Page 3 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 3
From The Publisher
An action-packed issue
The month of September marks the moments that orthopedic surgeon of Mumbai, explains how
led to the Zoji-La breakthrough and the defence of senior citizens can prevent falls.
Ladakh in 1948. India’s first war correspondent, The ten commandments on grandparenting
the late Sati Sahni, recorded the events. For the redefining the roles of grandparents, parents and
first time, it is being reproduced here for the grandchildren. Sheila Jain explains how to grow
benefit of our readers. The amazing feat of the medicinal plants on your balcony and terrace
Indian army using tanks to fight at such heights garden. Plus regular features on diet and fitness.
was unparalleled in the world – to take the tanks Nostalgia is the sweetest of all emotions and
from the plains into the mountains without the from this issue we introduce a series called ‘Once
enemy knowing. The army dismantled the tanks Upon a Time’. Vandana Kanoria writes on the
in the Jammu plains transported them at night time we wrote letters to each other. Deepa Gahlot
and reassembled. General Thimaya, who played has a flashback on Devika Rani while Prabhakar
the lead role in this operation, changed the entire Mundkur goes down memory lane with a look at
war and saved Ladakh and Kashmir for India. how a 1971 gig was promoted.
The world could not believe that the Indian Hopefully this series will revive a lot of memories
army could operate tanks at those heights and of things gone by. In the coming months, you will
conditions. The treachery of the British needs see many more new features… wait for them.
to be highlighted to the world and to the rest of
Urvi Piramal’s story on her trip to the Arctic, We are delighted to inform you of the setting
one of the coldest places on the globe, has some up of the Seniors Today Club, a first-of-its-kind
amazing pictures, polar bears, whales, and the club for senior citizens. There are many activities
Northern Lights. Dr Gaur, a medical practitioner and attractions that we have lined up as part of
and a Sanskrit scholar, writes on Kalidas, poet, the Seniors Today Club. There is no entry fee but
playwright and philosopher extraordinaire. A membership is currently open to only the first
man of great intellect who wrote a play called 10,000 who enroll. I would urge you to become
Shakuntala which is performed even today in a member asap.
almost all Indian languages in the form of poetry
and dance-dramas.
Sonavi Kher Desai writes on the need of writing Best wishes,
a will to avoid problems in the family after
they are gone. In the internet age, crooks find
innovative ways to dupe senior citizens – Deepak
Gagrani advises on how to stay safe with hard- Vickram Sethi
earned monies. Darius Soonawalla, an eminent Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 3