, it is possible that the infection from there comes forward and enters the vaginal passage and from the vaginal passage it can further travel forward and enter the urinary passage.

Once in the urinary passage, the bacteria tend to rise up in the urethra, the urethral tube in women is short.

  • Sexual: sexual encounters can cause infection in the vaginal passage which can then enter the urinary passage.

Thus, urinary tract infections in women either start in the rectal or the vaginal area and then gain access to the urinary passage.

Urinary tract infection in men is not very common. If a male patient presents with a urinary tract infection, it is considered as a case of complicated urinary tract infection and it requires detailed evaluation and investigation.

A female patient with urinary tract infection is more common and is hence not treated as a case of complicated infection, due to the above mentioned reasons. And can thus be treated either symptomatically or with oral antibiotics and does not warrant a detailed evaluation.

However, if the female patient presents with a urinary tract infection 2 or more times in a period of 6 months or more than 3 in a year, then it is considered as a case of complicated urinary tract infection and requires a thorough and detailed evaluation.

This infection from the bladder can also travel up to the kidney. In kidneys, another source of infection can be blood borne infections wherein infection from anywhere in the body has reached the kidney.

Urinary tract infection is a broad term and can be further classified based on the site of infection.

  • Kidneys: Pyelonephritis
  • Urinary bladder: Cystitis
  • Outflow tubing (urethra): Urethritis

Cystitis is more common.

Pyelonephritis is rare and severe.

Patients with cystitis will have the following symptoms/ complains:

  • Increased frequency of urination
  • Inability to hold urine
  • During during micturition
  • Painful micturition
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Fever

Patients with pyelonephritis will have the following symptoms/ complains:

  • Flank pain
  • Associated symptoms such as nausea and vomiting
  • Fever

These patients may not have burning/ painful micturition due to the higher foci of infection.

Urinary tract infections are also more common in the senior age group. The causes for it are different for males and females.

In females:

  • Hormonal changes post menopause leading to the fall in the levels of oestrogen, leading to an acidic pH of the vagina and acidic pH tends to be medium for growth of bacteria.
  • Age related vaginitis, allowing the possibility of it entering the urinary tract

In males:

  • Obstruction of the urinary tract. The commonest of all is due to the prostate gland

In patients with diabetes, which is an immunocompromised state, thus, urinary tract infections are more severe in diabetic patients.

Once you have been diagnosed with a urinary tract infection, here’s what you do:

  • Clinical assessment by a doctor
  • Detailed evaluation

Depending on the severity of the infection, your physician will treat you with the necessary antibiotics, and treatment of any cause for obstructions.

When you’re asked to get your urine investigations, it is commonly thought that a morning/ first sample is required, however that is not true. Morning samples are only needed for the diagnosis of some specific conditions such as tuberculosis.

You do not need a morning sample, but you do need a fresh sample.

Ensure the following things:

  • Go to the lab yourself and give a fresh sample
  • Give it to the lab technician/ handler himself, avoid transportation of the sample as it might take time or the sample may not be preserved
  • In men, before giving the sample, the foreskin should be retracted and the penis cleaned with soapy water. Pass 50-60ml of urine and then collect 10ml. The initial and terminal urine should not be collected in the bottle. (Mid stream sample)
  • In females, the vagina needs to be opened with 2 fingers, washed with water. Pass 50-60ml of urine and then collect 10ml. The initial and terminal urine should not be collected in the bottle. (Mid stream sample)

Weekly Predictions – 26th February to 3rd March 2024 By Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla



AriesGanesha says Aries, welcome to a week of dynamic energy and exciting opportunities! With Mars ruling the Fire sign, you are on an exciting journey in the areas of love, career, money, and health. This week, Aries, love takes center stage as Venus dances through your relationships sector. Whether you’re in a committed partnership or walking down the path of singlehood, expect sparks to fly. Aries, your career is in the spotlight this week, with the Sun illuminating your professional sphere. The universe encourages you to show your leadership skills and take charge of projects. Your candor is your greatest asset, so don’t hesitate to be in the spotlight. With financial matters in the global spotlight, Aries, you are urged to take a closer look at your money management. With Mercury in your financial sector, this is an opportune time for strategic planning and budgeting. Your energetic and fiery nature can sometimes overshadow the importance of self-care. Prioritize your well-being this week. The alignment of Jupiter and Neptune encourages you to take a holistic approach to health.


TaurusGanesha says Taurus Welcome to another week of cosmic guidance! As a trusted Taurus, you will be filled with divine insights for a week that will shape your love life, career, finances, and well-being. Let the stars be your compass as you navigate through the cosmic currents. Embrace the energy, and let the universe light your path. This week, Taurus encourages you to deepen your relationships. Venus, your ruling planet, aligns with Neptune, promoting a romantic atmosphere. Taurus: The position of the planets in the career field is indicating a period of continuous progress. Your hard work and dedication are recognized, leading to potential advancement or opportunities. Taurus people need to make financially prudent decisions. Be careful in financial transactions due to Mercury retrograde. Review the budget, double-check investments, and avoid impulse purchases.


GeminiGanesha says be prepared to uncover the cosmic energies waiting for you in the coming week. Shapes your love life, career path, financial activities, and health journey. The alignment of Venus and Mars promises a passionate whirlwind in your romantic sector. Single people may find themselves attracted to someone interesting, which can lead to a relationship that feels like destiny. In the professional sphere, cosmic winds are propelling you toward innovation and collaboration. Mercury, your ruling planet, is aligned with Uranus, promoting creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. Embrace new ideas and consider unconventional approaches to long-standing challenges. Networking proves to be the golden key to career advancement. Financially, the stars indicate a period of stability and prudent decision-making. The influence of Jupiter increases your financial efficiency, enabling you to invest wisely. On the health front, this is the time to pay attention to your health. The Sun’s energy encourages you to engage in activities that nourish both your body and mind. Include a balanced mix of exercise, meditation, and healthy diet choices.


CancerGanesha says Cancerians welcome you to a week of divine energy that promises change and growth. In matters of the heart, this week encourages you to deepen your emotional relationships. Venus’s alignment with your sign promotes an atmosphere of tenderness and understanding. If you’re in a relationship, take time to have candid conversations with your partner. Share your dreams, fears, and aspirations, as this will create a stronger bond between the two of you. On the professional front, your ambitions are supported. The incoming energy of the New Year encourages you to set career goals and envision a path forward. Focus on your long-term objectives and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Colleagues and superiors will appreciate your dedication, possibly leading to recognition or new opportunities. From an economic point of view, this week can bring positive developments. With the Sun highlighting your financial sector, it’s an opportune time to assess your budget and financial goals. Consider making wise investments or restructuring your savings plan. In terms of health, it is important to pay attention to both your physical and emotional well-being. Be it through exercise, meditation, or just moments of solitude, be sure to nourish your body and mind.


LeoGanesha says as the Sun takes its royal place in fiery and confident Leo, a feeling of power and passion engulfs the zodiac. In matters of the heart, the universe promises passion and connection this week. Venus, the planet of love, graces her romantic zone with its divine glow. This is the perfect time to express your feelings openly and embrace the fiery spirit of Leo in your relationships. As the week progresses, your professional life is filled with possibilities. The dynamic energy of Mars in Leo inspires him to move forward, awakening his desire for success and recognition. Now is your time to showcase your talents, lead, and take bold career steps. Financially, cosmic energies urge you to adopt a strategic approach. With Mercury lining up with disciplined Saturn, this week presents an opportunity for them to assess their budget, invest wisely, and plan for future prosperity. You are advised to stay focused on your long-term financial goals and avoid impulsive spending. Your well-being has been in the global spotlight this week, with people urged to prioritize self-care. The influence of the Sun provides him with vitality, but it is necessary to channel this energy wisely. Incorporating physical activities that bring joy and relaxation will not only boost your health but will also enhance your overall well-being.


VirgoGanesha says your love life will take center stage this week as Venus, the planet of love, graces your relationship sector. Whether you’re in a committed partnership or exploring new connections, the energy encourages deep emotional connections and understanding. Communication is important, and expressing your feelings openly can strengthen the bond between you. On the career front, the position of your ruling planet Mercury, in Virgo, suggests a week of clarity and effective communication. Your analytical skills are heightened, making this an ideal time to tackle challenging tasks and projects. Don’t shy away from expressing your views; Your unique perspective can lead to innovative solutions. Financially, Virgo, this week encourages you to take a closer look at your budget and investments. With the practical influence of Saturn, this is an opportune time to assess your long-term financial goals and make strategic decisions. Consider consulting a financial advisor if necessary and be conscious of your spending habits. Virgo, as the year comes to an end, prioritize your well-being. The Sun’s influence encourages you to focus on maintaining a balance between work and self-care. Listen to your body’s signals and make sure you get enough rest.


LibraGanesha says this week, love takes center stage. If you’re in a relationship, expect a surge of passion and romantic spontaneity. Embrace the energy to deepen your connection with your partner. People with the Libra zodiac sign are moving towards success in their career fields. Your charm and diplomacy will work wonders in negotiation and team collaboration. A new project or responsibility may come your way and this is your time to shine. Take advantage of the opportunity to showcase your skills and take calculated risks. Libra: Financial matters will be in the headlines this week. Now is the time to re-evaluate your budget and make informed decisions. Be conscious of your expenses and consider long-term investments. Unexpected financial opportunities may arise but evaluate them thoroughly before committing. Libra, prioritize self-care and wellness this week. Balance is your forte, but make sure you extend that harmony to your physical and mental health. Consider incorporating mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga into your daily routine.


ScorpioGanesha says your companion is there to illuminate the whispers and guide you through the stars. In matters of the heart, Scorpio, the stars are set to bring intensity and passion to your relationships. This week, communication takes center stage, fostering a deeper connection with your partner. Express your feelings openly and be receptive to your significant other’s feelings. Scorpio, business activities will be highlighted this week, as cosmic energies will lead you towards success. Your innate determination and strategic mindset will be your greatest assets. Financial matters come into the global spotlight, urging Scorpios to assess their fiscal strategies. This week is ideal for budgeting and reevaluating investment portfolios. Consider consulting a financial advisor or consultant to make informed decisions. Encourages Scorpio to prioritize self-care and well-being. Balance is key – mind, body, and spirit. Engage in activities that refresh your soul, whether it’s a quiet walk in nature or mindful meditation.


SagittariusGanesha says makes sweet promises to Sagittarius people. The conjunction of Venus and Mars encourages you to express your desires openly. If you’re in a relationship, embrace spontaneity and let passion guide your actions. The professional sphere is inspired by exciting opportunities, Sagittarius. The sun’s kind rays illuminate your career path, giving recognition to your hard work. Accept challenges as a stepping stone to success. Collaborative ventures and networking efforts yield meaningful results. Financial prospects shine favourably, Sagittarius. The influence of Mercury pushes you to reconsider your budget and investment strategies. Consider exploring new sources of income and be wary of potential windfalls. As the moon grows, a divine sign reminds you to prioritize your well-being, Sagittarius. Engage in activities that nourish your body and spirit. Whether it’s a brisk outdoor adventure or a quiet meditation session, listen to your inner voice.


CapricornGanesha says this week, cosmic alignments encourage Capricorns to focus on developing deeper connections in their relationships. Whether you’re in a committed partnership or exploring new romantic avenues, communication is key. Share your thoughts and feelings openly and listen carefully to your partner. Capricorn, your professional efforts will be in the global spotlight this week. The hard work you have put in in your career is going to bear fruit. Opportunities for advancement or recognition may arise, so be prepared to showcase your skills and expertise. Financial stability is a major focus for Capricorns this week. This is an excellent time to assess your budget, investments, and long-term financial goals. Consider seeking advice from trusted financial experts to optimize your monetary strategies. Capricorn people pay attention to your physical health this week. Cosmic energies encourage a holistic approach to health. Balance your work commitments with self-care practices.


AquariusGanesha says this week, Aquarius people will find themselves immersed in a bottomless ocean of emotions. Venus, the planet of love, casts its enchanting glow on your relationships. Single Aquarius may discover a new relationship that will spark their intellectual curiosity and passion. Career-related activities are in the spotlight this week as the Sun illuminates your professional sphere. Known for their innovative thinking, Aquarius natives are ready to showcase their unique skills at the workplace. If you’re considering a bold move or coming up with a groundbreaking idea, now is the time to act. Financial matters will get a boost this week, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, will look favorably on your financial sector. Aquarius may find unexpected opportunities for financial growth, whether through investments, partnerships, or innovative ventures. Your well-being takes center stage this week, as Mars encourages you to channel your energy into physical activities. Whether it’s a new fitness routine, an outdoor adventure, or a mindfulness practice, prioritize activities that nourish both your body and mind.


piscesGanesha says in matters of the heart, Pisces, this week invites you to explore the depths of emotional connection. Venus, the planet of love, graces your romantic sector, casting a gentle glow on your relationships. Existing bonds may deepen, leading to a feeling of deeper intimacy. Pisces, the cosmic energies swirling around your professional sphere promise both challenges and opportunities. With Mars igniting the flame of ambition, you may be inspired to pursue your career goals with unwavering determination. Seize the moment, but proceed with caution. Pisces, your financial situation may experience subtle waves this week, as Mercury transits your monetary sector. This divine messenger encourages strategic thinking and careful planning in money-related matters. Assess your financial landscape wisely, identifying areas for growth and potential investment. Nourish the temple of your being, dear Pisces, creating a harmonious vessel for the soul for a healthy body and mind. As the sun shines its bright rays on your health, focus on holistic self-care. Adopt mindfulness practices like meditation or gentle yoga to focus your energy.

Birthday Predictions – 26th February to 3rd March 2024 By Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla


26th February

Ganesha says that as the economy improves, you get the benefits of your leave. You may be in a better position financially if you start new projects and plans. You can be proud of your children’s achievements. You will be relieved to know that any pending legal issues can be resolved successfully. Patients who have any chronic disease may need to take special care of themselves. The benefits of yoga and meditation are immense. Your financial commitments may increase and you may earn good profits.

27th February

Ganesha says that getting new sources of income can improve your financial condition. New agreements can be very beneficial. You may undertake fruitful journeys frequently which may yield desired results. You may want to seek blessings from a spiritual person or visit some holy place. Getting support and benefits from influential people can be a result of your extrovert personality. During this period, there is a possibility of transaction of real estate or purchase of a vehicle.

28th February

Ganesha says you are urged not to trust others too much at this time, especially in important matters. It would not be in your best interest to disclose private and confidential information. The sudden influence of a spiritual person can bring amazing changes in your life. In addition to giving you love and attention, your spouse and family may be sympathetic to your concerns. Long-distance travel may take some people abroad. In a workplace environment, you may be required to handle important tasks with a high level of responsibility.

29th February

Ganesha says may today be a day to remember, full of success and luck. Women may benefit at this time as new opportunities may emerge to advance their job prospects. The elders and younger ones in the family may need a lot of your attention. Your spouse’s health may give you cause for worry and anxiety. Students should focus on their schoolwork and plan for the future. Romance and new relationships are possible for unmarried people.

1st March

Ganesha says that success today means being happy in whatever you do. You may get attractive returns on past investments and long pending legal issues may be resolved in your favor. You may receive unexpected financial and kind donations from your entire family and friends. Some minor health problems may occur due to stress and tension. You may become more spiritually connected and this can have a profound effect on the way you think and behave.

2nd March

Ganesh says it appears the day could bring awards and accolades for women working in the advertising and marketing industries as well as scientists, lawyers, and writers. As the day progresses, your financial gains may increase, due to which you may spend more on luxuries. Do not ignore medical advice when necessary as health issues may increase anxiety. If you and your family members can communicate better, your family can be happier, more peaceful, and more prosperous.

