Page 39 - Seniorstoday August-2023 Issue
P. 39
I would write pages from the Heart Sutra. to have a deep connection with it) monks
“It is not calligraphy or art but a sacred burn 108 pieces of wood (108 being a sacred
ritual and has to be approached as such” number in Buddhism) and scatter white
I was told. Taking the papers with pale sesame seeds on top of them. It is believed
printed kanji characters and a calligraphy that by doing this all their illusions
brush I sat at the low table in my room and are purged and replaced with spots of
in complete silence painstakingly drew enlightenment, bringing the Buddha into
over the letters. You cannot leave it half their bodies. Every morning, this holy fire
done and must complete the passage in one is lit to cleanse participants both spiritually
sitting. Monks then burn it as an offering to and psychologically and to destroy negative
Buddha when guests leave. This practice of energies and harmful desires. During
Shakyo is one of the deepest meditative and the ritual, the fire is slowly built until it
spiritual experiences I have ever had. reaches its peak where it roars loudly to
Dinner is early the sounds of a beating taiko drum and the
and is a traditional chanting of the priests. Shoko, or incense,
Buddhist meant to cleanse and purify is added to the
meal served in fire. Wooden sticks called Soegomagi on
quintessentially which you write your requests and petition
Japanese lacquer the gods add to the growing flames. As
bowls, a delicious the air fills with incense and smoke, it is
meal without meat easy to fall into a sort of trance, completely
and fish, garlic and absorbed in the moment.
onions: the local Koyasan pulses with power; spirits of
specialty, sesame tofu, mountain vegetables ancient Japan seem to be all around you.
and sweet-and-sour seaweed in vinegar Silent streets with white-clad pilgrims,
sauce make it a feast for the senses. This walk from temple to temple wearing conical
vegetarian monastery food, Shojin Ryori, hats shaking bells. Describing it, that
very aptly means “to progress to the spirit.” wizard with words Pico Iyer says, “If ever
we are to find a better world, I thought, it
has to be right here, right now. Not just in
the midst of real life, but, most of all, in the
face of death.”
“Wild is magical, mysterious and
mythical. Wild has silence and it wipes
all the bad noises out of the heart. Real
freedom lies in the great, wild somewhere.”
Being in the jungle, captures a feeling of
belonging to the natural world. No one can
return unchanged, for tigers will forever
As the first light filters in we witness a fire prowl our memory and great herds throng
ceremony and listen to morning chants. In our imagination.
a ceremony called Goma (which sounds Ranthambore
much like our Hindu Homa and seems “Shh! Wait. Stay in the jeep”, our ranger