Page 53 - Seniors Today -April20
P. 53

British actress Eunice Gayson.                     Beauty pageant. She had a successful career
                                   As the first female      in Italian and French movies after the Bond
                                  to be seen in Dr          movie role.
                                  No together with           From Russia With Love also had the
                                  James Bond (Sean          characters Gora and Vida played by Martine
                                  Connery), she is          Beswick of British origin and the Israeli
                                  officially the very       actress Aliza Gur respectively.
                                  first actress to play      This movie also had the unglamorous
                                  a Bond girl. She          but menacing Rosa Klebb, played by the
                                  appeared as Sylvia        Austrian actress Lotte Lenya, who had a
                                  Trench in the next        stellar career in films and stage.
         Bond film, From Russia with love also. But          The next Bond movie was Goldfinger. And
         again, the part was short-lived.                   with it came the evocatively named Pussy
          Gayson was to be cast as Miss Moneypenny          Galore. The original novel does name the
         the secretary to M, but that part went to          female protagonist as Pussy Galore. But
         Lois Maxwell instead. She appears in 14 of                                 there were some
         the Bond films as Miss Moneypenny. This                                    doubts in using this
         Canadian born actress had an excellent                                     name for the film.
         career in writing and acting, apart from the                               She was played
         Bond films.                                                                by the sultry-eyed
          The other beauty in Dr No was Miss Taro.                                  blonde Honor
         She was played by the dark-haired beauty                                   Blackman of
         Zena Marshall who was of French and                                        England.
         English/Irish origin.                                                       She was already
          The movies of James Bond did not follow                                   well known in
         the order in which the original Ian Fleming        British TV and films. She was a regular
         novels were published. So, the next movie to       as the female lead in the very popular
         come along was From Russia With Love.              The Avengers. She held her own against
          This introduces us to Tatiana Romanova            Sean Connery in their screen chemistry.
         who worked for the Soviet Embassy in               She is also voted as the best Bond girl by
         Istanbul. She gets coerced into a mission to       some polls. These polls are of course very
                              seduce James Bond and         subjective.
                              (unknowingly) lead him         The movie also featured the Masterson
                              to his death. Needless                               sisters Jill and Tllly.
                              to say, she helps Bond                               These roles were
                              escape his hurdles. The                              played by the English
                              role was essayed by the                              actresses Shirley
                              Italian beauty Daniela                               Eaton and Tania
                              Bianchi.                                             Mallet. The iconic
                               Daniela Bianchi was                                 scene of the girl getting
                              an Italian beauty queen                              killed by the villain
                              who was the first runner                             Oddjob by getting
                              up in a Miss Universe                                painted in gold paint

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