Page 3 - Seniorstoday January 2023 Issue
P. 3
Publisher’s Note
A fascinating log on Antarctica
Archana Mariwala writes a log about her trip to like status and in the rural areas people literally
Antarctica. It’s a fascinating account and even more fell at their feet. It’s a pity that they didn’t stand for
fascinating photographs, climate change has taken elections, they probably would have one hand’s
a huge toll on the arctic and Antarctic continents. down.
The future of the human race depends on the ice, Seniors Today pays tribute to Pelé the king of
the Thwaites glacier in western Antarctica is the football who moved on in December 2022.
widest glacier on Earth and its rapid deterioration Dr. Nandini Saini writes about Biological ageing
could end with the ice shelf’s complete collapse in versus chronological ageing. Diet, exercise are the
just a few years. Thwaites is sometimes referred key factors that play a major role in ensuring that
to as the “Doomsday Glacier,” as its collapse could our biological age is less than our chronological age.
trigger a cascade of glacial collapse in Antarctica, This is also the time when everybody’s basking
and the latest research from the frozen continent in that - one - of - a- kind - beginning - of - the - year
suggests that doomsday may be coming for the –optimism. God is in heaven and all is well with the
dwindling glacier even sooner than expected. World. We all make New Year resolutions in the
It is not an expedition for the weak hearted Ms hope of bettering ourselves and sometimes, they
Mariwala is made of sterner stuff. don’t last beyond January. I guess that is the fun of
Deepa Gahlot writes on the Life and Times of it.
Ramanand Sagar the man besides making movies,
made Ramayan a serial based on the Indian epic, Have a great year ahead!
Ramayana, the serial used to be telecast on Sunday
morning at 9 am and such was its popularity that
traffic on the roads stopped. Everyone was glued
to their television sets. The Actors Arun Govil Vickram Sethi
(Ram) and Dipika Chikhlia (Sita) acquired a God Publisher and Editor-in-Chief