Page 9 - Seniors Today - December 2024
P. 9
A pick of 10 films, not among his best known ones:
Neel Kamal (1947): again with Naushad’s music helping along.
A stodgy costume The love triangle was a popular plot then,
drama about a and Raj Kapoor did his fair share.
sculptor, a queen and
a lost princess, Kidar Anhonee (1952):
Sharma’s film was a KA Abbas’s film had
box office flop, but Nargis playing a double
gets its place in history role as Roop and her
for being Raj Kapoor’s lost sister, a courtesan,
debut as a leading Mohini, who, when
man. He did learn the ropes from Sharma found and invited into
though, and soon took up filmmaking the family home, tries
himself. to entrap Roop’s fiancé,
played by Raj Kapoor.
Andaz (1949): The nature versus nurture theme was
Raj Kapoor and Dilip used by Kapoor’s Awara, in a different
Kumar were close context and setting. Abbas was a favourite
friends in real life, but collaborator with Kapoor, whose early
only Mehboob Khan films reflected his leftist leanings.
could bring them
together in a film -- a Chori Chori (1956):
love triangle in which A remake of It
both men are in love Happened One Night,
with the same woman directed by Anant
(Nargis). The romantic melodrama had Thakur, this film had
great music by Naushad, which greatly Nargis as a runaway
contributed to its success. Echoes of the heiress and Raj Kapoor
plot were found in Raj Kapoor’s own as a journalist pursuing
magnum opus Sangam. the story. It turns into
a comic journey with
Dastan (1950): the two encountering strange characters
AR Kardar’s film had on the way. This was the last film in
Raj Kapoor starring which the two were paired together. She
with Suraiya as an just appeared in a short cameo in his
orphan, wooed by production, Jagte Raho.
two brothers, but is
in love with the one Jagte Raho (1956):
played by Raj Kapoor. In the only Hindi film directed by Bengali
The men’s sister theatre dozen Sombhu Mitra, Raj Kapoor,
resents thus situation also the producer, played a poor peasant
and tries to meddle. The film was a hit, who comes to the city. He enters an