Page 39 - Seniorstoday November 2021 Issue
P. 39

has a fondness for white cats.                     Why Is It That People Who Can’t Take
          It is interesting to note that several Bond       Advice Always Insist On Giving It?
         films have been named after their villains,        Daniel Craig has been given some of the
                                                            coolest and least cheesy lines in his Bond
                                                            movies and he delivered them with great
                                                            aplomb. Why is it that people who can’t
                                                            take advice always insist on giving it? was
                                                            said by him to Vesper Lynd in his first film,
                                                            Casino Royale. Like some of the best lines
                                                            in cinema, it has a lot of significance in
                                                            today’s world—everybody has an opinion,
                                                            everybody’s ranting (social media makes
                                                            that easy and possible) but nobody is
        Blofeld was one of the greatest villains to grace our
        screens                                             listening to all that noise being generated.
                                                            Craig could deliver it in his laconic style,
         Best Bond Quotes                                   but also imbue it with meaning.
         Bond, James Bond:
         If the character is so distinctive, he cannot      I Thought Christmas Only Comes Once A
         introduce himself in an ordinary manner.           Year
         The iconic intro line goes back to the first       This is a Bond quote from before the age of
         scene in the first film. Bond is sitting at a      political correctness and spoken by Pierce
         casino table playing Baccarat. The woman           Brosnan in The World Is Not Enough, not
         he is playing with, Sylvia Trench says she         one of the better films, in spite of its terrific
         admires his luck and asks him his name,            title.The main Bond girl in the film was
         Bond replies, “Bond. James Bond.” This line        improbably named Dr. Christmas Jones,
         became like the superspy’s calling card and        played by Denise Richards. The scene in
         was repeated in several films and admired,         which Christmas and Bond are together in
         copied and parodied ad nauseam.                    bed (there had to be that seduction scene
                                                            to complete Bond’s checklist in every film)
         Martini Shaken Not Stirred:                        Bond says this funny by also cringe-worthy
         Like everything else about Bond,                   (by today’s standards) “I thought Christmas
         everything has to be just so. The man              only comes once a year.”  It never fails to
         obviously could not drink beer from the            crack up the viewer with its brazen double
         bottle. When asked what he’d like to drink,        entendre. Before the Bond played by Craig
         Bond replies coolly, “A martini. Shaken, not       have the character some gravitas, the other
         stirred.” The line was first written in Ian        Bonds got away with such ridiculous one-
         Flemming’s book, and included in the first         liners.
         James Bond movie Dr No. It was uttered
         by the antagonist, Dr. Julius No, when he          That’s Just As Bad As Listening To The
         offered his opponent a dry martini with a          Beatles Without Earmuffs!
         lemon peel. The line, and the drink went           Most Bond films have a singing star belting
         down in movie history, and was used in             out the title number—it has become one of
         many films, with or without Bond.                  the Bond traditions. But at the height of the

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