Page 22 - Seniorstoday April 2023 Issue
P. 22
3. Ask ChatGPT to generate text based 6. You can also use ChatGPT to help your
on the context you have provided. For grandchild with grammar and spelling, by
example, you might say, “Can you help me asking it to check their essay for errors or
write a letter to my grandchild? I want to suggesting improvements to their writing.
tell them about my childhood and what life Overall, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in
was like when I was their age.” helping your grandchild with their school
4. ChatGPT will generate text based on the essay. By generating ideas and providing
input you provided, which you can edit and assistance with grammar and spelling,
refine until it meets your satisfaction. ChatGPT can help your grandchild write
5. Once you are happy with the letter, you a well-crafted and thoughtful essay that
can copy the text into a word processor or meets their teacher’s requirements.
email and send it to your grandchild.
With ChatGPT’s assistance, you can write Isn’t using ChatGPT to write a school
a personalised letter to your grandchild essay an act of cheating?
that is tailored to your memories and Using ChatGPT to write a school essay
experiences. It can be a great way to connect could be considered cheating if the
with your grandchild and share your student is presenting the text generated
thoughts and feelings with them. by the model as their own work without
acknowledging that it was created with the
And can I help with her/his school essay? help of a language model. It’s important
Yes, ChatGPT can help you assist your to be clear on the ethical considerations
grandchild with their school essay! Here’s around using technology to assist in
how: academic work.
1. Ask your grandchild to provide you with However, using ChatGPT as a tool to help
the essay prompt or topic and any specific generate ideas, improve writing skills, or
instructions or requirements they have check for errors is not necessarily cheating.
been given by their teacher. ChatGPT can be a valuable resource in
2. Open a chat window with a ChatGPT assisting students to learn and develop
application that supports text generation. their writing skills, provided that they
You can find such applications online, and use the generated text to inform their own
some may require you to create an account. writing and not simply copy and paste it
3. Type in the essay prompt or topic and into their essays.
any specific instructions or requirements In any case, it’s always best to consult
your grandchild has given you. with the student’s teacher or instructor to
4. Ask ChatGPT to generate text based determine what is considered acceptable
on the context you have provided. For use of technology in their particular
example, you might say, “Can you help me academic setting.
come up with ideas for my grandchild’s
school essay on the American Revolution?” What are the things about ChatGPT that
5. ChatGPT will generate text based on the one should be careful of?
input you provided, which you can use to While ChatGPT is a powerful tool with
help your grandchild brainstorm ideas and many potential benefits, there are some
develop their essay. things to be aware of when using it: