Page 41 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 41

in these places show a distinct architectural      ARU & LIDDERWAT
         style found only in Kashmir. It is believed that   Another fantastic area for an invigorating
         Kashmir was once the seat of learning and          3 day camping / hiking trip is the Aru and
         scholars from India as well as neighboring         Lidderwat area of upper Pahalgam. Just a
         countries came to Kashmir in pursuits of           45 mins drive from Pahalgam brings one
         higher learning. Over the centuries, Kashmir       to Aru - a beautiful village along the banks
         not only gained a reputation of being the          of the Lidder River. You can stay in Aru in
         center of Vedic studies, but was also an equal     one of the small hotels. However, it is highly
         seat of Buddhist learning. In fact, Kashmir        recommended to take the 3 hour trek through
         being located strategically on one of the          thick forest to Lidderwat. As we move higher
         arteries of the ancient Silk Road, scholars from   we find the plants of Red Clover and Dactyls
         various parts of the world visited it regularly.   growing on the sides of the path. Lidderwat
                                                            is widely known for the beautiful view of
                                                            the forests of maple and pine trees. The
                                                            magnificent panoramic views of the hills all
                                                            around will win anyone’s heart. Lidderwat
                                                            valley is a nice place for camping out and
                                                            since this place is surrounded by trees and
                                                            natural wonders, it doesn’t fail to make a
                                                            good atmosphere for someone to spend the
                                                            night under canvas. This is an adventure
                                                            filled experience along with an opportunity
                                                            to witness the real beauty of nature. This
          Just a 4–5 hours walk from the temple             expedition is not one to miss out on. The
         complex, you arrive at one of the most             valley/ plateau is encircled by fast flowing
         beautiful places in Kashmir – the glacier          steams from the Kolahoi glacier on the one
         fed Gangabal lake side. A camp here will           hand, and from the twin lakes of Tarsar and
         not only invigorate you but also the clean         Marsar on the other. The camp site is stunning
         mountain air is the best detox one can expect.     and with a camp fire in the night you can
         There is a stream that flows besides the           make your own barbeque. During the day
         temple monuments, fed by glaciers and the          one can walk to the Kolahoi Glacier base and
         Gangabal Lake (3575 metres) at the base of Mt.     the twin lakes – however I personally suggest
         Harmukh situated high up in the mountains.         that you just stay put at your campsite, laze
         The mountains are uninhabited, except the          around and just soak in the beauty of the area.
         local tribes called Gujjars who take their cattle   Local Gujjars are very friendly and they are
         to graze on the terraces. In July and August       willing to share their excellent local cheese
         a carpet of flowers greets you. Brown and          ‘Kalaari’ and in a rare case a chicken or lamb
         Rainbow trout is in abundance in the lake          to make an awesome barbeque.
         and makes it an ideal base for a 2 or 3 night’s
         camp. Daily walks to the nearby Nundkhol,          YUSMARG, CHARAR-E-SHARIEF &
         Vishensar and Kishensar lakes will give you a      TOSAMAIDAN
         treasure of memories you will cherish for your     Yusmarg is approximately 47 km from the
         life.                                              Srinagar and lies in the Badgam district of

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