Page 40 - Seniorstoday January 2023 Issue
P. 40

“mooch-mukut” (moustache-crown) serial              According to information on the net,
         would be accepted by viewers. It was then          Ramayan had a viewership of 82 percent.
         decided to launch a test project to see how it     The repeat telecast was aired on 20 different
         went, inspired by the idea of sneak peeks in       channels in 17 countries on all the five
         Hollywood. With a laughably small budget           continents at different times. According to the
         of Rs One Lakh per episode, offered by RS          BBC, the serial has been viewed by over 650
         Agarwal of Emami, they made Vikram                 million viewers. The serial had to be extended
         Aur Betaal. Prem Sagar, an award-winning           by the original 52 to 78 episodes, by force of
         cinematographer trained at the Film &              public opinion so that the entire story could be
         Television Institute, found ways of shooting       accommodated. When Ramayan was rerun
         it on that shoestring budget, in their own         in 2020 during the pandemic, it still broke
         home. With typical bureaucratic cussedness,        viewership records with 77 million viewers on
         DD gave it a Sunday 4 pm slot, when kids           16th April 2020.
         were out playing, and grown-ups napping.            Prem sees the brothers—Subhash, Shanti,
         The serial turned out to be a hit, but the path    Anand, Moti and himself—as a kind of Vaanar
         to getting Ramayan off the ground was still        Sena for their father, who was immersed in
         rocky.                                             making the serial--driven by his faith that
          Then Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi,                made him indefatigable. Prem, who spent a
         wanted DD to telecast serials that projected       lot of time with his father and recorded his
         Indian values and culture. After cutting           memories that went into the book, which is
         through tremendous red tape, Ramayan               full of interesting anecdotes that also give a
         started production in Vrindavan Studio in          glimpse of life in the 20th century, and the
         Umargaon, with some actors from Vikram             way the film industry worked (like a close-
         Aur Betaal being repeated, notably Arun            knit family) and developed into Bollywood
         Govil as Lord Ram. Ravindra Jain composed          and branched into a home entertainment
         the music and when the title track Mangal          revolution. In spite of the several uprooting’s,
         Bhavan Amangal Haari, was heard, the               it is wonderful to see how carefully
         country came to a standstill for 45 minutes.       photographs, documents and clippings were
         Even though it was a weekly show, shooting         preserved by the Sagar family.
         went on 24/7, and tapes were often delivered        The success of Ramayan had unintended
         to DD at the last minute. An unknown town          consequences—media and political
         of Umargaon was put on the show business           commentators believe that Rajiv Gandhi was,
         map, with fans descending on it like it were       ironically, responsible for the resurgence of
         a pilgrim centre. Ramanand Sagar, as Prem          Hinduism and the rise of the BJP.
         notes, went from being a “Movie Moghul to
         TV Czar.”

         Mangal Bhavan Amangal Haari- an epic title track!  Shri Krishna was also successful

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