Page 45 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 45

too many movie publications, so he had a           did return to do one film many years later,
         kind of unchallenged power. He was also            before giving up totally, and died a recluse.
         known to play favourites and also be extra
         snide to those he did not favour. A rumour
         flew around the industry that Shanta Apte,
         the actress known as “stormy petrel” was
         displeased by something Patel had written,
         barged into his office and hit him with a
         cane. Another nasty version of this story
         was that she chased him around his table
         with a chappal. Patel, of course, denied the
         incident; according to him, Apte demanded
         an apology for something he had written,
         he refused and she walked off in a huff.
         Whatever happened, it was supposedly the
         talk of the town for weeks.                        Usha Kiran and Amiya Chakraborty
          Dilip Kumar had a long and happy                   Unusually bold for the times, Usha Kiran
         marriage with Saira Banu, but was                  did not hide or deny her love for director
         rumoured to have had a few romances                Amiya Chakraborty, and since he was
         before that (and one affair after, that was        16 years her senior and already married,
         much gossiped about). In the early days of         it was quite a scandal.  It was reported
         his career, he was reported to have fallen         that Chakraborty’s wife met Usha Kiran
         in love with Kamini Kaushal, who was               and offered to step out of her husband’s
         already married, hence the scandal. Her            way if that was what he wanted. Jolted
         brother, a military man, had allegedly             by the encounter, the actress ended
         stormed on to a set where the two were             the relationship. Later she married Dr
         shooting, and threatened to kill them if           Manohar Kher and had, from all accounts, a
         they did not end the affair. They broke up         happy married life.
         after that incident, and it was said that a         Dev Anand fell in love with co-star
         heartbroken Dilip Kumar got his ‘tragedy           Suraiya, which her strict grandmother,
         king’ image after that.                            Badshah Begum, frowned upon, because of
          At a time when divorces were unheard              the obvious religious differences. They had
         of, Nalini Jaywant left her first husband,         to meet in secret and planned to elope to get
         film director Virendra Desai. His control          married, but the grandmother succeeded
         of her career was reportedly the cause of          in her plot to separate them. On the advice
         the rift; since he had left his wife to marry      of his older brother Chetan Anand, Dev
         her, for some time, both of them had to face       decided to concentrate on his career and
         some kind of boycott. It was probably her          end the difficult romantic drama after
         popularity and the success of her films            a tearful farewell. He went on to marry
         that allowed her to rise over this personal        Kalpana Kartik, and had a few affairs on
         crisis as well as gossip of her affair with        the side, but Suraiya quit films and stayed
         Ashok Kumar. She later married actor               single till the end of her life.
         Prabhu Dayal and retired from films. She            Raj Kapoor was married to Raji and

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