Page 7 - Seniors Today - August 21 Issue
P. 7
There is a valid argument that it’s not which can easily be replicated.
just about money. That is, a lot of money is We have two big areas to explore now:
spent on identifying and nurturing talent the landmass of India, as the cliches run:
in India. And although we usually fall from Kashmir and Kanyakumari, from
into that rabbit hole of demands for more coast to coast, from the furthest west to the
government help around this time, it is furthest east! And the other, as obvious
also true that there is enormous private and as ignored: the women of India. Much
funding that has also gone into finding has been made of the success of women in
and fostering sportspersons. these Olympics and not least the Indian
And in this one must never ignore women’s hockey team of which Rampal is
Indian cricket. For all that the Board for the captain. We may not have won a medal
Control of Cricket in India is abused and in the women’s team, but all those women
excoriated, it is India’s most successful represent the vast diversity of India.
and wealthiest sporting enterprise. The From Vandana Katariya of Haridwar to
BCCI is a private entity and fights hard Deep Grace Ekka of Bhubaneshwar and
to remain that way, for all that India’s Niki Pradhan of Jharkhand, not to forget
politicians fight hard and dirty to remain the contribution of Punjab and Haryana
in control of its governing body. to Indian hockey, we already see that we
The BCCI, through its associate clubs need to look everywhere. Mary Kom’s
and organisations, scours India for the success as a boxer brought India’s ignored
best talent, which is honed and tested North East into focus. It was an education
before being set loose on the world. for many into an area just vaguely
The resounding success of MS Dhoni, referred to as the “North East” or “Seven
successful captain, unorthodox player, Sisters”.
inspiring leader, brought up in Ranchi, The contribution of the state of Odisha
brought home to snobbish India that the to the development of hockey was also
nursery of Indian cricket was no longer unknown until the Indian women’s team
the grounds of Shivaji Park. blasted their way to the semifinals. But it
From Ranchi to Kerala to Haryana, underscores the point that when effort,
from the small towns and villages of time and money are spent on a goal, it can
India, Indian cricket has grown into a be achieved.
different identity. The IPL, for all that it The next Olympics are three years
is abused (although assiduously watched) away. Enough time to send out the talent
has opened the doors to hundreds who scouts, to support sports infrastructure in
otherwise would never make to those schools, build training facilities, identify
hallowed few spots of the international and import coaches, provide scholarships,
team. The vast network of clubs and away from India’s big cities.
associations that make up Indian cricket After decades of big city life, I moved to a
scour the countryside for the best talent. small town a few years ago. And although
Although competition is fierce, and there Dehradun is known for its schools and as
are not enough slots, the effort is made a refuge for retirees, there is a population
to find as much skill and zeal as can be in between, clamouring, hankering for a
harnessed. This is a no-brainer system bigger, better life. Catch them now!