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Even if it was still relatively thin. But it
                                                            didn’t completely drop me to the bottom.
                                                            There were also moments and thoughts
                                                            when I suddenly wanted to flee from the
                                                            whole situation and end it. But my will to
                                                            survive won.

                                                            ‘This situation is not worth it’
                                                            And now there is a very decisive factor. I had
         Excuses for betrayal are aplenty, but it is often due to an   wonderful friends by my side. No matter,
         inner loneliness
                                                            how many times I called and told them the
         was the best, that she loved him forever and       story or my condition again and again. No
         couldn’t stay a moment without him. These          matter, how often I only cried desperately on
         were all empty image boy girl promises (the        the phone or in person. No matter how many
         man was incapable of having sex)                   times I was angry. They were always there
          A relationship should be on an equal              for me. I realised, who my real friends are
         footing and not one where only one gives           and who only calls themselves friends.
         and the other one takes.                            Without these people - I later invited
          What did I do wrong? No longer just giving.       almost all of them and thanked them from
         Otherwise? I don’t know.                           the bottom of my heart and told them that
          What does she have that I don’t have? She is      they are my true family of hearts - without
         10 years younger? Blond? She tells him what        these people, I would not have overcome
         he wants to hear? Supposedly promise him a         this situation so well. It was them, who kept
         new, exciting life?                                trying to answer my questions. I wanted to
          What can I do? Nothing.                           understand and have an explanation. They
          And this was the hardest part.                    were the ones who gave me advice and action
          I couldn’t do anything. Just watch how he         and kept me sane and alive. And it was them
         behaved more and more like a teenager every        who strengthened the foundation more and
         day who wears pink glasses and only sees           more.
         himself and his world.                              After my husband had physically left the
          Not sleeping for so many nights, crying           house, I slowly started making our once
         for so many days, and constantly asking            mutual home to become mine. I repainted
         questions to which there was no answer.            the bedroom, moved the furniture and
         What hurt me the most was that the two             designed it the way I want it so that I feel
         people most important in my life had lied          comfortable. Just me.
         to me in my face and betrayed me. For me,           I no longer had to be considerate or ask
         this was a very bad, physically noticeable         anyone. Another new experience.
         disappointment and injury.                          What do I want after all? What do I need so
          What gave me support internally was that          that I am fine and feel good?
         it knew: I can do it.                               The focus was no longer on him, but it was
          The disappointment and the feeling of             changing my focus onto me.
         being worthless got better with time.               A very important step. Now I became
          And this knowledge gave me a foundation.          important.

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