Page 3 - Seniors Today -April20
P. 3
Publisher’s Note
An Act of God?
Every religion describes the end of the relationship with your partner, practising
world; the Hindu religion calls it Pralay safe sex, digital social life, telehealth and
and the Rig Veda gives various time cycles much more.
(Kala Chakra) when this could happen. The The arrogance of the human race gloating
Bible describes it as the Day of Judgment, the over its abilities to push boundaries beyond
Quran calls it Qayamat and the Jews call it earth – to triumph over all diseases – has
Aharit Ha-Yamim. It’s ironic that Doomsday been diminished by a tiny speck that has
is among the most painted iconography. confined us to our homes. The rituals of
In legalese, there is a term called ablution, segregation and social distancing
‘Force Majeure’ which is extensively are now a requirement. So much for all the
described as an Act of God. Covid-19 is brouhaha of being able to push boundaries.
scientifically described as a pandemic for Look at the fragility of the human race.
which no cure has been found. As I write God shuts all places of worship and signals
this, hospitals are getting shut and the that there is god in each one of us and that’s
disease rages at horrific speed. It does not where we need to find him – not in the
differentiate between the rich and the poor, buildings of stone and marble.
between any religion, and there is no dignity Does this mean it’s the apocalypse?
even in death and we are all helpless with no Doomsday? The old saying “God’s stick
handle to hold. makes no sound” couldn’t be more relevant.
We have a section on our website Stay Safe. Stay Healthy. And our Best
exclusively for Covid-19 with extensive Wishes.
information on tackling the coronavirus;
FAQs, preventive measures – for safe travel,
disinfecting homes… myths, vitamins to help
fight infection, social distancing, quarantine,
preparing yourself for a new life, fighting Vickram Sethi
stress, co-isolating to maintain a healthy Publisher and Editor-in-Chief