Page 49 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 49
Maharashtrians are not impressed by stars, because they have their own Sachin
and walk to lectures on the most esoteric something quite unique. Simply put, we just
of topics. We’ll come out in full strength, don’t dress up. Unlike in other parts of India,
ages ranging from 9 to 90, to fill the music performances here are rarely or never
classical music halls to capacity, delighting ‘dos’ at which we must be seen. So what we
musicians from all over the country with our wear is immaterial. We will not turn up in
discerning ear. tussar silks and diamonds – more likely
For decades now, Maharashtra’s it’ll be sensible synthetics and flat-heeled
Hindustani music listeners have been a sandals, even those plain-jane black slip-on
performer’s delight. Many a singer/player (non-branded) shoes that are so practical
has said that it is always rewarding to when it comes to running for that last bus
perform here. And if not rewarding, it is after the programme… And while on the
highly revealing, because the audience topic of dressing: if it rains, while the rest of
usually has a discerning ear, which has India cowers under trees or buys fashionable
heard a lot of music, and will make its rainwear, we are known to keep our heads
pleasure and displeasure known, gently dry by simply wearing a plastic bag on it.
but firmly. A musician is able to get a good Sartorial fussiness is for the prissy Rest-of-
measure of his skills from the audience India.
reaction in Maharashtra.
A false note struck by the artiste will get Second language, sarcasm
a murmur of – not quite disapproval, but Ostentation and excess of any kind we
something like discomfort, or sometimes disdain. So Bollywood leaves most of us
even sympathy, particularly if it is a young utterly unimpressed. Having a film star
up-coming performer or an ageing, much for a neighbour, which would delight most
loved ustaad/pandit. Indians, most Maharashtrians see as a real
How we dress for a performance is also nuisance, “because he and his friends use