Page 3 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 3
Publisher’s Note
Prithviraj Kapoor’s legacy lives on…
If the great Mughal, Mohammed Jalaludin Akbar successful actors, Prithviraj Kapoor’s legacy will
saw the movie Mughal-e-Azam, he probably would live on forever.
have realised a few of his own shortcomings. This issue also has a very informative piece on
Nobody could play the role of Akbar as well sleep, and the lack of it. A problem that many
as Prithviraj Kapoor, and I don’t think anyone seniors have to tackle. Till recently, it was believed
else could ever portray the regality of Akbar as that sleep was a period when the brain and body
Prithviraj Kapoor did in the movie Mughal-e- rested. Research now shows that the brain and
Azam. In comparison, Hrithik Roshan’s portrayal body are in fact very busy repairing tissues and
of Akbar in the movie Jodha Akbar is mediocre. rejuvenating. The question how much sleep is
Hrithik has sissy looks. Nevertheless, this note is healthy — the number of hours varies with age
not about Mughal-e-Azam, but about Prithviraj and person to person. Everybody has their own
Kapoor. favoured sleep position, and there is no known
While Amanullah Khan has to be given credit for reason as to why people have problems falling
such powerful dialogues, it is Prithviraj Kapoor’s asleep, the sleep quality and the duration. There
delivery, his ability to convey his thoughts are studies to show what kind of foods help get a
through his eyes that made him the legend that good night sleep and what kind of drinks matter.
he was. The movie Mughal-e-Azam was made for The general perception that alcohol can help people
Prithviraj Kapoor and its success is because of his relax and invite sleep is incorrect it can actually
performance. Two of the most popular dialogues do the reverse and disrupt the sleep cycle. This
are reproduced below: issue has a wealth of information that I’m sure will
“Agar aisa na hua toh Salim tujhe marne nahi benefit you all, in some way.
dega aur hum Anarkali tujhe jeene nahi denge”
“Agar har maa tumhari tarah ro padi toh
Hindostaan aansuon mein doob jayega”
The Kapoors are clearly the first family of Vickram Sethi
Bollywood and now with the fourth generation of Publisher and Editor-in-Chief