Page 3 - Seniors Today - March Issue
P. 3
Publisher’s Note
Master of Hearts
In the ever-evolving world of cricket there is generations. He has always been his own person
one constant, and that is Sunil Gavaskar. He has and this is what helps him remain relevant.
remained a pillar of strength that makes every What is also creditable is that despite all the
Indian proud. When Sunil began his cricket mudslinging in the cricketing associations, BCCI
journey, the game was nothing like it is today. I etc, he has kept himself clean and remained
don’t know if the evolution started with him, but distant from the politics of the game.
for sure he was a part of it, and India is today a No other cricketer has had the same longevity
top-ranking team. as him – for 16 years as a cricketer and for 34
There was a time when the Indian team was years as a commentator, he has remained the
considered fragile and it was said that we could voice of Indian cricket through all the changes
snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Sunil was that it has seen. There has to be something
the one cricketer who faced every onslaught special about this man that has kept him spot-
with grit and determination. He was the one on for 50 years. I once sat at a dinner table with
who made us feel that we belonged on the him (at the CEAT Cricket Rating Awards), and
world stage. He played the game with class and found him impeccably mannered, soft-spoken,
technical brilliance; while there were others, unconscious of the fact that he is Sunil Gavaskar
none came close to matching the consistency and and like everyone else on the table participated
the volume of runs that Sunil harvested. equitably in the conversation.
He is perhaps one of the few cricketing Sunil Gavaskar is a real hero and like all real
superstars who retired at the right moment. Not heroes he has stood the test of time. Never mind
an easy thing to do, possibly it is this ability to his height; he is the giant of Indian cricket and
understand the situation and the moment that will remain so.
held him in good stead on the field and also off
it. What is amazing is that he continues to be
relevant, a voice of wisdom. Humble, down-to-
earth and not in awe of himself, it is this trait Vickram Sethi
that allows Sunil to connect with people of all Publisher and Editor-in-Chief