3rd March

Ganesha says today is the ideal time to implement important changes and make decisive choices. We can resolve issues related to real estate, partnerships, and new businesses. Some positive news is expected from the children’s side. Today’s highlights may include reconstruction, construction, and social gatherings. Growth and success can come automatically if you focus your efforts. Opportunities for both business and leisure travel abroad may arise. Profits can be achieved through selective betting.

Swap your coffee with these drinks


If coffee plays a crucial role in your morning routine, you’re likely aware of the productivity and health perks it offers and for many people, coffee is the preferred morning beverage.

However, sometimes your reliance on coffee and its caffeine kick becomes apparent when you’re frantically searching for that last drop of cold brew. For some, this dependency signals the need to find an alternative. Despite being one of the most popular drinks globally, quitting coffee, regardless of the motive, can pose challenges without a suitable replacement.

Is there a substitute that matches the taste and benefits of your beloved morning lattes?

Perhaps not precisely, but numerous coffee alternatives can provide the energy and health benefits needed to kickstart your day.

The question remains: Do they deliver?

Here are some coffee alternatives to try —

Green tea

Green tea is a widely embraced alternative to coffee due to its significantly lower caffeine content, approximately 70% less. Renowned for its abundance of polyphenols, it not only presents potential benefits for weight management and lowering your risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes but also boasts a delicate flavour profile that has earned it favour in many kitchens. Moreover, green tea stands out for its ease of digestion on an empty stomach, making it particularly appealing for digestive relief compared to milk based beverages. Beyond its caffeine content, green tea is a treasure trove of antioxidants, aiding in reducing inflammation in your body, enhancing your brain function and promoting overall well being. Furthermore, it contains L-theanine, an amino acid renowned for inducing relaxation and mitigating stress. While its taste may differ from coffee, green tea’s subtly bitter and earthy notes can be tailored to your tastes with the addition of sweeteners and the amount of time you brew the teabag or loose leaves.


Matcha, a finely powdered green tea, is crafted by steaming, drying and milling the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. Characterised by a refreshing, earthy taste profile, matcha offers ample antioxidants and approximately 70 milligrams of caffeine per serving, imparting a morning pick-me-up minus the typical coffee-induced jitters.

Unlike standard green tea preparation methods, matcha entails consuming the entire leaf, resulting in a concentrated antioxidant source, notably rich in epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Research indicates that regular green tea intake, comparable in catechin levels to matcha, may mitigate your risk of hypertension and confer advantages such as weight management and reduced susceptibility to type 2 diabetes. Moreover, matcha features theanine, fostering relaxation and heightened alertness, serving as a noteworthy coffee substitute.

Golden milk or Haldi doodh

Golden milk, a beloved caffeine-free alternative to coffee, emerges as a comforting and warmly spiced beverage imbued with the flavours of ginger, cinnamon and black pepper along with the hero ingredient of turmeric. Not only do these spices contribute to its vibrant golden colour, but they also offer potential anti-inflammatory benefits, primarily attributed to curcumin found in turmeric. The combination of turmeric with black pepper facilitates curcumin absorption, while the inclusion of fats, like whole milk, enhances its bioavailability. Rising to prominence within the clean-eating movement, golden milk is revered for its healthful attributes, with turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties taking centre stage. This adaptable drink allows for personalization with additional spices such as cardamom and sweeteners like honey or vanilla or dairy free milk alternatives, tailored to your individual preferences. Moreover, being devoid of caffeine, golden milk is calming and nourishing beverage choice.

Black tea

Black tea, while containing more caffeine than green tea yet less than coffee, provides a stimulating effect with fewer side effects than coffee. With a taste profile reminiscent of coffee but a lower caffeine content, it’s an ideal option if you’re looking to cut back on caffeine. Versatile in its consumption, black tea can be enjoyed hot or iced, with or without milk and it even pairs well with various foods. Brewing black tea at the optimal temperature of around 212 degrees Fahrenheit ensures the release of its full flavour and aroma without bitterness. When in need of a caffeine boost, opt for a cup of black tea for a delicious and revitalising alternative.

Chai or masala chai

Chai is not only for the melancholy during a typical monsoon Monday. A flavourful blend of black tea and aromatic spices, chai, offers a delightful alternative to coffee. While it contains less caffeine than coffee, studies suggest that black tea, the base of chai, may still enhance your mental alertness. Both black and green teas boast antioxidant properties, with moderate consumption potentially linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, though further research is needed. Chai’s robust flavour and comforting aroma make it a top tier addition to any morning routine. With its blend of spices like cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and clove, now turned into masala chai provides a gentle caffeine kick to start your day. Enjoy a cup of chai or masala chai on its own or with milk and honey.


To break away from coffee or similar beverages, opt for a smoothie. This satisfying drink can be packed with fruits, vegetables, protein and your preferred choice of base like almond milk, water or coconut water. You can even add a boost of caffeine by incorporating matcha powder, yerba mate, or another brewed tea.

Lemon water

Swap your morning coffee for refreshing lemon water; calorie- and caffeine-free, it’s rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, aiding hydration and offering you a zesty alternative with potential health benefits like aiding digestion and boosting your metabolism.

Yerba mate

Yerba mate, a naturally caffeinated herbal tea derived from the dried leaves of the South American holly tree, offers a comparable caffeine content to coffee, along with an abundance of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. It has a distinct bitter and smoky taste and it should be enjoyed the traditional way- chilled in a yerba mate gourd with a metal straw. However, moderation is key due to potential links between high consumption and increased cancer risk. Despite this, yerba mate remains a popular coffee substitute and energy drink alternative.

Dandelion coffee

Dandelion coffee, crafted from roasted dandelion roots, offers a delicious and nutritious alternative to traditional coffee, boasting a slightly bitter taste and rich flavour. Packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, it serves as a healthy option, aiding digestion and promoting overall well-being.

Chicory root coffee

Chicory root, a caffeine-free alternative to coffee, offers a similar taste profile to coffee while being rich in the beneficial fibre inulin, promoting digestion and gut health. It can be easily brewed like regular coffee and may also support heart health, although it should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding. A cup of chicory root coffee is as good as a steaming cup of joe.

Apple cider vinegar drink

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is crafted through the fermentation of crushed apples, yielding acetic acid, which positively impacts your insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels. It’s essential to dilute ACV before consuming it. Combining ACV with honey creates a tangy-sweet drink known for its health-boosting properties, offering immune support, improved digestion, allergy relief, enhanced heart health and weight management benefits, all while being low in calories and sugar. The blend’s slightly sour taste from ACV is balanced by honey’s natural sweetness, making it a palatable and nutritious alternative to coffee.


Kombucha, a fermented black tea rich in probiotics, acetic acid and antioxidants, offers potential health benefits, particularly for your gut health.

Herbal teas

Herbal teas serve as excellent coffee alternatives, offering various flavours and potential health benefits without the caffeine. Options like chamomile, peppermint and ginger teas provide a soothing and refreshing experience, while rooibos and dandelion root teas offer rich, earthy flavours. Additionally, herbal teas like hibiscus and lemon balm can provide antioxidant properties and support overall well-being, making them a delightful choice for those seeking a flavorful and caffeine-free alternative to coffee.

In a nutshell…

While coffee boasts various health benefits, it might not be suitable for everyone. Fortunately, numerous alternatives exist, offering unique advantages like antioxidants, probiotics, and acetic acid.

If you’re experiencing coffee-related issues such as jitteriness or digestive discomfort, experts suggest trying alternatives to satisfy your coffee cravings. Explore these options for a healthier alternative to coffee and discover the perfect beverage to kickstart your day sustainably.

​Entertainment Review: Poacher


The new web series, Poacher (Amazon Prime Video), directed by Richie Mehta (Delhi Crime), shows once again that the country would have been hollowed out by apathy and corruption, were it not for the unflinching honesty of a handful of a few fearless people.

The eight-part series starts with the shooting of an elephant, and each episode shows the decomposition of the carcass, till, in the last episode, there’s just a skeleton. It leads to one of the most powerful and moving images seen at the end of an absolutely gripping series. It is based on the true story that took place in 2015, of forest officials, cops, wildlife conservationists hunting and shutting down a ring of ruthless poachers, smugglers, with a huge hall of contraband ivory.

Nobody would have cared much for the depleting numbers of elephants in a Kerala forest if a conscience-stricken man had not gone to the media and wildlife authorities exposing the extent of the killing and ivory smuggling. A corrupt cop allows the local hunter to escape, but it also brings down higher ups, who give Neel Banerjee (Dibyendu Bhattacharya) carte blanche to flush out the gang, and he brings on board Mala Jogi (Nimisha Sajayan) who is languishing in a bird sanctuary. Mala, in turn, seeks the help of a Delhi-based data analyst Alan Joseph (Roshan Mathew), and a suspended cop Babu Vijay (Ankith Madhav), who used to be her boyfriend.

When they pick up Morris Finn (Amal Rajdev), one of the links in the chain, they discover that the smuggling ring involves many powerful people and as one of the kingpins, Poonam Verma (Sapna Sand), an art gallery owner in Delhi, with high profile clients. There is an active connivance of law enforcement officials at every level, because the money involved makes the ivory more valuable than gold.

Using a talented cast, mostly from Kerala, where a large part of the show is shot on breathtakingly beautiful locations, with the camera (DOP-Johan Heurlin Aidt) pausing to give the viewer a glimpse of the rich flora and fauna that is endangered because of human greed and cruelty. Most people, who would not kill living beings themselves, do not respond with adequate alarm to news of hunting and poaching because it’s only animals. But there is a delicate balance of nature that is disturbed when species are wiped out, the true impact of which would be felt decades later, probably much too late to undo the damage. As a character says, pointing fingers at a sensation-chasing media, that they made a hero out of a poacher, like Veerappan.

Neel, Mala and Alan go much beyond the call of duty to unravel the complicated web of hunters, buyers, suppliers and customers, all equally to blame for the brutal killing of elephants. Poachers has action scenes, gentle pauses for shots like elephants crossing the road, and during one chase sequence, Mala halts the speeding vehicle to let a line of ducks to pass. Interspersed with their crusade are stories of their personal lives, which are admittedly not too interesting, but serve to humanize these courageous characters who would otherwise be turned into Bollywood-style superheroes.

Viewers outside of Kerala will discover the wonderful actress that is Nimisha Sajayan. Roshan Mathew,  Dibyendu Bhattacharya and others like Kani Kusruti as a cop punished for her zeal, and fit their parts and help make Poacher (co-produced by Alia Bhatt) one of the best shows likely to come out this year.


Directed by Richie Mehta
Cast:  Nimisha Sajayan, Roshan Mathew, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Kani Kusruti, Ranjitha Menon, Maala Parvathi
On Amazon Prime Video

6 Teas to Calm Inflammation


Are you a tea addict?

Does your day not surface before you have downed your ‘garam cup of chai’?

Do you know that this cup of tea may not be the best for your health?

Before I suggest a switch over to teas that will promote your health, I’d like to share a few tip and precautions for tea drinkers —

  • Long-term use of tea bags is proven to be carcinogenic – teabags release epichlorohydrin (a carcinogen) when dipped in hot water. Start the practice of using loose tea leaves, or empty the tea bag contents into a strainer and dip the strainer into your cup of hot water. A teapot with an infuser works for brewing many cups of tea.
  • Five minutes is the maximum time needed to brew tea, 80-90% of its oxidant content is extracted in the first five minutes, longer time does not extract much more.
  • Don’t forget that tea leaves are made from plants, they can spoil or lose their potency with time. Always look for the manufacture date on the package.
  • Most teas are treated with pesticides and herbicides, so be aware and choose high-quality, organic or pesticide-free varieties. In fact I would go to the extent of telling you to use fresh ingredients whenever possible, quality over quantity.
  • Always store tea in airtight containers, if not properly stored, they can breed mycotoxins, a harmful byproduct from fungus that can grow on some foods has been found in tea.

So here’s why the next section of this article is good for you, your health

and good for conserving your wealth too.

As a naturopath, I always look for fresh food from the kitchen; plants, herbs and spices have been used medicinally for centuries, so concocting these fresh brews or shopping for these anti-inflammatory teas, a switch from your usual black tea can improve your health and keep disease at bay.

Try these home remedies of anti-inflammatory teas —


How did green tea get its name? Green tea comes from the same shrub as black tea, it is the processing of the leaves that is done differently, and it is this processing method that allows them to retain their green colour. Matcha powder is nothing but finely ground green tea leaves, due to its slow release of caffeine into your system, Matcha has gained worldwide popularity. 

Why Green tea?

Polyphenols are a health-promoting compounds in green tea, the most potent of which is Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which has anti-inflammatory properties to help disapate flare-ups associated with Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis. As well as heart disease and Alzeheimer’s.


From our very own ancient Ayurveda treatments, ‘Tulsi’ is the queen of herbs. Holy to be grown at home to keep your mind, thoughts, emotions, stress and your environment pure. All of which are the root cause of disease. Holy Basil promotes health.

Why Holy Basil tea?

This adaptogenic herb in alternative medicine and has anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Gout, rheumatoid arthritis, uric acid conditions are also reduced. 

Just pluck a few leaves off your plant and brew in hot water for five minutes, or buy organic Tulsi tea.


Our ancestors really lacked marketing skills, long before the golden milk became a worldwide rage, ‘haldidoodh’ was our staple night drink. The active ingredient in turmeric, circumin, is known for its anti-inflammatory effects. 

Why Tumeric tea?

This edible root or rhizome can be peeled, minced, sliced or dried into a powder and used in food preparations. But most effective is an early morning brew of slices of fresh haldi brewed for five minutes in hot water. It is an antiseptic, it relieves joint pain, muscle soreness, IBD and heart disease.

TIP: Curcumin is better absorbed with some black pepper – add a pinch to your brew.


Why Ginger tea?

Over fifty different antioxidant compounds have been identified in ginger, many of them minimize the production of cytokines (a pro-inflammatory substance in our bodies)

Peel it, slice it, grate it, dry it to a powder (soot) Add to a cup of hot water and enjoy the early morning benefits.


The residue of a rose bush after the flowers have fallen off is the rose hip bud. Rose hip have been used for medicinal purposes for over 2000 years. 

Why rose hip tea?

It is packed with anti oxidants, beta carotene, vitamin C, all protect your cells from damage, rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and inhibit the cox-1 and cox-2 enzymes, which trigger inflammation and pain

To make rosehip tea, use about 10 whole, fresh or dried rose hips and mash or crumble them. Mix them with about 1 1/2 cups of very hot (not boiling) water and let them steep for five minutes. Strain the drink to remove the solids and add honey if desired.


The flavor of the seeds from the Mediterranean fennel plant is often compared to that of licorice or anise. 

Why fennel tea?

Some research indicates that fennel may reduce menstruation-related pain, which may be due to its powerful anti-inflammatory compounds.

Fennel tea – Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 2 teaspoons of crushed fennel seeds and let them steep for five minutes. Add honey or sweetener if you like.

Concoctions of any of the above are super tasty, be creative, follow your taste buds and combine herbs, add spices like cinnamon, cardamom or fruit slices of lemon, orange.

Finally —

With so many varieties and flavours to choose from or concoct, you will never tire of this early morning cup of health. Drinking tea made from these plants, herbs, spices have been beneficial for thousands of years. Enjoy the benefits.

P.S. Always consult your doctor to see that this does not interfere with your medication.

Tips to make your bedroom more romantic


I have always been intrigued by the culture of Japanese race, they are so polite and respectful to people at large, and even express disagreement in a soft musical tone.

Reading up on what makes them develop into these kind people is a couple of things they are taught to imbibe from a young age —

IKIGAI — means having a purpose in life, a reason to wake up to each morning, simple four concepts of IKIGAI – do what you love, do what you are good at, do what the world needs and do what you can be paid for.

KAIZEN — means focusing on small improvements everyday, as small as a 1% better version of yourself.

