Page 14 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 14
A group of people in animal welfare
organisation PETA campaigned against
the abolition of the Ghoda Gaadi or
the Victorias from Mumbai city. The
government abolished the stables and
passed a legislation to cancel the licenses.
called Sil Pathar or Masale ke pathar. Every There is a certain sense of regality of riding
dish had its own concoction of ingredients in a Victoria, the fresh air blowing into
and they were ground fresh each time a your face and looking down on the people
dish was cooked. To start off, the stone walking in the street. The additional fun
would be washed in warm water and all of the ride was the language of the driver,
ingredients of the day’s masala would be his vocabulary was colourful, humorous
lined up with coconut, fresh garlic, ginger, and bordering on the vulgar. A favourite
a variety of dried spices, coriander, mint, slang was calling the driver “Gajkaran”. All
tamarind etc. Generally, all these pieces these simple pleasures went away with the
would be smashed together with a pestle Ghoda Gaadi. All over Central India, the
and brought together and then rolled over tonga was the common means of transport.
with the heavy rolling pin again and again, Suddenly, autos replaced tonga and one by
water would be added depending on the one, the tonga too disappeared. The Tonga
required consistency of the masala. Once in ride had its own charm. Again, the best part
two months a woman would come around of tonga ride was the tamasha if the Tonga
shouting ‘taaki-taaki’. It was understood driver got into a fight which was often. The
that she would sharpen the grindstone innovative abuses and the Gaali Galoch
with chisels and make small depressions were humorous and memorable.
all over the stone and the grinding pestle.
Unfortunately, modern mixers and ● The Pinjaras
grinders made this process redundant and
with it went the woman who would come
home to sharpen the grindstone.
● The Ghoda Gaadi wala and the Tongas
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