Page 41 - Seniorstoday November 2023 Issue
P. 41

degree in science from a premier college            As a measure to maintain her health,
         and vocational training in computer               Shailaja had taken to a regimen of walk,
         application, Shailaja got a job in a well-        yoga and diet, in spite of her gruelling
         known multinational company and made              schedules and 16 hours routine.  As a
         rapid strides in her career with an inherent      resident of the Queen of the Suburbs,
         aptitude and attitude of not being just an        a quaint epithet for Bandra, one of her
         individual contributor but an effective           routines was to do a six to eight kilometres
         team member, eventually going on to               walk along the Bandra Bandstand
         assume leadership role and making a mark.         promenade, from the Bandra Fort at one
         She had a supportive leader in the head of        end to St. Andrews Church on the other
         her department who had earlier on detected        end and returning back via the uphill and
         her capabilities and gave her increasing          downhill slopes of the eponymous Mount
         responsibilities and guided her to success.       Mary Church road. The early morning
         It was an extraordinarily demanding               serenity, the sunlight, the solitary roads,
         job, but Shailaja managed to handle her           the rhythmic sound of the gently crashing
         corporate role without compromising her           waves against the tetrapods, the occasional
         home-front responsibilities of being the          banter with familiar people and much
         primary breadwinner and sheet anchor of           more were a refreshing break and peace of
         the family. Her parents had always been a         mind for Shailaja and she revelled in it. As
         major support for her at home.                    a part of her morning constitutional and to
          Shailaja’s early marriage had failed due         improve her cardiovascular fitness, Shailaja
         to the mental cruelty unleashed by an             would often go up and down the steep steps
         insecure and jealous husband and soon she         of the fort or walk on the craggy rocks of the
         had to exit the dead weight of a wedlock,         sea front.
         taking in tow a young son and the singular
         responsibility of bringing him up while
         managing his psychology due to a broken
         home and the indifference of a selfish
         father.  It was a daily struggle for Shailaja
         to address and handle the demands of a
         growing son, the attention needed by her
         ageing parents and the relentless pressure
         of office work. She could not afford to slip
         on any of these fronts and did her best
         with an understanding mentor in the office          It was like any other day for Shailaja as she
         and supportive parents at home, albeit             set out for her walk. She was greeted by an
         of indifferent health. Inevitably, it took a       unusual drizzle as she stepped out, leaving
         toll on her health, adding to the woes. But        the streets shimmering and slippery. As
         life has to go on, Shailaja had no choice          she was traipsing the high steps of the
         but to live through it and cope as best as         Bandra Fort, Shailaja slipped, lost her
         possible. She had exemplars to emulate in          balance and came down tumbling the 40
         her parents whom she has seen handling             odd steps and crashed on the road below
         vicissitudes of life with fortitude.               abutting the parapet walls. She was badly

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #52 | OCTOBER 2023                                                            41
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