Page 29 - Seniorstoday February 2022 Issue
P. 29


         Mehendi Laga Ke


        This decorative art is eclectic, imaginative, offering something for everyone,

        wrties Vandana Kanoria

         Olive green paste drips carefully from the        deep orange-red colour and intricate
         orange stained fingers of a lady in ghungat.      patterns on the hands, arms, legs, and feet.
         The curls and swirls taking a life of their       The exact origins of this ancient art aren’t
         own, form intricate patterns on my palm.          clear. Some argue the first people to use
         In the background, the women are singing          henna were the ancient Egyptians. Studies of
         Marwari wedding songs on Mehendi                  mummies dating back to 1200 BC show that
         loudly and with great gusto, but completely       henna was used on the hair and nails of the
         tunelessly. The wedding festivities have          pharaohs. It is also believed that, Cleopatra
         begun!                                            used henna to paint her body.
          French fries, kachori saag, are fed to us by       Others claim India was the place of origin,
         the loving hands of mothers, as we sit rapt       where mehendi was used even before the
         watching our palms become works of art.           Vedic Age. The word ‘mehendi’ comes from
         The air is redolent with the fragrance of         a Sanskrit word, ‘mendhika’, which refers
         mehendi or henna. Mom is in great demand          directly to the henna plant itself. Later
         by those assembled, because, with her             Indian texts describe it as a part of Solah
         great artistic flair she can paint even more      Shringar or the16 adornments.
         intricate patterns using a sharpened pencil         It is thought to have evolved from desert
         dipped in the mehendi paste….                     communities, who discovered that they
          Mehendi, perhaps the oldest form of body         could cool themselves by applying paste
         art in which the artist’s own body becomes        made from henna plants to their hands
         the “canvas”, dates back to the days of           and feet. It wasn’t long before they started
         prehistoric art associated with a distinctive     painting decorative patterns.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #32 | FEBRUARY 2022                                                           29
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