Page 37 - Seniors Today - December 2024
P. 37
can be hired at the location as required. offers spectacular views. The peace and
ATVs and snow scooters are available on tranquillity of the mountain pines provide
rent and add to the fun and adventure. It a marvellous opportunity to soak up the
is important to mention that private and sun while you enjoy a cup of the aromatic
commercial vehicles are not allowed to Kashmiri kahwa. You can also get a view of
plough in Gulmarg (except for drop and Nanga Parbat (the fifth highest peak in the
pickup to and from the hotel) as it is an eco- world) and others like the Harmukh and
fragile zone. the Apharwat Ridge. Other nearby places
If you are lucky, depending on the one can visit are Baba Rishi, a scenic area
weather, you might get to ride in a hot popular for the sacred shrine of a Sufi saint.
air balloon. Additionally you can enjoy In Srinagar and other parts of the valley
authentic Kashmiri cuisine at the Glass Igloo the Chinars are a welcoming site. They
restaurant. change colour thrice a year…. lush green
For the less energetic seniors, the valley leaves in the summer give a healthy and
fresh look, turning to a bright amber during
autumn from where they get their name –
Ch-inar. In winter the leaves have all fallen
and the branches look barren until the snow
falls and they get a nice white upper layer.
This beautiful landscape has to be seen and
cannot be expressed in words.