SHOSHIN — approach everything with a beginner mindset. It’s a concept from Zen Buddhism- “when your mind is empty, you can fill it with new good stuff, but if your mind is filled with noise, there is no space to try out new concepts.

HARA HACHI BU — stop eating when you are 80% full, or else you will feel lethargic.

SHINRIN-YOKU — Shinrin means forest and Yoku means bath, yes spend time basking and bathing in nature.

WABI-SABI — find beauty in imperfection.

GANBARU — be patient, do your best in all situations.

Now that you have read this far, you may ask, what is the connection with the heading of this article –‘Making your bedroom romantic once again.’

Well, if as an older adult you have not evolved to what the Japanese culture teaches, you will not be able to pass on joy and happiness to anyone. Your partner in bed needs that the most, to unwind for the day feeling peace and joy to waking up with a purpose for a new day- smiling. This can only be passed on from one human to another; no worldly riches can provide this. Once you develop a mindset of joy in your soul no matter the external factors you will exude joy wherever you go.

Having said all this, when internally all is well, external factors can definitely spice up the bedroom. Yes ambiance matters too.

A few tips that would definitely spice up the bedroom —

LIGHTING — it’s a personal preference—lights off or lights on? Set a happy medium.

If you like dark, dim candlelight can make a happy medium or open curtains with streetlights is a wow factor.

If you like bright sunlight, sheer curtains could keep out the glare for your partner.

MUSIC — choose the genre that both like, sing along too or dancing could be great foreplay.

COLOURS- TEXTURE- CLOTHING — these are very important, soothing colours-  like lavender, blues are relaxing and red, hot pink are game-changers, go with the mood of the day.

Texture- while satin feels soft and smooth, it also causes a lot of static- watch out for these people repellant fabrics. Soft cotton breathes best or for those cold winter nights lambskin works well.

Clothing- definitely get out of those slouchy track pants and sweaters or long maxi kaftans. Know your partners’ likes and dislikes.

AROMAS — not necessarily candles or infuser oils, it could be the cologne that gels with your body chemistry, the shower gel or body lotion. Try your natural odour sometimes, it works best.

THE BEDROOM —Screens are a spoiler, how do you deal with it? Put on some soothing background if you must, or something romantic to get you into the mood, but definitely off when the steam picks up.

Art and artifacts should be bedroom appropriate, not family or ancestor’s portraits.

Furniture in a bedroom should be loungy and comfy, sink-in furniture.

Your bed, mattress, sheets, pillows, should be the best investment of your life. After all you spend 8-9 hours a day on it, your body revives and your soul thrives. Get on with it.

“Let’s talk about spicing up our marriage” can be one of the biggest deterrents to get you back on track, especially for men. Heavy discussions are for the boardroom, here acts of kindness work — a great meal and a glass of wine, words of affirmation throughout the day can lead up to a romantic evening, gentle touching, flowers, unannounced gifts will definitely be more effective.

Ask a woman what would spice up things for her?

Ask a man what would spice up things for him?

Here are some researched answers —

“She wanted a higher bed, a room with velvety, red curtains and a soft, fluffy area rug. She wanted scented candles and her favorite piece of art on the wall across from her bed. ​

Her husband listened. Later on, while his wife visited a friend for the day, he bought a thick mattress topper to elevate the bed, red curtains, a lambskin rug, and an oil diffuser with varied scents. He took the art out of storage, mounted it on the wall, and surprised her with a whole new bedroom when she returned. “

Confidence is one of the biggest aphrodisiacs around — feeling good about you can help both people when it comes to foreplay, the play and after play.

Spot the Difference #99

Spot the difference

Spot the Difference.


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Here’s Help if you Suffer From Foot Cramps at Night


Do you know that approximately 60% of Adults report nocturnal foot or calf cramps?

What does a foot or calf cramp feel like?

A sudden tightening of your muscle almost like a knot in your calf or the underside of your foot where you feel a nerve pinched or you can’t move your toes, especially the big toe. This sensation can last from anywhere between a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the intensity. Once it subsides, you may feel soreness in the muscle for a while. While it is known to be no cause for great alarm, you are awoken from your deep slumber as they usually occur at night. Once it subsides you usually fall back again into a deep sleep. In a few cases you could have a repeated episode.

Here is a list of what may cause the cramp and the action you need to spring into for its instant relief and future prevention:

 What may be the cause: INACTIVITY

Do you sit with the wrong posture, especially your spine?

Do you sit for long periods of time?

Are you generally an inactive person?

If you have responded YES to the above, know that being inactive makes your muscles stiff and slackens blood flow to the lower body. This causes cramps, especially at night as we tend to stretch our body while asleep, sending muscles into a cramp as blood circulation is slow and even in the sleep position.

The prevention or treatment:

  • Try examining your sleep position to see if it might be contributing to nighttime cramping.
  • Sleeping with your feet pointing downwards may contribute to poor circulation.
  • Try sleeping on your back or side with a pillow underneath your knees.
  • If you are inactive throughout the day, become aware and consciously take a few steps every hour.

 What may be the cause: MUSCLE OVEREXERTION

Do you know that muscle fibers in your feet continually contract and expand to allow movement?

So jumping out of your seat and rushing for a walk may fatigue your calf and foot muscles and later result in night cramping, due to overexertion of muscles.

The prevention or treatment:

Get up slowly from your seat, stretch your legs fully and then begin to walk, gradually increasing your speed. Do not over do the exercising bit, fatigue depletes your body of oxygen and allows waste products to build up. This build up can cause cramping and night spasms.

 What may be the cause: IMPROPER FOOTWEAR

Your feet hold your entire body’s weight, so be kind to them, invest in proper fitted footwear so your landing is soft and you are protected from hard surfaces, which can impair blood circulation, damage nerves, all resulting in spasms and cramps.

The prevention or treatment

Always invest in proper footwear. Do extensive homework. Own a pair of shoes for your walks, a pair of slippers to walk in when at home and a couple of shoes for your outings. Ladies- Make sure the heels are platform or wedges; stilettoes are for the bubbling youth. Or if you must – wear them for a minimum amount of time. Men- you too, get comfortable shoes where you can wiggle your toes, breathing fabric for socks and shoes will help.

 What may be the cause: DEHYDRATION

How many glasses of water –yes water a day are you drinking? How much is enough, though the norm is 6-8 glasses a day, listen to your body, you may need more than the norm. If you are dehydrated you will feel parched and suffer night cramping. At times after an illness, a bout of diarrhea or an activity in the sun may need extra water intake.

The prevention or treatment: Be aware of your body’s needs and adjust your water intake. Tea, coffee, soft drinks and alcohol are not hydrating for the body and they do not count in the daily water intake.

If your exercise routine makes you sweat excessively, you could dehydrate quickly, draining your body of fluids, salts, minerals. Replace them.

If you have had an excessive night of alcohol intake you will definitely be dehydrated. Your nerves will also be affected; symptoms include muscle cramping, weakness, numbness and tingling in your arms and legs. Up your water intake and supplement intake.

NOTE: if your urine is clear throughout the day, it is a sign of good hydration.


What may be the cause: HEALTH ISSUES

Health issues lead us to take medication, medication always has a side effect (don’t fool yourself about this one) It will take charge of the health issue, but deplete minerals and vitamins from the body too.

Medical conditions associated with cramping and spasms are- spinal stenosis, peripheral arterial disease, kidney disease, anemia, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, type – 1/2 diabetes, osteoarthritis and Parkinson’s disease.

If you are on medication for any of these like- blood pressure medication, statins, and diuretics or on dialysis, you could be prone to cramping.

The prevention or treatment:

Daily stretching of your posterior muscle groups, you can do these in bed as you retire for the day and as you wake up before getting out of bed. This stretching will keep the muscles supple and reduce or totally rid the cramping. A blood test will tell you if you are lacking any mineral or vitamin, especially potassium and magnesium.

Note:  that taking too many supplements may actually cause more harm than good, so see a doctor and get tested before adding supplements to your diet.


In a nutshell—

  • A weekly deep tissue massage will help circulation. Daily applying of essential oils to your feet such as- geranium, chamomile, coriander, and ylang-ylang oils, they have anti-spasmodic properties.
  • Someone once told me to bang my foot on the ground 7 times and the cramp will subside- it works.
  • Pressing down on your big toe and flexing your foot gently with taking deep breaths helps.
  • Walking around jiggling your legs every one-hour of the day, will keep your circulation going.
  • If you are on your feet all day, remember to get shoes with a firm heel counter for better support.
  • Water intake 2-4 liters a day.
  • Eat all food groups, a well-balanced diet, supplement minerals and vitamins; we need them as we grow older.
  • SELF-CARE the greatest of all, if you don’t have a happy heart, you cannot pass on happiness to others. Your body and soul need peace, rest, joy- make these a priority. Change your lifestyle to make YOU feel loved and cared by YOU.

Tips to Prevent and Handle Cardiac Diseases


On 17 February, Health Live@Seniors Today hosted Dr Kaushal Chhattrapati. He spoke on and answered questions about Preventive Cardiology and Medication Management.

Dr Kaushal Chhatrapati is a senior interventional cardiologist based in Mumbai. He completed his MBBS in 1997 from KJ Somaiya Medical College, University of Mumbai. And his MD in Internal Medicine from Grant Medical College & Sir JJ Group of Hospitals, University of Mumbai in the year 2001. He then pursued his DM in Cardiology passed out in the 2005 from Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Mumbai

He has many International Society Fellowships to his name:

– Fellowship of American College of Cardiology (USA)(FACC)

– Fellowship of Society of Coronary Angiography & Intervention (USA)(FSCAI)

– Fellowship of European Society of Cardiology (FESC)

And Post Doctoral Fellowships/Courses like Fellowship in Advanced Interventional Cardiology, Mount Sinai Hospital from New York, (USA). He has also been trained in Advanced Heart Failure Therapies and Transplantation from the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (USA).

The number of cases with heart disease have increased over the past few years. This is because we have been a little casual in our attitude towards our health, we do not exercise enough and our diet includes junk food.

And this is not the only reason, another reason is also that with the increased lifespan, the elderly population is also increasing.

The key principle to preventing cardiac diseases is taking good care of your body and being respectful of it. Other principles include:

  • Regular health check ups
  • You should be cognisant of what you eat. Avoid fast and junk food. It provides no nutrition, it is high in salt and trans fats which are all bad for our heart
  • Physical activity needs to be incorporated in your daily routine. 35 mins of moderate intensity exercise should be embodied in our schedules. 6000 to 8000 daily steps is an achievable goal for all ages

30 is the age where you need to preemptively start checking your health data, because 60 is when the diseases have already set in. It is thought that since the individual is not symptomatic, he does not need to do anything. Now, take diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, these do not produce symptoms until the disease has progressed and caused complications- we do not want our first intervention to be at such a late stage. This makes it important to intervene in the primordial stages of the disease.

Everyone over the age of 30 should get:

  • Their blood pressure measured routinely
  • Get your HbA1c checked every 3 months
  • Fasting lipid profile should be done once a year

If you do the above said things, the disease can be caught and treated early on and you can do all the things you need to do right to prevent further progression of the disease.

After the age of 50, loss of muscles (sarcopenia) ensues. This is a natural process which occurs as age advances, the body tends to lose muscle and become weak. In order to counter that, we have to exercise and have a protein rich diet.

Exercise can be of many forms. The American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology recommends a healthy mix of aerobic and anaemic exercises which includes some amount of weight training.

Aerobic exercise can be easily adopted by everybody.

Weight training should be adapted in your exercise routine, with proper cardiac clearance, you should be sure that you do not have any untreated blood pressure or incipient Coronary Artery Disease.

Walking is one of the most underrated exercises. 10,000 steps are good for a healthy adult. And even for someone in their 60s/ 70s, it is not difficult to achieve the 6000 – 8000 steps per day goal. Climb a few stairs, if you can.

Keeping your muscles well strengthened and toned helps avoid falls.

Yoga cannot be substituted for aerobic exercises such as walking. It is a stretching exercise which keeps your joints well lubricated, and also helps in maintaining flexibility and balance.

Meditation is underrated. It helps you combat stress. Meditation has incremental benefits:

  • Calms your mind
  • Decreases the stress
  • Decreases the sympathetic drive
  • Relaxes the body and blood vessels, lowering the blood pressure and further reducing the chances of cardiac events

If you meditate for even a couple of days, and check your heart rate variability (HRV), it would have increased significantly, and this is a marker of longevity.

Stress is a very important cause of cardiac mortality today.

To meditate, you can start with 2 mins and then increase it slowly to 5-10 mins.

Sit in a dim, comfortable room and try to actively avoid any thoughts from entering your mind. It is difficult in the beginning, but as you practice, you can increase from 2 mins to 10 mins, gradually.

The internet is a democratic resource which provides all kinds of information, ranging from pathetic to state of the art. But, no one knows what is really right. You need to be educated in a field to know which information is useful and which needs to be filtered out.

Every chest pain above a certain age needs to be looked at with suspicion. If you experience chest pain, manage the pain and immediately go to a tertiary care hospital and get an ECG done. If the ECG is abnormal, call for the cardiologist and he will make the call for the next step in the course of management.

If it is an acute heart attack, you will require an angioplasty immediately. This is called Primary Angioplasty in Myocardial Infarction (PAMI).

Smart watches have a limited usefulness, as on date to detect heart diseases. But for guiding your fitness journey, these play an important role. They can prompt you to get up, walk, track and keep a record of your workouts.

Coronary Artery disease remains the No. 1 killer out of all the cardiac diseases in India today. As age increases, the incidence of Coronary Artery Disease also increases exponentially.

The angioplasty which is done in young people is very different from an angioplasty done in an 80 year old individual- because their arteries are more hardened due to the presence of calcium and they require expert management and special devices such as rotablation, intra vascular lithotripsy.

As age progresses there is a tendency that the natural pacemaker of the heart starts failing, this requires the need to put an artificial pacemaker.

With the life span of humans increasing and people living well into their 80s and 90s, the aortic valve also started to become hardened due to calcium deposition and therefore leading to the increasing need for an aortic valve replacement.

Open heart surgery has a lot of morbidity and mortality and not all 80- 90 year old patients can withstand anon heart surgery. In many cases, open heart surgery is associated with 5 % mortality and in some others it even a high as 30%

Dr Kaushal Chhatrapati can be reached at SoBo Heart Clinic, Gamdevi, Mumbai: 400 007. For appointments, call 9820740204

Weekly Predictions – 19th to 25th February 2024 By Chirag Daruwalla



AriesGanesha says this week may offer mixed events for you. There will be a significant mismatch between your planning and implementation. During this week you may be active and energetic in your outlook. However, you may find severe opposition to your actions. You may not get sufficient support from associates and family members. Students need to concentrate well to get the desired results. Children will have acceptable changes in life. They may have frequent journeys to distant places. Spouses will face new problems in life. There may be frequent health disturbances. Father will have grand success in his efforts. He may be promoted to the next designation. Elder siblings may find employment abroad. They may be worried about the prospects of children. Younger siblings will fall prey to wicked persons.



TaurusGanesha says this may be a dynamic week for you. You may have sufficient opportunities to prove your ability. Everybody will appreciate your constructive thinking. People will cooperate with you in all your aspirations. Jupiter in the 11th house will help you to expand your name. Students may have average results for their performance. Children will succeed in most of their efforts. They may elevate to new heights this week. Spouses will have acceptable changes like work. He/she may be entrusted with new projects by the end of this week. Fathers may have problems with business partners. He may sign new agreements with an unsettled mind. Elder siblings may fall in love with a neighbor. Younger siblings may have health constraints throughout this week. They may be hospitalized for a while.



