Page 41 - Seniorstoday May 2022 Issue
P. 41
Uthup’s other interests were in recording
music and in singing for advertising jingles.
She set up he own Studio Vibrations in
Kolkata, and enjoyed that role immensely.
On the jingles front, she sang for the Thums
Up, Pepsodent, Nescafe and Vicks Ki
Goli campaigns, among others. “I always
preferred to call them songs and not jingles.
They are an extremely creative form, where
one as to tell an entire story and create a
memorable tune within 30 or 60 seconds. In
this field, it was great to work with Vanraj
Bhatia, who had a very distinct approach.”
Clearly, Uthup’s versatility, combined with
her single-minded focus, has contributed to
her success. To quote from her biography,
“Usha has always felt that the ultimate
fulfilment lies in listening to one’s own voice
while singing. She believes that when you
listen to your voice the petals of your soul
slowly blossom.” That line simply sums up
the Usha Uthup persona.