Page 8 - Seniors Today -April20
P. 8

Focus | Covid - 19

         The Arrogance

         of Mankind

         In the name of development, we  have
         invaded nature for our needs. By
         Vickram Sethi

         For men may come and men may go / But I            from their natural hosts. When that
         go on forever.                                     happens, they need a new host and often, we
                            - Alfred Lord Tennyson in the poem   are it.
                                                                                 ‘The Brook’  Why are the outbreaks of animal-borne and
                                                            other infectious diseases such as Ebola, Sars,
         We consider ourselves the “superior beings”        bird flu and now Covid-19, caused by a novel
         – we know it all, we have all the solutions        coronavirus, on the rise?
         –  but the question is, at the hour of crisis
         when we have barely seen the tip of the            Destruction of biodiversity
         iceberg, why do we find ourselves helpless         Only a decade or two ago it was widely
         and fragile? Why is it that all of a sudden,       thought that tropical forests and intact
         the “superior beings” are vulnerable to a          natural environments teeming with exotic
         speck of germ? Is this our doing, that has led     wildlife threatened humans by harbouring
         to such a pandemic crisis?                         the viruses and pathogens that lead to new
         In the name of development, we have                diseases in humans such as Ebola, HIV and
         invaded nature for our needs – from the            dengue. But today it is actually humanity’s
         tropical forests to the wild landscapes to         destruction of biodiversity, that creates the
         the oceans. While we are aware that nature         conditions for new viruses and diseases such
         harbours many species of animals and               as Covid-19.
         plants that are disrupted by our invasion,         Pathogens are spreading from animals to
         still we cut the trees; we kill the animals; we    humans and many are able to spread quickly
         cage them and send them to markets to feed         to new places. The US Centers for Disease
         on them. Overlooking the fact that within          Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that
         those creatures thrive many unknown                three-quarters of new or emerging diseases
         viruses and we shake these viruses loose           that infect humans originate in animals.

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