Page 42 - Seniors Today Dec 2019
P. 42

Once Upon A Time | Advertising

          How Celebrity


          have Evolved

         Prabhakar Mundkur looks back at
         stars who promoted products, and
         the varying reactions over the years

                                                                  Lux was perhaps the first brand to be launched with a
                                                                  celebrity endorsing it
         When Lux was launched way back in 1924               Earlier, endorsing brands and their advertising
        in the US, perhaps it was the first brand to be       was an easy source of income for celebrities.
        launched with a celebrity endorsing it. Five          And an easy way to get attention and credibility
        years later the brand was launched in India with      for brands. In the early days of celebrity
        Leela Chitnis as its first brand ambassador.          endorsement, it didn’t really matter what
         Lux has never looked back. Its positioning of        product the celebrity was endorsing and if there
        the ‘beauty soap of the stars’ has been so solid      was a natural fit between the celebrity and the
        that it stays with the brand 95 years later.          product. As long as the ad just drew attention
         In those days two subsequent world wars had          because of the celebrity featured in the ad.
        poured gloom over the general populace. People        Doris Day for example endorsed Harvester road
        went to the movies to cheer up and escape from        rolling equipment. Hardly a product/celebrity
        the depression. Consumers felt that they gained       match.
        status when they bought a product endorsed             One of the nagging marketing questions that
        by a star. Movie stars those days were put on         has been asked over the last few decades has
        a pedestal and there was distance between the
        star and the average consumer. Glamour was
        defined as the magical or even unreal charm
        or beauty attached to a celebrity. In contrast
        glamour has now become more popular and
        the star is less on a pedestal than ever before.
        Stars are accessible both on social media and
        traditional media and we have a constant
        peekaboo into their lives through the news.
        Glamour no longer has the aura and the mystery
        of yesteryears.
         Celebrities were good for business. And some
        celebrities got inextricably linked with some         Even willing suspension of disbelief may have been
        brands. We have come a long way since then.           stretched with Doris Day endorsing road rolling
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