GeminiGanesha says this may be a profitable week for you and may give you a good look at earning options. You may plan to start a part-time activity from this week. People engaged in agency or commission-based activities will fetch better returns. Students may have enough confidence to face examinations. They may do well. Children will have pressure at work location. They may be successful in love matters. A spouse may miscalculate in some financial decisions. He/she may take up an insurance policy this week. Father may achieve success in his long-term research. He may arrive at meaningful conclusions after a long time. Elder siblings may acquire a new conveyance this week. Younger siblings may spend away most of their savings. They may invest in stocks.



CancerGanesha says this may be a troublesome week and may affect your decision-making power. It is better to delay important decisions in life. Incompetence to face panic situations may confuse you. It is not wise to accept new responsibilities. Students may not focus well for various reasons. Children may face trouble in higher education. They may fail in the stamping process. A spouse may plan for higher education which may surprise you. He/she should not be involved in any partnership business. Fathers may plan to quit service to start their own business. He may blindly follow the suggestions of his friends. Elder siblings may receive positive communication about promotion. Younger siblings will have success for most of their efforts. They may achieve an important objective this week.



LeoGanesha says this may be a stable week for you. There may be a positive response to your inquiries. You may succeed in influencing your superiors. Most of your obligations in domestic life will be fulfilled. Students will have grand success in their efforts. Children will get admission to foreign countries. They may plan for a long stay abroad. A spouse may experience pressure in professional life. He/she will have new relations that help for a career. Fathers should be more careful about financial decisions. He should be careful with journeys during night hours. Elder siblings may receive long pending debts from friends. Younger siblings are fortunate in improving their financial status. They may visit holy places.



VirgoGanesha says this may be a tough week for you. Planets indicate challenging and hazardous situations in life. This week you may not have sufficient motivation. Failure in love affairs or matrimonial life may bring great concern for you. It is important to balance your mind with practical reasoning and seek the guidance of elders in needy hours. Students may spoil the prospects with over-excitement. They may not be able to focus well because of youthful distractions. Children may fall ill for a while. They may suffer from indigestion and constipation. A spouse may have sufficient returns for their efforts in different areas of life. Father will have sudden career changes much against his will. Elder siblings may finalize a love marriage with a person from a different community. Younger siblings may start up an agency business.



LibraGanesha says this may be a successful week for you and will provide you with good opportunities in your career. You will be liked by one and all at the work location. Your experience and innovation will play a great role in shaping your career. It is better to get educated with the latest trends in your line of action. Students will get respectable results for their performance. Children will have success in education or careers. Spouses will enjoy stability in their careers after a long time. He/she may spend lavishly to improve the standard of living. Father will have betterment in earnings from this week onwards. Elder siblings may suffer in a foreign country. They may be troubled with noncompliance with some rules abroad. Younger siblings may face an accident by the end of this week.



ScorpioGanesha says this week may result in expenditure and challenging situations with superiors. You may create serious interest in the opposite sex. You should calm down your passions to avoid unnecessary confrontations. This is an ideal week to search for foreign employment. Students may get average results for their performance. Children may have injuries in a minor accident by the end of this week. Spouse will receive a long pending arrear or there will be a victory in a lawsuit. Father may take up a new residential flat with a bank loan. Elder siblings will have income from different sources. Younger siblings may have promotion after a long time. They may inherit property from an unknown relative.



SagittariusGanesha says this may be a normal week for you. There may be an unnecessary obstruction and lack of engagement in your official activities. People may misinterpret your feelings. You may plan to go for new loans to meet personal responsibilities. This is an ideal time to start your research for better opportunities. This week you will have the support of superiors during this week. Students may have success in competitions. They may find the exact way of presentation. Spouses will have heavy expenditures for various reasons. He/she may be troubled by secret enemies. Father may be humiliated by superiors. Elder siblings may face financial uncertainty throughout this week. A Younger sibling may have stability in life.



CapricornGanesha says this may be a prosperous week for you. The majority of planets in the 11th house will bring grand success in life. You may be praised for your efforts and disciplined nature. This week is beneficial to start a new business or finalize a marriage proposal. Students will get outstanding results for their efforts. Children will have success in sports competitions or other art presentations. A spouse may have a lack of concentration on career matters. He/she may not be able to discharge duties on time. Father will have heavy workloads throughout this week. He may be troubled by adamant superiors or uneducated subordinates. Elderly siblings may suffer from several health complications. Younger siblings will succeed in higher education. They may plan for settlement abroad.



AquariusGanesha says this may be a pleasant week for you and maybe positive changes in your career. You may be called for an interview by a reputed organization. Positive communications about the sale of a property will make you happy. Childbirth will add color to life. Students will get average results for their hard work. Children will have youthful distractions that need to be controlled. Father will have serious health troubles this week. He may try to lead a spiritual life from this week. Elder siblings will have all-round success in life. They may visit beautiful landscapes with family and friends. Younger siblings may experience huge losses in the partnership business.



piscesGanesha says this may be a nervous week for you and may bring uncertainty in life. There will be a negative influence on your confidence levels. During this week, you may obtain more profits for your investments in fixed assets. You will be able to resist your opponents with strategic moves. Students may fail in higher education. However, there may be a success for students in under graduation. Children may have problems in domestic life. They may not be able to understand their spouse and children. A spouse may have financial prosperity from this week. Fathers may have heavy expenditures from different sources. Elder siblings may get positive news about new employment. Younger siblings may gain marginal profits in speculative activities.

Birthday Predictions – 19th to 25th February 2024 By Chirag Daruwalla


19th February

Ganesha says that you may have to take out time for yoga, meditation, and especially music or any of your hobbies. Try to vent your anger in the best possible way by acting or communicating better. Today can be beneficial for you. Students’ interest in this zodiac sign may increase. Some new responsibilities may come upon you, which you will be able to complete successfully.

20th February

Ganesha says that today is a very good day for you because despite being busy with work, you can feel very calm and happy today. Everything in your life today will help you achieve everything you want. If you try to move forward slowly, take care of your health.

 21st February

Ganesha says the day is looking wonderful. You may feel energetic throughout the day and the flow of positivity may allow you to do some serious work. Your creative ideas can inspire people around you. Have a nice day today. Today you may get to learn something new in the office. Today you can plan to visit some beautiful places with your partner.

 22nd February

Ganesha says the day is bringing wonderful travel opportunities for you. Today you may meet an old friend who can make you happy; You may get emotional while talking to your friends. You can soon plan to visit some beautiful places with your partner. You may spend some money on holidays, trips, or hobbies as this can help improve your mental health. Your work life can be great. It is advised to take precautions, eat healthy food, and change your lifestyle.

 23rd February

Ganesha says that today you can feel good by having the support of your family and spouse at every step of life. You may plan to buy a new house. You may plan a reunion of all your friends which may take you back down memory lane. This could be a good day to be successful in your endeavors. You can make every possible effort to move ahead in life. Your strong commitment to getting things done perfectly can work to your advantage.

 24th February

Ganesha says it is a good day. Positive energy can keep you active throughout the day and make you feel good in the first part of the day. If you want to resolve your love or marital issues, this is a good day. Positive developments in your lifestyle can prove beneficial for you. You may find yourself more confident on the professional front after achieving career or educational goals. You may get some good marriage proposals.

 25th February

Ganesha says you will have a wonderful day. Some wonderful career opportunities may knock at your door and it may take you some time to make the best decision of your life on the professional front. It’s a wonderful day, so you should try to make the most of it. You can expect a great day as all your business or job issues may get resolved today with the help of a mediator or third party. Your parents may appreciate your presence and shower you with love.

Dancing Can Help You Lose Weight


It’s time to shake those tail feathers!

Dancing, often associated with weekend club outings, offers more than just a good time. With its roots tracing back through millennia, dance has evolved into both an art form and a fitness regimen. Beyond self-expression, it now serves as a popular method for shedding pounds while having fun. It’s an effective form of exercise that can help you burn fat and calories, aiding in weight loss. Comparable to jogging, dancing provides a cardio workout that meets the recommended 30-minute minimum for daily physical activity. Whether you’re looking to spice up your workout routine or simply enjoy moving to the rhythm, dancing offers a fulfilling path to achieving your weight loss goals.

Recent research highlights dancing as a joyful and effective method for weight loss and body transformation. Experts emphasise the significant benefits dancing has in reducing weight, waist size and body fat percentage while promoting the development of lean muscle mass and overall fitness.

To begin inculcating dancing into your routine, you should find a dance style you enjoy.

A few dance styles to help you shed those kilos —

A half hour dance session has the potential to torch around 130 to 250 calories, comparable to the calorie burn of jogging. Many fitness centers provide dance classes and there is a plethora of online dance tutorials available for exploration, allowing you to discover what you like.

Below are some favored alternatives:


Zumba, a dance fitness program accompanied by Latin and international music, employs interval training with rapid and slow movements. These intervals enhance calorie burning compared to steady-paced dancing, aiding in weight loss and muscle toning. It offers a dynamic full body workout, accessible to individuals of all fitness levels, with informal choreography. Additionally, Zumba fosters social interaction in group workouts.

Ballet/ Barre

Ballet, a classical dance form emphasizing precision and technique, offers a slower-paced yet effective workout. Barre, a similar practice, integrates elements of yoga and Pilates into ballet to create a targeted and stimulating workout. Both activities enhance muscle tone and strength, particularly in the legs and core, while also improving posture, flexibility, agility, and coordination. Though ballet may not yield as high a calorie burn as some other dance styles, Barre does. Both ballet and barre have numerous benefits for health and fitness, making it a good exercise choice.


Belly dancing

Belly dancing is exotic dance form often associated with cultural expression and celebration. It offers benefits for weight loss and overall fitness as well. This dance form involves controlled movements of the torso, hips and abdomen, engaging various muscle groups. Despite its graceful and rhythmic nature, belly dancing can be quite vigorous, resulting in calorie expenditure and fat burning. Additionally, the fluid motions and isolations in belly dancing promote core strength, flexibility, and muscle toning, particularly in the abdominal area.


Hip-hop dancing encompasses a range of styles, from break dancing to contemporary moves, characterized by its high intensity and impact. Engaging in hip-hop routines leads to significant calorie burn, while also building muscle strength, particularly in the legs and core, and enhancing agility and coordination. While some fitness centers may offer hip-hop dance classes, numerous online resources provide guidance for mastering hip-hop choreography at home.

Ballroom Dancing

Dances involving partners, such as the Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango, and Salsa, are considered low-impact yet provide excellent aerobic exercise, making them ideal for individuals with joint concerns. Engaging in these partner dances enhances muscle strength, particularly in the core, legs, and back, while also improving flexibility and balance. Additionally, mastering the steps of partner dances offers cognitive benefits, including memory improvement as dancers work to recall and execute the sequences.

The benefits of dancing for weight loss and improved health

Recent studies underscore the weight loss advantages of dancing, highlighting its effectiveness in dropping a few inches on your waist, body mass and fat percentage while fostering the development of lean muscle. In contrast to inactive lifestyles, dancing significantly enhances various aspects of health, accentuating its ability to burn calories, build muscle, and provide enjoyment. Furthermore, dancing also enhances your muscle strength, stamina, mobility, balance, flexibility and overall wellness, thereby reducing the likelihood of chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Dancing also contributes to your mental well-being by uplifting your mood especially when done socially, fostering a sense of camaraderie.

How to start dancing for weight loss —

  • To begin your weight loss journey with dance, prioritise enjoyment.
  • Choose a style that resonates with you.
  • Start with shorter sessions and gradually increase your duration.
  • Lastly but most importantly, listen to your body.

Takeaway —

Losing weight can present challenges, yet discovering enjoyable and effective ways such as dancing can enhance the process’s enjoyment and sustainability.

Through trial and error you can find the style of dance that you most enjoy.

  • If your goal is to lose weight, aim for at least 75 to 150 minutes of dance each week.
  • Be sure to always warm up and stretch before you start dancing
  • Cool down and stretch after you dance
  • Stay hydrated before, during and after you dance
  • Take rest days to allow your body to recover
  • If you feel pain or discomfort, stop dancing immediately.

Happy Dancing!

Entertainment Review: Love Storiyaan


The Modern Love series, based on true romances, proved to be successful in its American version, and also in the Indian offshoots. Dharmatic Entertainment’s new unscripted series, Love Storiyaan, picks the same idea, but also the part-documentary, part enactment format used most recently in Wedding.con. The title is cheeky, playing on the fact that the term ‘love storiyaan‘ used in the Kesariya song, had got the lyricist trolled. But it has to be admitted it sounds better than Prem Kahaniyaan, in the contemporary urban context.

The six stories in the anthology are inspired by the India Love Project (by Priya Ramani, Samar Halarnkar and Niloufer Venkatraman) that record real stories of people who defied social norms and vaulted over hurdles to be with the one they love. The result is a mix—some heartwarming, some meh.

Written and directed by six directors, the stories are narrated by the actual couples, with parts of them enacted by lookalike actors. Inevitably, the staged portions are not as engaging as the real characters recalling their cherished memories.

The best of the lot is Homecoming, directed by Shazia Iqbal, about an elderly Hindu-Muslim couple, Sunit and Farida, sharing the tumultuous experience of their elopement from Dhaka to Kolkata, because, in the small Bangladeshi town of Chandpur, there was no way their relationship would have been accepted. They struggled in a new city, new country and finally settled in to raise a family. They are taken back to Chandpur, after nearly 50 years, and their story comes alive with carefully preserved photographs. Only Farida’s younger brother survived and they have an emotional reunion with him and an old college friend. Both had left behind their home, family and country to be together, and at a time when inter-faith marriages are frowned upon, theirs is a testament to the power of love.

The other notable story is Raat Sangharsh Ki, directed by Akshay Indikar, about Rahul, an idealistic upper class Brahmin engineer-turned-activist, who abandons a life of luxury to work with adivasis and be with the fiery Dalit woman, Subhadra, who he meet on the field and marries over the opposition of both families Subhadra is articulate, candid and witty, her presence makes the story glow with warmth, and Rahul, willingly lets the light shine on his spirited wife.

The other four, An Unsuitable Girl, directed by Hardik Mehta is about a divorced mother of two, who has to face opposition from parents and her two daughters when she wants to be with a man she has fallen in love with. Love On Air, helmed  by Vivek Soni,  set in Meghalaya is about rival radio jockeys falling in love and facing the problems that come with different religions, Nicholas’s  divorced status, his womanizer reputation and addiction issues, all of which Rajni accepts to make the marriage work. Archana Phadke’s Faasle is about a Malayali woman, who falls in love with an Afghan man—it takes time to convince her parents to let her marry him, but the real conflict is living in a Taliban-ruled country, where women have no rights. Colin D’Cunha Love Beyond Labels is about Tista, a transwoman, who finds love with Dipan, a transman. They also have empathy in common, since both struggled with understanding their sexuality and eventually coming to terms with their identities.

The stories selected are diverse, the actors chosen are not well known, so there is an unpredictable quality to how the episode turns out, apart from the expected ‘happily-ever-after’ that makes all the trauma gone before seem worthwhile.

Love Storiyaan

Produced by Dharmatic Entertainment

On Amazon Prime Video

Understanding Gen Z: Insights from India’s Digital Natives


The landscape of India’s workforce is undergoing a dynamic shift, heralded by the arrival of Gen Z – a generation that redefines the conventional metrics of success and professional fulfillment. Our quest to understand what fuels this vibrant and diverse cohort began with some intriguing responses during our recruitment process. Their worldview, approach to life and work challenged our traditional notions of what we thought was the typical “normal, successful life” – studying, getting a steady job, owning a home, raising a family, rising up the corporate ladder…. The non-conformists” as some of our executives called them became a hot topic of debate internally. The fresh perspectives of these young graduates, aged 18-24 and born between 1997-2012, compelled us to delve deeper.


