Page 20 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 20

Especially on the water, the air was frozen and
                                                              misty, but we were rewarded when our guides
                                                              saw a school of belugas. About 13-feet long,
                                                              small by whale standards, the whitish whale is
                                                              aptly named beluga, derived from the Russian
                                                              word belukha for white. Our guides then
                                                              dropped a device into the water which detected
                                                              underwater sonar and allowed us to eavesdrop
                                                              on the whales as they “spoke” to each other.

         Gigantic Paw mark of a Polar Bear
        Excitement flooded my veins and I felt my
        heart beat faster, from thrill, from fear, as we
        looked around in anticipation for the polar bear.
        We were soon rewarded: there he was – the
        ‘resident’ polar, whom we will call Hugo.

                                                               Beluga Whales
                                                              As we mounted ashore, our adventures were

         Our resident Polar Bear - Hugo                       not done. On our way back to the lodge we saw
        A giant among the sparse terrain, white and           a scuffle between two polar bears: our fellow
        cool, staring at us, his body languid, his eyes       resident and an unwelcome intruder. Hugo
        alert. After a few cool seconds, and a final          threateningly warded off the interloper and we
        desultory sniff, he ambled off. I forgot to be        arrived, exhilarated but cold, at the end of the
        scared and could only take in his big beauty and      day.
        marvel how despite his size he could move so
        fluidly and gracefully.
        Arctic Safari
        On our second day, we strapped on water
        galoshes – thick waterproof rubber shoes – and
        piled into a zodiac, an inflatable boat, as we
        made our way into Hudson Bay , to spot the
        elusive beluga whale The air above the lake was
        even icier and as we drifted along, I took in the
        barren beauty of the shore, dotted with black

                                                               Polar Bear faceoff
                                                              Later that evening while we ate dinner –
                                                              incidentally a meal that involved aloo bhaji,
                                                              we noticed we had a wayside guest: Hugo had
                                                              propped himself up on his hind legs and was
                                                              peering into the dining room, as if to hopefully
                                                              invite himself over for dinner.
         On the Zodiac boat to see the Belugas

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