Page 7 - Seniorstoday September 21
P. 7
The B is Buzzing
As the megastar is set to enter his 80th year, we look at his best films,
his unforgettable songs and his memorable advertisements
Lock kiya jaaye? There must be very few in his career, Amitabh gave a fitting answer
people who are not familiar with this to his detractors. He did what he does
instantly identifiable line from Kaun best – went back to acting. Yash Chopra’s
Banega Crorepati – the quiz show that Mohabbatein and his debut in KBC marked
probably wouldn’t be what it is without the upturn in his fortunes, though it was a
the presence of its magnetic host, Amitabh while before he ruled the roost again.
Bachchan. When he did, it was as a reinvented
As he enters his 80th year on October Amitabh, a thespian playing his age, an
11, Bachchan carries with him the legacy actor taking up roles that challenged
of a long and illustrious acting career, definitions and stretched boundaries.
starting from serious, thoughtful roles, Where once audiences relished his
going on to angry young man typecasting, song-and-dance numbers and dashing
singing-dancing romcoms, social crusader action sequences, now they look to him
characters, maverick figures… he has for measured performances, acting that
essayed them all with flair. Amitabh carried explores the nuances of his characters.
off even the most ridiculous scenes with Forget all his lovable and charming roles
panache, underlining his talent as an actor – he has even won hearts playing a boy
for all seasons. suffering from progeria (Paa), a cranky
And if that wasn’t enough, he has also hypochondriac (Piku), a curmudgeon with
carved out his own place among the new no visible redeeming qualities (Gulabo
generation – the Twitterati – with his Sitabo). At one time, he had lost almost
numbered tweets, sometimes philosophical, everything. Now, he puts everything into
occasionally trite. his roles, as if he has nothing to lose.
Even the rocky road that Bachchan In his career spanning more than 50
travelled is an object lesson in not just years, it is a tall order to pick out the
surviving but making a comeback in a best of Amitabh Bachchan. His films, his
reinvented format. When his venture ABCL unforgettable songs and dance moves and
did badly, there were quite a few who were his memorable ads – our columnists tell us
ready to write him off, as a brand as well as what they like best about the actor who was
an actor. But after a hiatus, which included rejected by All India Radio for having the
what he terms one of the darkest moments wrong voice. Just imagine.