Page 42 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 42

Once Upon a Time | Music

         On The

         Classical Track

          Indian classical musicians have made immense contributions to film music,
          as singers, instrumentalists and directors, writes Narendra Kusnur

         Musically, the 1952 film Baiju Bawra is often      films has been low and sporadic, the number
         remembered for the way music director              of instrumentalists has been pretty large,
         Naushad used classical raags. The use of raag      either in their capacity as music directors or
         Malkauns on Mohammed Rafi’s ‘Man Tadpat            by playing instrumental parts and getting
         Hari Darshan Ko Aaj’ and raag Darbari on ‘O        known for specific solos.
         Duniya Ke Rakhwale’ set new standards in            An example of instrumentalists in film
         film music composition.                            music would be Ustad Allarakha, who went
          Naushad also used raag Deshi effectively on       by the name AR Qureshi, while composing
         the song ‘Aaj Gaavat Man Mero Jhoomke’. But        for soundtracks in the 1940s and 1950s,
         instead of opting for regular playback singers     before going on numerous tours abroad
         like Rafi or Manna Dey, both known for their       with sitar maestro Pandit Ravi Shankar and
         mastery over classical nuances, he chose the       settling down full-time with classical music.
         team of Ustad Amir Khan and Pandit DV              Among the vocalists, a known instance is
         Paluskar on this song. Both were known             of Ustad Rashid Khan singing ‘Aaoge Jab
         names in Hindustani classical music, and           Tum Saajna’ to guest composer Sandesh
         made a huge contribution to the soundtrack,        Shandilya’s tune in Jab We Met in 2007.
         with pieces in raags Puriya Dhanashree, Todi,
         Megh and Darbari. In fact, Khan also played        Prominent contributions
         the role of music consultant for the film.         We shall now look at some of the prominent
          Khan and Paluskar, who sadly died young at        classical vocalists and instrumentalists who
         34, were two examples of classical musicians       contributed to Hindi films. Ghazal singers
         contributing to film music scores. Though          are not being included, as ghazals have
         the number of classical vocalists singing in       always been an intrinsic part of films in terms

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