Page 3 - Seniorstoday June 2024 Issue
P. 3
Publisher’s Note
The Joys of Travelling
This month’s cover story is a travel piece written of purpose in retirement.
by Urvi Piramal, who is a keen traveler and a One of the most significant advantages of
skilled photographer. She is the publisher of three travelling as a senior is the ability to witness and
books ‘Rumble Tumble Love in the Jungle’ and ‘My experience a different way of life. It broadens their
Wild Side’— a set of two coffeetable books, one on perspective and enriches their understanding of
India and the other on Africa. She is an example the world. They can immerse themselves in new
for seniors who wish to travel, whether it is a safari cultures, taste local cuisines, and learn about the
through a jungle, a trek to the mountains or an history and traditions of a place. It is a wonderful
adventure in Antarctica. Urvi Piramal proves the way to continue learning and growing, even in our
point that travelling has no age limit. later years.
One of the biggest joys of travelling for seniors As we age, we tend to become more cautious and
is the opportunity to see new places and cultures. stick to our comfort zones, at times getting to lead
After a lifetime of being tied down to a job or a dull and monotonous life. But travelling opens
raising a family, they finally have the time and up a world of possibilities and encourages seniors
freedom to explore the world. This allows them to to step out of their homes. Sometimes it could be
broaden their horizons, learn about different ways important just to get out of the house, simply to buy
of life, and create memories that will last a lifetime. vegetables and groceries, the fun of trying a new
With their wealth of life experience, seniors are cuisine, taking a solo trip, or even skydiving! It is a
able to fully appreciate the beauty and diversity of reminder that age is just a number, and there is still
the world. so much to explore and experience. I remember an
Aside from the physical benefits, travelling also old advertisement of the PanAm airline:
has numerous mental and emotional benefits Travelling makes you smile, Smiling makes you
for seniors. It can help reduce stress, boost mood beautiful.
and overall mental well-being. Breaking out of
the routine and monotony of everyday life and
immersing oneself in new environments can be
refreshing and rejuvenating. It can also provide
a sense of purpose and fulfillment, especially for Vickram Sethi
seniors who may feel like they have lost their sense Publisher and Editor-in-Chief