Intrigued by this paradigm shift, RPG embarked on an unprecedented nationwide survey, engaging over 4,000 Gen Z individuals across 13 major Indian cities. Recognising that these young adults are not just the future of our company but of the nation itself, we sought to understand their aspirations, hopes, and concerns. Our investigation was driven by a crucial question: “How can we shape a future that resonates with Gen Z’s unique aspirations?”

A World Shaped by Technology and Global Connectivity

Our research unveiled several enlightening aspects of Gen Z’s world. This generation, having never experienced an internet-free world, is adept at seamlessly navigating between the real and virtual realms. Their lives are intricately woven with technology and social media, enabling a global connectedness unprecedented in previous generations. The survey also revealed that they predominantly shopped online for electronic gadgets, digital reading material, and clothing.

Significantly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change and its implications for our planet, Gen Z in India has grown amidst the backdrop of liberalisation, westernisation, and digitalization. This has resulted in a plethora of choices and a culture of instant gratification. However, they face the challenge of lacking role models who can guide them in this new era dominated by rapidly evolving technology and escalating humanitarian, socio-economic crises. Especially as the older generations have a comparatively more status quo-ist, tech un-savvy and risk-averse mindset.

Image courtesy: IndiaToday

Diverse Societal Values and Perspectives

Gen Z stands out as the most ethnically diverse generation, reflecting a true amalgam of varied Indian cultures. This diversity has heightened their awareness of societal inequalities, driving them towards social justice, environmental activism, and inclusivity. Contrary to the perception of self-absorption commonly attributed to youth, our findings show that Gen Z is deeply empathetic and committed to sustainable practices and collectively resolving global issues.

Their approach is to build a conscious community committed to ensuring a sustainable planet. They also believe in the importance of dialogue in resolving conflicts. They value individual expression and are open to diverse viewpoints. Interestingly, they view happiness not just as an emotion but as a skill that can be cultivated.

Navigating Stress and Embracing Community

Faced with unique challenges like AI-driven job markets and environmental crises, Gen Z’s approach to stress is markedly different from previous generations. They place significant importance on work-life balance, preferring experiential richness over materialistic gains. A large number of them felt the need to move away from the poisonous climate of immense competition and the constant need to climb the ladder of “economic” success. Over 40 % of those surveyed expressed the need for recreational activities such as music or sports, while approximately 30 %, across both sexes, acknowledged emotional expression including weeping, as coping mechanisms.

In the workplace, Gen Z seeks environments that align with their values: ethical practices, empathy and inclusivity, They were inclined to work in companies that provided mental health support. A striking 61% indicated they would accept lower pay for an equitable work culture that valued collaboration, dialogue and inclusivity.

Image courtesy: LinkedIn

Redefining Success and Workplace Dynamics

This generation redefines success, emphasizing travel, art, and experiential living over material acquisitions. They are willing to forego traditional employment if it conflicts with their values, underscoring their commitment to ethical conduct and continuous learning.

Implications for the Future

The insights from this survey offer a new framework for engaging with Gen Z. Their entry into the workforce signals a pivotal moment for organisations to adapt and evolve, ensuring that the aspirations and values of this dynamic generation are not just understood but integrated into our collective future. Their idealism, pursuit of purpose, and emphasis on values beyond wealth creation necessitate a reevaluation of societal norms and attitudes. I think it is important to recognise Gen Z’s as the brave young non-conformists poised to bring transformative changes to the world.

Similarities Bind? Or Opposites Attract?


If you are still happily co-living with your partner for many decades, perhaps you’ve introspected on the game-changing factors that have contributed to the success of your relationship/marriage. And while it takes constant and consistent effort for any relationship to survive let alone thrive, there are some fundamental aspects that could play a big role in successful relationships.

A pivotal question in your intimate and close relationships is — are your core values agreeably aligned or are they as opposed as the North and South poles?

We have long lived by the adage ‘opposites attract’ – the introvert will fall for the extrovert, the good girl for the ‘goonda’. This ‘Beauty and the Beast’ belief is fuelled by culture, inspired by cinema and books, and has been lodged in our collective sentiment for countless years.

Research indicates like-minded people thrive

Opinions can vary on this debate depending on one’s personal experiences and mindset. While many people are quick to agree that opposites attract, and may even jump to an example in their own life, studies have indicated otherwise. The research states that it’s pretty clear that opposing views clash soon enough; validating that couples who have shared interests, temperaments, tend to date and marry more, and stay married long-term. 

Indeed, various studies have shown friends and romantic partners tend to share core beliefs, traits, values and hobbies, despite having different personalities.  Matchmaking in India reiterates the concept of similar coupling; choosing identical caste, community, religion, traditions, tick mark the priority requirements before taking a further step to shortlist prospects.

Opposites repel – particularly around views and values – that’s what scientific evidence has proved. And, in an increasingly polarised social, political and cultural climate in countries across the world, it’s possible that we’re even less likely to fall for, or be seriously committed to, and oftentimes befriend someone who thinks very differently to us. 

Factors like social media and dating apps indicate it’s becoming significantly easier for daters to jump into ‘boxes’ of like-minded others, leaving the idea of ‘opposites attract’ more outdated than ever.

How did “opposites attract” originate in our relationships?

It’s difficult to exactly pinpoint the origin of the saying ‘opposites attract’, but American sociologist Robert F Winch suggested it back in 1954, in his thesis published by the American Sociological Review. His research, “The Theory Of Complementary Needs In Mate Selection” – was rooted in the idea that people sought out partners who had certain qualities they lacked (like the introvert choosing the extrovert, perhaps as a way for the introvert to benefit from the extrovert’s social influence). Arguably, Winch’s study was based on American culture in the 1950’s assuming that most couples married for love.

Close on the heels of Winch’s research, another US-based social psychology researcher, Donn Byrne, challenged this “opposites attract” hypothesis. In his own paper. Byrne hypothesised that “a stranger who is known to have attitudes similar to those of the subject is better liked than a stranger with attitudes dissimilar to those of the subject [and] is judged to be more intelligent, better informed, more moral, and better adjusted.”

In her latest study, Angel Bahns, associate psychology professor at Wellesley College, US who has spent years studying and identifying the factors that influence friendship and relationship choices indicates —“There’s been really strong, widespread evidence for similarity attraction.”

 She observed that similarity in couples was statistically very significant on “86% of variables measured”, including attitudes, values, recreational activities and substance use. More specifically, pairs of friends and romantic partners matched closely on daily living attitudes regarding LBGQT rights marriage, the government’s diktat over citizens’ lives and the importance of religion, to name just a few.

Bahn’s study could lead to a fundamental change in understanding relationship formation—and it sounds a warning for the idea that couples mistakenly think that they can change each other over time.

There are plenty of reasons why it may seem like opposites attract. Superficial differences may mistakenly allow for people to appear more opposed than they actually are. A “tech guy” and “an artist”, for example, may look like an antithetical couple, – but “their core values, whether that’s around family or political views,” would likely be similar.

Another viewpoint suggests though the introvert and the extrovert may be differing personality types; they find mutual attraction and long-term success because their fundamental life goals align.

The above research by American psychologists is based on socio-cultural values in the US, but holds its weight in India as well. Whether back in our day, or currently, a majority of Indian couples too, bank on the similarity and agreement in many fundamental aspects of life (caste, social status, education, belief to mention a few), when it comes to choosing a partner.

Are couple with opposing views doomed?

This isn’t an aim to broadly paint a dismal picture that people with polarised values and views won’t find success together; it happens, of course, and there can be benefits to disagreement – or even fundamental opposition – in couples. 

The psychology of humans greatly differs and relationships and marriages are known to thrive against all norms and research.

Actors Arshad Warsi and Maria Goretti swear on their differences that have kept their bond strong through twenty five years of marriage. “Maria and I are poles apart,” Warsi told the Bombay Times. We are completely different people and this is where our magic lies.” He adds, “She’s hyper and I am calm. She is practical and I go where life takes me. Her madness, my calmness— all put together is just fine. I think that’s what works for us; it’s exciting and we love it!”

Bahns says, “We know that people pick similar people at first, but if you go out of your way you can find excellent friends, and meaningful relationships, with people who are different.”

Such dissimilar friends didn’t necessarily blend their points-of-view over time, her study showed. “Anything that disrupts the harmony of the relationship—such as areas of disagreement, especially on attitudes, values, or preferences that are important—is likely to persist,” said Bahns. She added this could be a “cautionary message” for those who think they can change their friends or romantic partners: “Change is difficult and unlikely; it’s easier to select people who are compatible with your needs and goals from the beginning.”

Dating apps encourage seeking similar partners 

Today, the online networks and sites many people use to find friends, dates and, ultimately, love are all nudging us towards people who seem to think similarly to us. That’s not all bad – the plethora of data showing the high percentage of couples who share views and values suggests it’s a good indicator of a lasting relationship. 

So what’s the verdict?

There are downsides too; if we only befriend, date and marry people who think just like us, we’re less likely to have the kind of conversations opposite minded friends and couples have with their partners – the debates that challenge our assumptions, expose us to out-of- the-box thinking, and open our eyes to different world views. 

Yet, given widespread polarisation, the prevalence and power of technology today – and the fact that traditionally opposites didn’t exactly attract to begin with – the adage may well be on its way to obsolescence.

Inner Reflections: Love And Relationships


Will Smith’s ideas on Love, “So I was thinking about love… I was thinking about how difficult it is for us to find and to maintain the love that we all yearn for and it kind of dawned on me that I think a big part of the problem is that we mis-define love. 

It’s possible that no other one subject has been more analysed, talked about, and experienced by every single person on this planet than love and yet we really have no clue what it is… you cannot make a person happy; you can make a person smile; you can make a person feel good; you can make a person laugh; but whether or not a person is happy is deeply and totally and utterly out of your control; the thing that we call love the thing that we’re searching for and we’re trying to create that we call love is actually not love.

  1. Krishnamurti talked about the concept of the desire pleasure paradigm that we think about love in terms of desire and pleasure meaning that if you meet my needs then I love you; if you

don’t then I don’t; so that love becomes transactional; if you do what I want if you meet my desire and give me pleasure, I love you; if you don’t meet my desire and you don’t give me pleasure I don’t love you; I think that that is the insatiable nature of desire trying to get somebody to fill our cup. I think that that leads to anger, and it leads to frustration, and ultimately it makes us break apart from people. 

My daughter Willow really taught me a hard lesson I think that the real paradigm for love is a gardener and flowers; so the relationship that a gardener has with a flower is the gardener wants the flower to be what the flower is designed to be, not what the gardener wants the flower to be you want the flower to bloom and to blossom and to become what it wants to be, you want it to become what God designed it to be, you’re not demanding that it become what you need it to be… love is spelled LUV- Listen,  Understand and Validate. 



What you hear as true listening is a magnificent superpower; a really deep listening and we can’t listen if we got something that we want to say; listening is a connective energy learning how to quiet your own mind and quiet your own thoughts and quiet your own needs and desires and listen to what the other person is saying. There is nothing that feels better to a human being than to feel understood; the mission is to thoroughly and completely understand what the person is saying; and what has been helpful for me is to repeat back what the person has said to you and then the V is validate the things that you recognize as true in what they say validate them as true; …. love is help everybody is having a hard time so love is really devotion to their struggle; it’s when you’re committed to helping somebody with their life; helping them to suffer less; you know, helping them to manage their minds and their emotions; I think love is a deep desire for our loved ones growth and they’re blossoming and they’re all around well-being.

When you love somebody, you want them to feel good; you want them to be happy and you want to see them succeed in life; and love really demands an in-depth understanding of their hopes and their dreams, and their fears, their needs, and trauma. I think love is giving and sharing our gifts for the purpose of nurturing, empowering them, and helping them create their greatest joys.”

Khalil Gibran sums this up beautifully: “Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf….. Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow”.


8 Senior-Friendly Destinations To Visit In India


Regardless of age, as human beings, we are all driven by an insatiable hunger to travel, to gather heartfelt memories beyond the boundaries of our city. The small moments of spotting a bulbul perched on a treetop or catching a whiff of an unknown yet irresistible local snack get our spirits high, and we suddenly find ourselves connected to the long-lost curiosity of life once again.  

We are ever-curious travellers longing for an innate connection with the vast world to help us understand ourselves better. The experiences we go after are a reflection of who we are. Each escapade alters us in some way, as we leave bits of our soul scattered in unique locations. Believe me when I say, the more scattered our souls, the more intense our longing for travel. 

Ageing and voyaging don’t always go hand in hand. Life gets in the way in the form of health-related limitations, physical disabilities, and perhaps even financial constraints. However, with improved amenities across destinations, you can quite easily surpass these challenges. Here’s a roundup of eight senior-friendly destinations in India so you never have to pull the brakes on your wanderlust.

Manali (Himachal Pradesh): The Thrill-Seekers’ Haven 

Image courtesy : alightindia

Sitting snug between the Dhauldar and Pir-Punjal mountain slopes, Manali is the ideal destination for over 60 voyagers looking to add a sprinkle of adventure while out and about. However, this picturesque location demands a certain level of physical fitness. If that sounds like you, feel free to embark on the Beas Kund trek, navigate the Solang Valley on skis, or experience the gushing rapids while rafting in the glorious Beas River. 

The serenity lovers, on the other hand, can go on leisure strolls through the Old Manali market, immersing themselves in the local cultures. You’ll notice colourful murals, dainty cafes with a rustic ambience, and vendors selling handmade crafts. 

But it doesn’t end there—Manali is a true (and endless) feast for the eyes. The Naggar castle, overlooking the Kullu valley, uniquely combines European and Pahari-style architecture, while the wood-and-stone-designed Manu temple holds the potential to ignite spiritual intensity within those who enter. 

Best time to visit: If witnessing snowfall is a priority, visiting between October to February proves ideal, but adventure seekers will prefer the slightly warmer months of March through June.   

Precautions for seniors: Manali is situated more than 6,000 feet above sea level, which can aggravate high altitude-related stress on the body, especially for seniors with underlying health conditions. Before booking, you’ll want to check whether you’re fit enough with your healthcare provider. 

Best way to get to Manali: Seniors are advised to take a flight to Bhuntar airport and arrange for a prepaid taxi to Manali, located 49.7 kilometres away. The journey typically takes slightly over an hour.

Ooty (Tamil Nadu):  Everlasting Serenity

Surrounded by sky-kissed mountains, tea gardens, and a blanket of green foliage, it’s no wonder this idyllic nature getaway was the summer retreat for the British. Today, it’s the perfect location to unwind and be one with nature’s expansive beauty. 

From trout fishing at the serene Avalanche Lake to bird watching at Biso Valley, Ooty is full of hidden offbeat gems that bring you closer to nature. The space vibrates with a raw energy that beckons us to toss away our mobile phones and soak in the scenic views.  

Driving 14 km from Ooty leads you to Wenlock Downs, which has two visually stunning shooting points called Sixth and Ninth Mile. These locations are perfect for capturing Instagram and Facebook-worthy portraits or reels to bolster your social media game. You can also mount a horse to appreciate the surroundings from a unique vantage point, but it may come at the expense of a sweet ache the following day. 

Best time to visit: From March to June, the hill station enjoys a refreshing breeze, providing the perfect climate for those aged 60 and above.

Precautions for seniors: Ooty is considered one of the safest locations for older adults, but carrying a raincoat or umbrella is necessary, thanks to its unpredictable weather conditions. 

Best way to get to Ooty: The nearest airport is in Coimbatore city. From there, you’ll need to book a taxi, and the ride typically spans around two hours. 

Jaisalmer (Rajasthan): The Glistening City of Golden Sands

Image courtesy: wanderon

Shimmering in an ethereal golden light, the desert city of Jaisalmer could have been plucked from the pages of a fairytale. Such magnificence exudes from its winding streets, ornate temples, and majestic forts. 

