Page 29 - Seniorstoday January 2022 Issue
P. 29
many incidents of bereavements of close Life remains unfulfilled in so many small,
friends and families over the past two years, but significant ways. What stayed with
who had to face the trauma of not being me was the extraordinary equanimity and
able to give a decent send off to the departed cheerfulness of my friend in spite of all the
or get the comforting company of strong travails and tragedies of life. He is blessed
shoulders in their moments of grief. Life was indeed; there is so much to learn from him.
at its starkest and matter-of-fact. On a related note, the other day I came
I recall visiting a long-standing friend, across a Japanese aphorism which says that
Shiva (name changed), about five months all of us have three faces. The first face you
ago and catching up with his family and show to the world. The second face, you
his charming mother, an ever-smiling and show to your close friends and family. The
a positive person, one of the few that I have third face, you never show anyone, it is the
known with such endearing qualities. She truest reflection of what you are. However,
was a cancer survivor. Her husband is a from my personal philosophical perspective,
chronic diabetic who has had some of his I have a different view on it. We can be at
toes amputated but was a fitting match to his equipoise in life and happy only when all
wife in resilience and take-it-in-your chin the dimensions of our personality, overt
attitude. My friend has inherited the best and covert, are aligned. If I were to allude
of his parents’ attributes and nothing fazes to our meditative practices in the path to
him. Some coffee and conversations later, self-realisation, chitta manaha ekagrata is
I took their leave with the promise that I a principle of oneness between our body,
will visit them again soon to partake of the mind and intellect .
excellent food that she prepares. Within the I should confess that it is all work-in-
next week or so, she gets afflicted with Covid progress for me and I am hoping that one
and had to be hospitalised. I recall talking day I will get to that state of ekagrata. In the
to her on the phone and wishing her well, meantime, I am realising that my mind is
she was her usual cheery self and looking variously a beautiful servant, a dangerous
forward to coming home. Simultaneously, master!
her husband too had to be hospitalised
as his sugar had spiked. Their other son,
my friend’s brother, was in Bengaluru
and he and his wife too were afflicted with
Covid. Within the next three days, I get the
shattering news that my friend’s mother
has passed away and so has his brother in
Bengaluru for lack of oxygen availability. A
close-knit family, whom I knew well, losing
two of its members a few days apart. The
commiseration with my friend was difficult,
to say the least, and no words could comfort
enough. I will never get to see her smiling
countenance or have her exquisite food
again, save for happy memories of the past.