Page 20 - Seniors Today -April20
P. 20
Cover Story
Hello ma’am,
it’s a scam
People have duped others
throughout human history, and
scamsters evolve with the times.
Sandeep Suri offers tips on staying
It was early morning on a beautiful summer to dupe others. The face of economic crime
day. I reached my office in Dublin, Ireland. is changing at an unprecedented rate. The
As I was looking through the glass outside internet has changed the complexities
an old, timber-framed French window I of fraud. With most consumers owning
watched the beautiful sun rising to brighten smartphone, tablets, laptops, the digital
the earth, and I felt more in sync with nature market is here to stay! Indeed, technology
and all it had to offer, but then someone is supporting the large volume of online
knocked on my door, it was my admin transactions, but the real currency of digital
Wendy who was looking quite hassled. I commerce is TRUST. As businesses witness
realised that there was something not quite digital transformations in their fields, they
right with her that day, she reluctantly recognise the importance of technology
told me that her 82-year-old mother was which is one of the biggest enablers to
cheated by a fraudster when she innocently build scale and efficiency. Building trust
answered a few simple questions over the through technology without disruption
phone, succumbed to the creative tricks is increasingly the goal, while there are
of the fraudster, and lost about €1000 natural barriers to this audacious goal, it is
in just in a matter of minutes. This is an now more critical than ever to transact with
example of how vulnerable we are to these utmost care.
cybersecurity crimes in our society. Converging trends have propelled the
I don’t want to scare you, but the fact of increasing scale, diversity, and complexity
the matter is that you turn on the news or of frauds across the globe. As an example, a
leaf through a newspaper, and there is a shift from conventional methods of making
reasonably high chance you will find a story payments to more sophisticated ways of
about economic crime or fraud. Throughout transferring money has accentuated the pace
the human history, people have attempted and scale of frauds. We genuinely believe