The Jaisalmer Fort, which is the pulsing hub of the city, gives off a simultaneous serene and tumultuous vibe. If you deeply love history and architecture, you’d be remiss skipping this destination. Even the city’s magnificent havelis draw visitors in with their meticulously detailed carvings and elaborate balconies. 

A testament to architectural brilliance, each of the seven Jain temples displays carvings so intricate that it’s a challenge for your eyes to take it all in. And while dune bashing at Thar—a 20-minute drive away—isn’t for the faint-hearted (and those with back issues), seniors would thoroughly enjoy relaxing camel safaris, dining beneath the stars, grooving to Rajasthani folk music, and luxury camping.  

Witnessing the Annual Desert Festival in Jaisalmer at least once in your lifetime is a must. For three days in February, this event celebrates Rajasthan’s rich culture with a vibrant showcase of music, cuisine, and tradition. 

Best time to visit: The city is at its optimal pleasantness in the colder months of November to February. 

Precautions for seniors: Taxi service is widely available, so seniors won’t have much walking to do. But depending on your physical strength, you’ll want to confirm with your healthcare provider before participating in more adventurous activities like quad biking and dune bashing. 

Best way to get to Jaisalmer: The nearest airport to Jaisalmer is Jodhpur Airport, but brace yourself for a four-and-a-half-hour drive thereafter.

Darjeeling (West Bengal): A Tea-Centric Hill Town

While most of us have heard of Darjeeling tea or probably even have a packet stowed away at home, only a handful have set foot in eastern India to marvel at the breathtaking town it originated from. The 60-uppers who love themselves a cup of warm, comforting chai must visit one of the many tea factories in Darjeeling to experience first-hand the intense tea packaging process before it reaches different corners of the globe. 

A toy train experience should be ticked off on everyone’s bucket list, and what could possibly be better than boarding the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway? This adorable yet powerful locomotive built between 1879 and 1881, runs daily between New Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling, transporting tea and passengers. 

Another enchanting sight to behold is the evening prayer session in West Bengal’s largest Buddhist monastery. All the monks come together before the Budhha statue, playing different instruments, from bells and trumpets to cymbals. 

Best time to visit: You can visit during spring (March to May) or autumn (October to November). Winters in Darjeeling are extremely cold and not recommended for older adults. 

Precautions for seniors: Carry heavy woollens if visiting in autumn or early winter, and ensure your hotel has a sound heating system. 

Best way to get to Darjeeling: You’ll need to take a flight to Bagdogra Airport, then embark on a three-hour uphill drive.

Kerala: The Land of Enchanting Backwaters

Kerala, or God’s own country, is a paradise in its own right, with the all-encompassing Western Ghats, sprawling spice plantations, beautiful Malabar Coast, pristine beaches, and cascading waterfalls. If you’re up for wildlife spotting, you must stop at the Amabady Estate—a gorgeous valley home to various species of deer, the giant squirrel, a striking parade of colourful birds, and diverse flora and fauna. 

You cannot visit Kerala without spending a night (or plenty) aboard a luxurious houseboat. They offer all the amenities seniors seek, from rejuvenating Ayurvedic therapies and spacious rooms to mouth-watering traditional cuisines and a spot-on setting to relax and introspect. Most houseboats also have wheelchair access, and a friendly staff is always at your service. 

The population of Kerala boasts the highest life expectancy and literacy rates in the country, while people of various religions coexist harmoniously.

God’s own country? It might as well be.  

Best time to visit: For minimum humidity and pleasant winds, you should visit between September and March.

Precautions for seniors: Getting around Kerala is relatively convenient for seniors. The transportation network is robust, and most accommodations offer wheelchair facilities. 

Best way to get to Kerala: Depending on your destination, you can select from the three airports in Kerala—Thiruvananthapuram, Cochin, and Calicut.

  1. Shillong (Meghalaya): Unparalleled Scenic Beauty 

The elegant charm of Shillong goes far beyond the picture frame. Its wow factor lies in its lively culture and abundant nature. Those ever ready to lace up their trekking boots, allowing nature to lead the way, are in for a spectacular scenic surprise at the Khasi Hills trek.   

The roaring Elephant Falls is another must-visit in Shillong, yet its three-level stairway can be a bit much for seniors. While accessing the first level is relatively easy, evaluating your physical fitness before venturing further below is advisable. 

Shillong’s quaint local markets display versatile textiles and handicrafts you can take home as souvenirs, and the peaceful Umiam Lake sits smack in the middle of towering hills. You can walk along the bank, go boating, or engage in thrilling water sports.   

Best time to visit: The optimal seasons for visiting Shillong are summer (March to June) and winter (October to February), both providing delightful weather conditions

Precautions for seniors: When travelling in summer, it’s advisable to pack light clothes. Conversely, ensure you have warm woollen clothes, gloves, socks, and other essentials for winter trips. Always carry an umbrella, as rain showers are unpredictable. While the waterfalls are stunning, remember they can also be slippery, so exercise caution. Booking a private cab is the only viable choice since public transport options are limited.

Best way to get to Shillong: Shillong Airport, situated 35 km away in Umroii, connects the hill station with Kolkata through Air India regional flights. Travelers can also consider landing at Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport in Guwahati, approximately 130 km from Shillong. Upon arrival at either airport, you’ll find taxis readily available. 

Bodh Gaya (Bihar): A Spiritual Awakening 

This one’s for the spiritual seekers looking to intensify their longing at a culturally significant and strategic location where Lord Buddha himself is believed to have attained enlightenment. There are numerous temples and monasteries to visit. The Mahabodhi temple, well-known as the “Great Awakening Temple,” depicts Lord Buddha’s life through detailed motifs and beautifully carved sculptures. As you close in on the space, a calming silence permeates the area, allowing your mind to enter deep meditative states. 

Other religious sites include the Vishnupad temple, Mangala Gowri temple, Jal mandir, Mithila Shakti Peeth, Dungeshwari cave temple, and the list goes on. Discussing spirituality is one matter, but living it is a narrative that is difficult to weave into words. Such is the vibrance of Bodh Gaya; it leaves you speechless, quite literally. 

Best time to visit: The best months to visit Bodh Gaya are October to March, with temperatures ranging from 4 to 28°C. 

Precautions for seniors: It’s best to carry warm clothes as Bihar can be pretty chilly from December to February. The Mahabodhi temple’s medical centre provides basic healthcare services to visitors, and wheelchairs can be arranged. 

Best way to get to Bodh Gaya: The Gaya International Airport (GAY) is 17 kilometres from Bodh Gaya. But since flights to Gaya are somewhat infrequent, you can land at Patna airport, 110 kilometres away from Bodh Gaya. From Patna, trains, luxury buses, and taxi services are available to reach Bodh Gaya.

Pondicherry: Cultural Crossroads of France and India

Picture this.

As you step out of your quaint guesthouse, you’re met with the aroma of gently brewed coffee and the calming sound of the waves gently lapping the shore. 

Pondicherry is another peaceful coastal destination, but with a unique hint of French elegance. You can pitstop at the sacred Sri Aurobindo Ashram, a spiritual centre founded by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. 

Just outside Pondicherry lies Auroville, an experimental township with the aim of realising human unity and sustainable living. It’s also renowned for the Matrimandir, a large golden meditation dome that aspires to move one beyond human limitations. So, if you want to look inward and introspect, these two locations provide the perfect opportunity! 

No trip to Pondicherry is complete without indulging in French delicacies, from the Quiche aux Champignon (mushroom-filled Quiche) and baguettes (long bread) to the Ratatouille. 

Best time to visit: October to February is the peak season to visit Pondicherry, but that also means you’ll have to book your stay well in advance. This destination attracts visitors from all over the globe.  

Precautions for seniors: Getting around Pondicherry is easy since it’s reasonably small and cabs are readily available. Temperatures don’t drop drastically, but you might want to carry an extra layer of clothing for chilly mornings and nights. 

Best way to get to Pondicherry: You can fly to the Pondicherry airport, which is the most convenient route for seniors.

Top 10 Romcoms

Woman standing on scales on wooden floor. Concept of weight loss

Love ought to conquer all, but for decades the classic Indian love stories had tragic endings—right from Achhut Kanya to Mughal-e-Azam, to Laila Majnu and Heer Ranjha. So to keep the Valentine’s mood cheerful, here is a pick of 10 romantic comedies or romcoms as they have come to be known. Since romance is a very popular genre, there are thousands of films to choose from, but there must be a reason why these have endured. Leaving out the ones that everybody must have seen –HAHK, DDLJ and KKHH among others!

Image courtesy: annawoods

When Harry Met Sally (1989):

Nora Ephron’s When Harry Met Sally is one of the best and most-imitated romcoms in movie history. It raised the as yet unsolved question: can men and women just be friends? Remembered for the most famous fake orgasm scene known to cinema, the film stars Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal as two friends, who like each other, but not in a romantic way, or so they think. The audience can see that they are made for each other, but they keep getting into unworkable relationships with other people. The endearing characters, the fabulous script and funny lines, make this one a romantic classic. Meg Ryan was, for a long time, America’s sweetheart.

Image courtesy: nzherald 

Pretty Woman (1990):

Gary Marshall’s film is a clever reworking of the My Fair Lady fairy tale, but so romantic and such fun. The wealthy Edward Lewis (Richard Gere) visiting Beverly Hills, needs a woman on his arm on a work-cum-socialising week, so after a chance encounter, he hires Hollywood Boulevard hooker Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) as his escort and gets her to move into his five star hotel suite. She is so beautiful and good-natured that he ends up falling in love with her. She is new to Los Angeles and to the sex business, and to look the part of Edward’s date, she is given a transformation—there is the classic scene of a snooty boutique attendant snubbing her, before she realizes her error. After living a week of luxury and privilege will Vivian be able to return to the streets?  If it is a woman as gorgeous as Julia Roberts with that blinding smile, is that even a valid question?

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Sleepless In Seattle (1993):

Nora Ephron could do romance like no other—lending humour and warmth even to romcom cliches. In this update of An Affair To Remember (1957), Tom Hanks plays Sam, a lonely widower, whose cute eight-year-old  son Jonah calls up a radio station to talk about his depressed, literally sleepless, father. Sam then shares his heartbreak and grief with listeners. Among the women moved by his story is journalist Annie (Meg Ryan). Despite being engaged to the straight-laced Walter, she proposes to Sam that they meet atop the Empire State Building on Valentine’s Day. Sam receives hundreds of letters from women, but Jonah picks that one letter from Annie. Meanwhile Sam is attracted to a woman he spots in the city. Does magic happen?  Of course it does! A film that evokes enough sighs for multiple viewings.

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Notting Hill (1999):

Richard Curtis, the master of romcoms directed this sweet story about William Thacker (Hugh Grant), a bookshop owner, and Anna Scott (Julia Roberts), a beautiful and popular movie star.  They meet casually and after a few minor disasters, like him spilling orange juice over her dress, they get along well. But can a relationship between a modern-day princess and a commoner survive—especially under the glare of the tabloid press? Then comes that immortal dialogue:

William: I live in Notting Hill. You live in Beverly Hills. Everyone in the world knows who you are, my mother has trouble remembering my name.

Anna: I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

Always has people reaching for their hankies.

Love Actually (2003):

The perfect Valentine’s Day film—though it was set during the Christmas season—Richard Curtis put together a cast of wall to wall stars and told eight stories that are linked. There’s a writer isolating himself to work, and finding himself attracted to his Portuguese housekeeper, even though they can’t communicate in the same language; a man in a stable marriage is tempted to have an affair; a woman ponders over telling the man she is attracted to that she loves him; the newly elected and single Prime Minister finds himself in a romantic quandary.. And a bunch of unusual love stories come together in a film that never seems dated.

Image courtesy: amazon 

Jab We Met (2007):

Imitiaz Ali’s film used all the classic romcom tropes and Indianised them. He also gave Kareena Kapoor one of her most memorable characters, of the high-spirited Geet, who meets the morose Aditya (Shahid Kapoor) on her journey home to Bhatinda, where her family has fixed her wedding. They have an adventurous trip back and then she takes Aditya’s help to escape so that she can reunite with her true love, Anshuman. He betrays her, and the spark seems to go out of Geet, till Aditya learns of what happens and comes to give her the support she gave him when he was down. The heart-warming plot was peppered with wonderful songs.

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Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na (2008):

The ‘best friends who don’t realize they are in love’ plot of Abbas Tyrewala’s film has been overused, but it was still  delightful—funny, poignant and genuinely youthful.  The quirkiness of the director, the witty lines, and the freshness of the characters were appealing.  The mild-mannered Jai’s (Imran Khan) best friend is Aditi (Genelia D’Souza), a feisty and ill-tempered girl. They have a ‘gang’ of loyal friends and everyone thinks Jai and Aditi are made for each other, except the two themselves.  Jai falls for a soft, feminine Meghna (Manjari Phadnis), while Aditi is attracted to a macho type (Ayaz Khan). It takes a few plot twists for the two to discover their true feelings.


Wake Up Sid (2009)

Ayan Mukerji made his debut with this winning  coming-of-age story about a rich brat Sid (Ranbir Kapoor), who does not take life seriously till he walks out of home in a huff and has to fend for himself. At a party he befriends aspiring writer Aisha Banerjee (Konkana Sen Sharma), who has moved to Mumbai from Kolkata to work with a magazine. Circumstances force him to share an apartment with Aisha, so he gradually acquires a sense of responsibility and a career as a photographer. Told with simplicity, the film worked because it stayed true to its milieu and concentrated more on emotions than on style, the casting was spot on and the performances effortlessly charming.

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Band Baaja Baraat (2010):

Directed by newcomer Maneesh Sharma, the film had nothing novel in terms of plot, but the treatment was fresh suffused with an infectious  joie de vivre. Bittoo (Ranveer Singh) is a village boy, dreading the idea of returning to his father’s sugarcane farms after he graduates. He runs into bright and ambitious Shruti (Anushka Sharma) and inveigles himself into her wedding planner business. First he has to promise not to be anything more than a friend, because she does not believe in mixing work with romance.  Her aim is to reach the posh Sainik Farms via downmarket colonies. Their company Shaadi Mubarak delivers great weddings each time and prospers, but Shruti breaks her own rule and falls for Bittoo, who is too confused to reciprocate. Wonderfully contemporary and very Dilli, with a rare leading lady who cares more for her career than a happily-ever-after for herself.

Bareilly Ki Barfi (2017):

Ashwini Tiwary Iyer shifts the basic plot of the French classic Cyrano de Bergerac to Bareilly, where Bitti (Kriti Sanon) is besotted by a poet, Pritam Vidrohi. This is the pen name of a shy printer Chirag (Ayushmann Khurrana) and when Bitti accosts him to help her meet Pritam, produces his friend, the real Pritam (Rajkummar Rao), after training him to be an outgoing flirt. A comedy of romantic complications ensues in which Bitti falls for Pritam not knowing that Chirag is the writer; and Pritam is attracted to Bitti’s friend, but is trapped in Chirag’s drama. A funny and charming romcom where the chemistry between the characters was near perfect.

Nothing is Everything


Vikas and Vikas Vajpayee had returned some months ago from their annual trip to Berlin and Munich to spend time with their son and daughter and their adorable grandchildren. Their son and daughter were researchers in molecular science, both having qualified from the Indian Institute of Science in Bengaluru and earlier on in life had decided to migrate to Germany for further studies and make a mark there. As providence would have it, their son and daughter had soon found their respective soul mates, who also happened to be siblings, but of German stock, whilst doing their studies. Vikas and Vikas saw it as not just as a marriage of two sets of siblings, but also as an Indo-German fusion of cultures. Their children and children-in-law were making rapid advances as scientists and led a family life of affinity and affection.

