Page 3 - seniors today August issue
P. 3
From The Publisher
Looking Back At Kashmir
When a child is born the mother puts a black How does one tackle life in our retirement
spot on the baby’s cheek or forehead to ward off years? The Story of Green Peas is one I have
evil. Unfortunately, Mother India didn’t do this known of personally. But I know that it occurs in
for Kashmir. Or so it seems. Our Cover Story this several families across the country. In the Indian
month has been written by the late Sati Sahni, situation where there is no social security, our
India’s first war correspondent. His attention children are our social security. Today, seniors
to detail was tremendous. Born and bought up must decide how they would like to tackle the
in Srinagar, Sahni had his pulse on the political end-of-life situation when they may not be in a
situation in Kashmir on a minute-to-minute position to decide the course they ought to take.
basis. But if they have left instructions, made their
Sahni’s report assumes importance given the wishes clear, hopefully their descendants will
recent abrogation of Article 370 and the many abide by their desires. It is not an issue that one
references made to the Jammu & Kashmir should run away from.
accession issue. With his deep connects in the In the light of worries that seniors have for
then defence and political establishments, Sati their own future, Sonavi Kher Desai’s Toolkit is
Sahni had more than a ringside view on how essential reading. The one way by which aperson
the erstwhile kingdom became part of India. can take his/her own decision regarding his/her
The text and pictures kindly facilitated by his treatment is by means of an ‘Advance Directive’
son Navneet, wife Prem and daughter Malti are or a ‘Living Will’, she writes. It is a document
exclusive to Seniors Today. prepared in advance by a person, expressing his/
We will have more from Sahni in a forthcoming her directions with regard to medical treatment
issue. Wait for it. in case of a situation of total dependency. If you
are a senior or have a senior in the family or
friends, you must ensure that they are aware of
the legal provisions of the ‘Advance Directive’
We also have the remarkable story of Pratap Going forward, Seniors Today will bring you
Mulchand Dialdas, better known as Bhai Pratap, more detailed advisories from Desai.
written by his daughter Aruna Jagtiani. A
staunch Gandhian, Bhai Pratap helped not just in Best wishes,
the rehabilitation of countless Sindhis who were
rendered homeless by the Partition, but also
helped build the cities of Adipur, Gandhidham
and Kandla in Kutch. In his quest to build the Vickram Sethi
New Sindh in India, he built the Kandla Port. Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 2