Vikas and Vikas essayed a life of joy and laughter. Everything in life was a humour for them, starting with their appellation. They shared not just their names, but their birthdays and alma mater as well, having cupid strike them in Sir J J College of Architecture, where they had studied. A common name and birthday had ensured endless comedy of errors and laughs in social situations as they effloresced in an alchemy of architecture and went about  finding and founding their life purpose. Early on their journey, like minded that they were, they had distributed their time equally between commercial and social practice, giving back to the society in the form of active engagement with several NGOs including pro-bono designing and build-up of  facilities and funding support across humanitarian causes.

Over their two scores span of marital and professional partnership, Vikas and Vikas had nurtured a strong network of friends, nourished NGOs and flourished in their practice of building offices and homes and in the process many hearths and much warmth. They were fortunate to have acquired a cross-ventilated apartment in a central location, with expansive views of the rising sun from beyond the mountains and the setting sun over the placid sea disappearing into the horizon. They had also presciently invested earlier on in a huge parcel of land abutting the Pawna lake in Lonavala, where they had built a small weekend getaway. 

Cognizant of the milieu of disparity and deprivation in large sections of the society and impelled by their own sense of responsibility, Vikas and Vikas had  taken under their wings Manik, an orphaned girl, all of 7 years, responding to an appeal in the papers by the police following the tragic death of her parents in a road accident. Manik, was much younger to Vikas’ own children, who were by that time doing their graduation in faraway colleges. They brought up Manik with all the love and care like biological parents would do and ensured her education in a good school followed by admission into a famed college from where she graduated with degrees in social studies and public policy. They also made conscious efforts to ensure that Manik got to know their own grown up children well and develop a relationship with them through regular visits and travels together. Manik had grown into a confident woman and expressed a desire to work in the social sector and soon took off to work with a well-known NGO based in Delhi, devoted to the cause of child welfare. Manik would stay in touch with her foster parents regularly and keep them posted about all the developments on her social work front. Manik would often travel to various cities and rural areas of India as a part of her work to get a real understanding of issues facing children and how her NGO could help their cause. Not surprisingly, over a period of time, as years flew by and given the itinerant nature of her work and her passion, Manik would go incommunicado for long periods of time. 

Vikas and Vikas were contemplating their own future having got used to an empty homestead with their children having become German citizens and Manik busy as ever in her social work. They had peaked in their profession and had no further milestones to chase nor were they enthused any longer in staying the course. They were in fact getting overwhelmed with all that they had built over the years – a roaring money spinning practice, a palatial apartment in Mumbai, a large land in Lonavala and huge investments – much more than they ever will need in the remainder of their lives nor will their children ever need, successful that they were on their own in Germany. 

Different points of views from friends and well-wishers were more confusing than resolving. Their financial and legal advisors had typical unidimensional views  of what to do with their estate and how to will it right, as though one can control wealth after death. Vikas and Vikas knew that they will have to decide on their own and set a time table for themselves. But both realised that they have to become asset light if they have to see the light in their sunset days. 

For a starter, Vikas and Vikas sold off their practice to a large international firm, who were wanting a footprint in India, for a surprising tidy sum with sufficient zeros in it, thanks to their advisors. They were feeling light enough, with this major decision of letting go their practice, to zip off often to Lonavala for a week to just enjoy everything that nothing can bring about in their lives. They soon followed it up with decluttering their apartment in Mumbai and their getaway second home in Lonavala, by giving away many of their homely accoutrements to friends and relatives and auctioning off their art collection and donating the proceeds to causes that were dear to them. The relative minimalism in their lives, as a result of all these actions, brought about a sense of satisfaction and joy in Vikas and Vikas’ lives that they had never felt before. 

It was the monsoon times in Mumbai and Vikas and Vikas were enjoying the windy sprays of the heavy rains in the balcony of their Mumbai home. They were thinking about their children and grandchildren in Germany and about Manik. It had been nearly eight months since she had last called or dropped in and this was worrying them no end, though they kept reassuring each other. As if thoughts and energies travel, they heard the doorbell only to find a beaming Manik standing at their doorsteps all drenched and cold. Their joy knew no bounds and they just embraced her. After a hot shower and a round of piping hot tea and pakoras, Manik excitedly told them that she had decided to quit her NGO job in a month’s time along with her colleague and start her own not- for-profit organisation in a rural area catering to educating orphaned girls and making them contributors to nation building. She shared with them her well thought out plans and how she will be going about it, starting with raising funds for the project, with the help of her colleague whom she is fond of and trusts. Manik was confidence personified as she explained everything to Vikas and Vikas in minute details, not just about her inchoate organisation, but her prospective life partner as well. Over the next few days of her stay with them, it was apparent that Manik had made up her mind and determined to make her social project a success. Vikas and Vikas blessed her and assured Manik of all their support as she embarks on her new journey. They were exceptionally proud of Manik for thinking of doing what she intends to do and could not hold back their tears of joy. She was in a way giving them a solution unknowingly.

After Manik left to go back to her work and the drawing board, Vikas and Vikas had a long conversation with their children and advisers. They soon called Manik and asked her to come over to Lonavala for a stay at their cosy home and visit the registration office. The Lonavala land was all hers to set up the trust to start the school.

6 Foods to Avoid After 60


While they may appear tempting, these foods are laden with unhealthy levels of sugars, fats, and salt. Consider opting for these alternatives instead, advises Preeti Singh

Achieving healthy eating habits after the age of 50 involves a dual effort: increasing the consumption of nutritious foods like berries, leafy greens, whole grains, and lean proteins, while also eliminating foods that contribute to artery clogging and unwanted weight gain.

Rather than strictly prohibiting certain foods (as the desire for chocolate tends to intensify when forbidden), it’s more effective to prioritise your health over the momentary satisfaction these foods might provide.

Here’s a closer look at foods to be cautious of after the age of 50:

Fried Foods with Triple the Calories


Imagine the vat of oil that a basket of fries or onion rings has been submerged in, and consider the potential negative impact of saturated fat on blood cholesterol. The American Heart Association recommends limiting saturated fat to 5-6% of daily calories. Opt for a side salad over restaurant fries and look for food with no more than 2 grams of saturated fat in a 200-calorie serving.

Instead: Consider using an air fryer for healthier alternatives like air-fried fish or veggies roasted in the oven.

Sugary Drinks, Including Most Bottled Teas

Beware of sweetened beverages, including bottled teas and fancy coffee drinks. Pay attention to misleading labels on drinks, as terms like “pure,” “green tea,” or “honey” don’t necessarily indicate lower sugar content. Aim to limit added sugar intake to 10% or less of total daily calories.

Instead: Choose alternatives like prune juice or water infused with fresh fruit flavors.

Packaged Foods with Sneaky Sugars

 Hidden sugars are prevalent in items like pasta sauces, yogurt, granola bars, instant oatmeal, and breakfast cereals. Excess sugar can stress organs, increase blood sugar levels, and raise the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Check labels for added sugars.

Instead: Increase fruit intake for natural sweetness, make quick bread mini-muffins, or prepare a healthy smoothie with frozen fruits.


Foods Loaded with Stealth Salt

Processed foods contribute significantly to salt intake, even if you avoid salting your meals. Aim for 1,500 to 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day.

Instead: Cook meals using whole ingredients, low-sodium seasonings, and explore frozen “healthy” product lines with reduced sodium.

Ultra-Processed Snacks


While most food is processed to some extent, avoid ultra-processed snacks with added preservatives, sodium, and other additives. Make label-reading a habit.

Instead: Opt for whole nuts, healthy cereals, hard-boiled eggs, or natural snacks like fruits.


Alcohol metabolism changes with age, making individuals more susceptible to its negative effects. Moderate alcohol consumption is linked to various health problems, including liver disease, heart disease, and increased fall risk.

Instead: Explore low- or no-calorie alcohol options, try mocktails, or dilute alcoholic drinks with sparkling water or low-calorie juice.

Remember, maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for overall well-being, especially as you age.

Love, Sex & Valentine


There was something romantic about celebrating Valentine’s Day in the Seventies. Love was an emotion that was not commercially exploited as it is today. One wrote little poems, love notes, letters, cards, sent flowers, chocolates and perfumes. The time and effort put into creating these gifts made them meaningful. Creating cards was an experience and some of the emotions that went into the process of creativity were straight from the heart. It was a way to showcase creativity and thoughtfulness. The newspaper was full of advertisements of restaurants offering Valentine’s Day music and candlelight dinners. Newspapers also carried a page where people wrote messages to each other. Most couples used their pet names but all the same it made interesting reading. In the seventies, in India, perfumes were not available, so a perfume/ aftershave was a very special gift. 

Valentine’s Day was an evening movie (corner seats), followed by a beautiful candlelight dinner and the drive back home made it all very romantic and special. The simplicity of the 1970s gave way to a more modern and commercial approach to Valentine’s Day. Technology has had an impact on Valentine’s Day celebrations. Social media, Facebook, Instagram and other online platforms have made Valentine’s Day a public display of affection. Couples now send messages to each other for the whole world to know and read. The romance of the Seventies has evaporated, slowly but surely. Love letters were the ultimate expression of affection during this era. Couples would pour their hearts onto paper, carefully choosing their words to convey their deepest emotions. Love letters were often treasured and kept as cherished mementos, serving as a timeless reminder of love.

In today’s fast-paced world, technology has become an integral part of our lives, and Valentine’s Day is no exception. Virtual gift cards have gained popularity, allowing couples to choose a gift that suits their partner’s preferences without the hassle of physical shopping. These digital gift cards can be personalised and instantly delivered, making it a convenient and thoughtful option. While this is very convenient, it is also very impersonal. Today, hotels offer all kinds of esoteric experiences, couple massages, special dinners, venues, music… all to enhance a sensual experience.

The seventies were known for their iconic romantic movies and music, which played a significant role in shaping the cultural landscape of the time. Films like ‘Love Story’, Saturday Night Fever’ and ‘The Way We Were’ released much earlier but popular through the decades was ‘Summer Holiday’ that captured the essence of love and romance during this era, often portraying epic love stories that resonated with audiences. 

Could there be a better time than now to be young, so many opportunities, so many options, it is as if every significant arena in one’s life has been fundamentally redefined, whether it is sex, work, friendship, family, personal relationships, entertainment, shopping, education and knowledge have undergone a fundamental transformation. Now everything is up in the air, gender is fluid, and sexuality is the Genie that has been set free. A new social order is in place and sex is as easily available as ordering groceries. All it takes is a smart phone and voilà you have so many options.

The evolution of love and sex from the seventies to the present day reflects a seismic shift marked by technological advances and changing social norms. Dating apps have redefined the landscape of intimacy, broadening the spectrum of acceptable experiences. The essence of relationships has had a profound transformation yet amidst this liberation questions about the future of marriage linger, will commitment find new forms or will the paradox of endless choices lead to a yearning for deeper connections.

A Valentine’s date was a special evening. One made all the efforts and planned for the evening. Today, online dating has also become a significant factor in modern life. With the rise of dating apps and websites, couples are now meeting and forming connections online. Technology has brought about a radical change in the dating game, now there are dating apps on your smartphone that will help you find love, sex all within a few clicks. From speed dating to finding someone on these apps, you can reach millions across geographies or someone in your immediate neighbourhood. The apps help you start a conversation, both parties are aware that sex could be the final destination. You can create your own profile, look for a partner exactly the way you desire. People are putting up badges indicating what they are looking for. Something casual or that they are polyamorous, or kinky, gay, lesbian. One can express their wants and needs in advance. 

Gen Z and millennials have changed the definition of sex. Open your appstore on your smartphone and you will find the following Apps. Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid, Happn, Hinge, TrulyMadly, Woo, Badoo, POF (Plenty of Fish). I don’t know if these apps are legal, but they are used by millions of people and are there for every Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy to see.

The apps present an opportunity for exploration as well as pursuing compatibility and deeper connection. The conversation about sex is more open and people are seeing it more expansively. This is how it works –

  • Step 1 – Download dating app of your choice
  • Step 2 – Create your profile and upload a few of your images
  • Step 3 – The algorithm matches people who have similar interests with you as per your profile.
  • Step 4 – You can swipe right in case you are interested in a profile. 
  • Step 5 – The person whose profile you swiped on will get a notification with your profile. 
  • Step 6 – In case the said person is interested in your profile, he or she will swipe right and you will be matched after which you can start chatting with the person.

Growing up in the seventies and eighties, I remember describing sexual activity by reference to a football match. Penalty, offside, corner and finally Goal. There was never any doubt as to what “Goal mara ki nahi” meant or “Game bajaya kya”. To score a goal was to go all the way to finish the game. Although the Seventies was an era of free love with slogans such as “make love not war”, this never made any headway with Indian girls. The war was in Vietnam and girls in India only wanted to marry. Even today, the vast majority of men and women in India can have sex only after marriage.

So where do we go from here? What happens to love and marriage, is it redundant? Since, sex is available at a click without any commitment and it could be a new experience each time.  Can young people fall in love and can they make love last? The young today face a world where all the rules are new and options plenty. Technology has squeezed itself into every aspect of our lives. Will this change the concept of marriage? Maybe marriage will happen with a deeper sense of commitment and understanding. On the other hand, there is a sense that everything is possible but nothing is quite enough. It is not surprising that mental health is becoming a problem of significant proportions.

Today, one hears of the word “open marriage” which means that the couple are free to have sex with whomever they want. So then is this just a boarding lodging arrangement with on occasional romp thrown in? It is also accepted that a man and a woman may live together like a couple. They may go on holidays together, the problem arises when the relationship ends and the woman accuses the man of rape. The question is what happens when the woman breaks up the relationship and finds someone new, can the man accused her of anything? There is an imperative need for re-evaluation of the legal framework particularly related to the complexities of consent, rape and breakup accusations. 

Society does not take kindly to the sexual needs of older people. The young tell their story, their passion and their beautiful bodies have dominated the screens and advertising for eons and it is always be like this. In fact, older males are shown with nubile young younger women and a derogatory comment like “Buddha bahut Tharki hai” or “Rassi sad gayi par vat nahi gaya” is made. People wrongly assume that older people no longer have sex or want it. 

It is also taboo for a woman even to express a desire to have sex. Let alone pay for it especially women who are of a certain age dissatisfied with the quality of sex they have had or the lack of it in general. Lack of communication hinders their lives but they still want pleasure, passion in their lives. Sometimes it could be a lack of effort on their male counterparts. Many women find themselves alone through death or divorce or other circumstances, yet they miss the pleasure of touching and being touched. Today’s women are bold and open to the idea of paying for good sex. If a man can so can a woman. The journey from the past to the present needs reflection on the delicate balance between freedom and responsibility in the matters of heart.

While the customs and traditions may have changed, the essence of Valentine’s Day remains the same: a celebration of love. So whether you choose to celebrate in the 1970s style, or embrace the modern style, may this Valentine’s Day be filled with love, laughter and cherished memories!

All for Love


The month of February has become synonymous with love, even in India where St Valentine has been the target of many political factions and agitivists trying to oust his day as an alien social and cultural habit in our country. But love will not be quelled so easily. And more and more people, already wounded by Cupid’s arrows, have taken to expressing themselves publicly, especially in this social media era where, everyone and their uncles, put out everything for the world to see and like and comment on and troll… 

But, I’m digressing. Let’s talk about the most exhaustively used four letter word across the world – LOVE.  

Where Do I Begin, To Tell The Story Of How Great A Love Can Be? (Love Story – Andy Williams-1970)

The Hindi film industry is a repository of possibly the maximum number of love stories, both – on, and off screen. While the on screen romances have made a mark across the decades, they are simply too many to enumerate. So we’ll take a look at real love. (Love is Real- John Lennon-1977)

Paeans and odes to love in Hindi films are almost mandatory. The song and dance that our films are known for, largely encompass love stories and their progress. At least till the last decade or so…covering every aspect of love- romantic love, childhood love, enduring love, unrequited love, one-sided love, obsessive love, pure love (always minus chemistry), physical love, violent love, forbidden love, interracial love, star-crossed love, international love, love triangles and rectangles, simple love, complex love, tragic love, psychotic love, killer love…. And often, the same threads as in films, seem to run through the love stories of the film stars.

Image courtesy: Koimoi

Meena Kumari was the poster girl for love’s tragedy, both on screen and in life. She married her love, director Kamaal Amrohi, but it ended up being an emotionally abusive relationship. She was like a caged bird, her wings clipped, her cries unheard. Alcohol may have killed her, but her spirit wilted away long before, yearning for the kind of love she never received. Sure, she was loved by the handsome Dharmendra and the wizard poet Gulzar- they were soulmates in the poetry they wrote from the depths of their being. (Dharmendra also wrote beautiful poetry- still does- for the later love of his life, Hema Malini) But these loves were not meant to walk the journey with the melancholy Meena Kumari.  

The next big love in Dharmendra’s life was decades later, when he married Hema Malini, despite being married and having fathered 4 children with his wife Prakash. 

The Raj Kapoor Nargis love story rocked the industry as well as the foundations of the Kapoor family, held together by the quiet dignity of Krishna Kapoor. Immortalised in the RK logo itself, Nargis was the much married Raj Kapoor’s muse and obsession for a long period of time. They worked together in 18 films over a decade and a half. Nargis apparently even enjoyed the indulgence of a room to herself within the hallowed portals of RK Studios, the same as each of the male Kapoors enjoyed. Post her relationship with RK, (he staunchly refused to marry her), Nargis went into depression. But she met the young Sunil Dutt during the making of Mother India (he played her son in the movie) and a more secure steadfast love blossomed in Nargis’s life again. Sunil Dutt loved and cherished his wife for as long as they remained married, until the end of her life in 1981. 

Raj Kapoor then had a flaming affair with Vyjayanthimala, which caused even more damage to his family, until he ended it in order to win his family back, they had left the family home. 

Dilip Kumar was also said to have been crazy about Vyjayanthimala, after he ended his relationship with Madubala. But he ended up marrying the much younger Saira Banu in the sixties. 

Image courtesy: Hindustan Times

Rajesh Khanna and Anju Mahendru had a live-in relationship way back in the sixties…but Anju, despite being a perfect girlfriend /lover/ partner, felt no compulsion to get married. Rajesh Khannna was an outright chauvinist and the free spirited Anju was often stifled… they split, Rajesh Khanna married the very young Dimple Kapadia, years later. Two daughters later, they parted ways. Dimple found love with Sunny Deol, and Rajesh Khanna moved on to other women along the way, both within the industry and outside of.  

The seventies fodder at the grist mills was the best kept public secret- the rumoured affair between superstar Amitabh Bachchan and his sultry co-star in many films – the dusky south Indian beauty Bhanurekha. Immortalised in Yash Chopra’s Silsila, with Jaya Bachchan, playing the long suffering and helpless wife!  (Rekha then married Vinod Mehra, and later Mukesh Aggarwal, who ended his life after a history of depression and mental health issues.) 

The Salim Khan- Salma- Helen triangle in the eighties also made headlines and still continues to make them, when the family, kids and grandkids all make public appearances.   

The eighties and nineties saw Sanjay Dutt and his many loves. The troubled Sanjay Dutt worked his love route through multiple wives and girlfriends…Madhuri Dixit, Rhea Pillai, and eventually settled down with Maanyata. Third time’s the charm apparently. Sanjay’s path of trauma was peppered with numerous lesser publicised love relationships as well. 

Image courtesy: Bollywoodshaadis

It is heartening to see that love continues to inspire and drive people through and post any number of failed relationships. The human heart never gives up. 

Image courtesy: Bollywoodshaadis

The generation of Penguins – One life, one soulmate, number very few on the list of love stories. Anil and his gorgeous wife Sunita Kapoor, Suneil and Mana Shetty. In the film world, where passion and romance rule, Friday to Friday often, these actors have been married to their sweethearts, stayed constant ( at least they haven’t been caught) and continue to have super strong relationships with their spouses. (Note- neither Sunita Bhambani, nor Mana Qadri are industry actresses and have chosen to stay independent of the film world) Another couple here would be Mahesh Bhatt and Soni Razdan. After his impassioned and heartbreaking relationship with Parveen Babi, it was the quiet strength of the luminous Soni that anchored the lost Mahesh. Today, these aren’t just relationships, they’re relationship goals to emulate.  

Image courtesy: X

Love stories in the Bollywood industry are still happening,  and will always, fast and furiously. Some are time-stamped with an expiry date even as they begin, and some last the long haul. 

Noteworthy- we don’t have any closet love or coming out love amongst actors here in India. There is not a single celebrity couple that is gay. That is not to say they don’t exist. But the social fallout of open admittance and the moral police make ‘happily ever after’ an impossibility here. A fact that is peculiar to India. Around the world, many celebrity same sex couples live in love openly, and dedicate their lives to their partners, without fear of censure of image damage.  

Love makes the world go round and my head spin. Any cynicism experienced in reading this narrative is entirely of one’s own imagination. I am perennially boggled and inspired by the human capacity to seek and find love, and am always happy when two kindred souls come together in love. Love Is An Endless Journey — and definitions of love may change on the surface. But at the core, it’s very simple. The quest to find and match one’s yin or yang takes a lifetime.

For the absolute present, there’s Tinder, Bumble, Aisle, Hinge, Grindr and a whole host of apps that will show you the way to love.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Top 10 Romantic Books


Several generations of women (and secretly, men) grew up on candy-sweet Mills & Boon, Barbara Cartland, Georgette Heyer–mushy love stories, Regency romances, bodice-rippers and a whole lot of subgenres of the broad themes of love. With modern times and changing attitudes, the M&B’s become more risqué and then with the Fifty Shades trilogy, all bets were off.  Still, the classics endure for a reason.

A pick of 10 readable love stories, some old, some new:

Pride and Prejudice (1813):

This evergreen novel by Jane Austen has a zinger of an opening line: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. Published in the 19th century, it is still remarkably modern—which is the mark of a classic—even though the terribly sexist primogeniture laws have changed. It is considered one of the greatest romantic novels of all time, and the outspoken heroine, Elizabeth Bennet, is a favourite.  Her on-off, love-hate relationship with the uptight Mr Darcy, is what gives the novel its edge. Even at a time when an unmarried woman had no future, for Elizabeth, her self-respect and love was  more important than a match of convenience. The appeal of the story is such that every few years, there’s a movie or series coming out, based on it. Her other books make the cut too, but this one is representative of her style.

Wuthering Heights (1847):

There are doomed romances and then there’s the doomed-est of them all, the only novel by Emily Brontë. It charts the tempestuous love story of Catherine and the brooding Heathcliff—the prototype of dark and vengeful fictional  heroes. Intense, passionate, bitter this gothic novel with its over dramatic structure, has been recast into poems, films, and modern-day recreations, since the mix of tragedy and revenge never fades.






Jane Eyre (1847):

This Charlotte Bronte novel often ties with Jane Austen’s books for the most famous romantic novels ever. The book follows the eponymous heroine from girlhood to adulthood, and her love for the aristocratic Mr Rochester, who could tie with Heathcliff in the brooding hero race. Jane is an orphan, who is treated very cruelly by her relatives; she falls in love with Rochester, but the path to that happy end (elusive in so many classic love stories) is studded with obstacles that she does manage to overcome with some help from luck.



Anna Karenina (1878):

Leo Tolstoy’s epic, a 800 plus page door-stopper of a novel, is considered one of the best books ever written.  Set at the time of Imperial Russia, it narrated the tragedy of the titular Anna, a married woman, who falls helplessly in love with the handsome Count Vronsky, and elopes with him. Looking forward to a life of love and excitement, she gets disappointment, social isolation and regret that ends with the unforgettable jumping-in-front-of-a-train suicide. Only an author as masterly as Tolstoy could have written about the agony of love with such lyricism.





Gone With the Wind (1936):

Margaret Mitchell wrote just one novel, set during and after the devastation of the Civil War in America, but the sprawling epic won several awards, become a bestseller, and according to the net, as of 2014, a poll found it to be the second favourite book of American readers, just behind the Bible;, more than 30 million copies have been printed worldwide. It depicts the struggles of Scarlett O’Hara, the daughter of a plantation owner, who has to work hard to keep poverty at bay, when her marriage ends in widowhood. The passion she and the rakish Rhett Butler share is scandalous, but also racing towards heartbreak. Rhett utters the memorable line, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn,” to a distraught Scarlett, but she is not broken by his indifference. The film based on the novel, starring Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable is an all -time masterpiece. 

Love Story (1970):

It would be considered cheesy by many readers, but when it came out, Erich Segal’s novel about the romance between rich guy Oliver and Jenny, daughter of a baker, was a craze. Opposites attracted!  Against the wishes of Oliver’s father, the two marry; he is cut off from the family fortune. The two struggle but make a happy life for themselves till it is discovered that Jenny has terminal leukaemia. The book that remained on the top selling charts for months and was turned into a hit movie, was what is called a four-hanky weepie, and has been copied ad nauseum by other writers, aiming for the market of soft-hearted readers.




Love In The Time Of Cholera (1985):

Gabrial Garcia Marquez’s richly-imagined novel is about Florentino Ariza, who has been waiting for 50 years for his true love to return. While waiting, he has several affairs, but remains devoted to his childhood sweetheart Fermina Daza. After half a century, the man who married Fermina dies. An elderly Florentino is free to declare his love, but does he deserve it? A sad, funny and very readable novel of impossible love by the Nobel Prize-winning Colombian writer.


The Notebook (1996):

Nicholas Sparks writes a lot of romantic fiction, this one tops his popular list. Noah and Allie are in love, but fate, families and World War conspire to keep them apart. The story is narrated by an old man, who is caring for a woman suffering from dementia and the layers of plot that have brought them to this point are uncovered gradually.  Readers who go for tear-jerkers, this simple plot of true love that overcomes every hurdle is the ideal read, with many twists and an overdose of emotions. Melancholy yet uplifting, it is easy to say why it is loved by so many readers, while an equal number gag on its manipulative narration.





The Fault In Our Stars (2012):

Jon Green’s novel, aiming at a young adult readership, is about two teenagers who suffer from terminal illness. Hazel and Augustus, both awkward because of their unusual circumstances, know they haven’t long to live, but want to enjoy the highs of love while they still can. Even though it is about impending tragedy, the book is lively, witty and full of tenderness as the two teenagers love like there is no tomorrow, because for them, there isn’t. The book became a best-seller, was made into a movie and is still popular with young readers, and maybe older ones too.




Normal People (2018):

Sally Rooney’s intricate and intimate love story is about a mismatched couple, Marianne and Connell, whose passion waxes and wanes, but they also share a closeness that is between love and friendship. The novel, acclaimed as one of the best love stories of the 21st century, it follows Marianne and Connell Waldron through secondary school and college. There are issues of class differences, family complications and the way two people who are obviously made for each other, are unable to truly understand their own feelings or simplify the complexity of their relationship.

Demystifying Joint Replacement


On 10 Feb, 2024, Seniors Today hosted their weekly Health Live Webinar with Dr Anyapu Deepak who spoke about Joint Replacement Demystified: Understanding Your Options and Making Informed Decisions and answered questions regarding the same.

Dr Anyapu Deepak is an experienced orthopedic surgeon equipped with a robust educational background, extensive hands-on experience, and a commitment to continuous learning and improvement. He holds an MBBS degree (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) from Guntur Medical College. He received his post graduation with an MS degree (Master of Surgery) in Orthopaedics from Rangaraya Medical College and a fellowship in Joint Replacement from Srikara Hospitals. He is currently working as a consultant orthopedic surgeon at Mamata Multi-specialty Hospital.

Osteoarthritis of the knee is not a disease, rather an inflammatory process instead of just simple wear and tear. Both the components contribute to osteoarthritis of the knee. Joint wear and tear along with the inflammatory process is responsible for osteoarthritis.
Because of inflammatory mediators, the synovial layer, cartilage- which are supposed to be smooth- gets degenerated due to inflammatory trauma which leads to roughness leading to pain on movement.

Osteoarthritis of the knee is the most common cause for pain and disability in the geriatric age group.

The most important symptom that brings the patient to the hospital is the pain.
Some of the patients might also have associated swelling (effusion) with the pain.
Some patients may also have a bony deformity.

Arthritis is not limited to only the knee joint, it can affect any joint. The knee joint being a weight bearing joint, it is most commonly involved.

Most of the paints that present with osteoarthritis of the knee, initially complain of pain localised to the inner side of the knee (lateral joint line), which can at a later stage progress to pain in the entire knee joint.

A study conducted in 2020 and 2022, says that sedentary lifestyle is more commonly seen in the big cities of the country, which is why the people staying in the urban population have a higher incidence of osteoarthritis of the knee, which is 33%

A higher incidence of OA knee is also seen in overweight and obese individuals.

A diagnosis for osteoarthritis of the knee is made with the help of an X ray.

Kellgren and Lawrence classification of osteoarthritis classifies osteoarthritis into 4 grades
Grade 1 and 2 is for mild OA
Grade 3 is moderate OA
Grade 4 is severe OA- this has severe loss of joint line, in raised osteophyte formation, subchondral sclerosis
Most of the Indian population falls under Grade 1 of the above mentioned classification where most patients are unaware of the disease. This is why education and awareness is necessary so the disease can be diagnosed at an earlier stage and its progress to grade 3 and 4 can be avoided or at least delayed.

Risk factors include:
– Females > Males
– Sedentary lifestyle
– Obese/ overweight patients

Treatment modalities and management includes the following:
1. Topical NSAIDs
2. Oral NSAIDs
3. Supervised exercises
4. Weight reduction and a healthy lifestyle
5. Patient education
If the patient after receiving the above mentioned conservation management continues to have persistent pain and symptoms, then we move to the next line of management which includes:
1. Intra articular injections- steroid injections- these are quick acting but short lasting, viscosupplements and PRP injections- are slow acting but long lasting— this means that these injections are an adjuvant to treatment and not the mainstay of treatment

If the symptoms still persist, then you have to look into the option of surgical management. These include:
1. Osteotomy- to correct the axis of the knee joint
2. Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty- done in patients with only inner side knee pain, the outer side of the knee should be completely pain free. This is preferred to some patients over total knee replacement because this surgery results in less blood loss, faster recovery and quicker rehabilitation.
3. Total knee replacement- this surgery has come a long way with respect to the technique, the implants, etc.
All the available implants give a life of 20-30 years, and it is bet if your treating physician decides which works best for you.

However, the most common complaint following a TKR (Total Knee Replacement) Surgery is the unmet expectation of the patient.
Other minor surgical complications include:
– Joint stiffness
– Inflammation
– Paresthesia
– Infection

The most common major surgical complications include:
– Readmission for re surgery

The prevalence of these complications is very low compared to the number of surgeries being performed.

The decision of whether a patient should undergo a Total Knee Replacement Surgery is not just based on the X ray of the patient but the X Ray is also correlated to the symptoms of the patient and this clinical presentation and examination and clinical findings.

Post operatively, you will have pain, but you need to compare it to the pain you had pre operatively and know that with time and rehabilitation knee exercises, it will get better.

The swelling and pain takes about 1-2 weeks to subside and then it gradually starts subsiding.

If you get single knee joint replacement surgery, it takes about 1 day, the day following your surgery, as your pain allows, you can start walking with the help of an aid.

You will require aided physiotherapy for 2-3 weeks following the surgery, after which you can continue on your own.

Your expectations following the surgery should be realistic. Yes, you can squat and sit cross legged but it is not advised to do so on the regular. However, occasionally, yes you can.

Most common cause for patient dissatisfaction is residual pain- 100% of pain relief cannot be assured.