Page 8 - Seniors Today October 2020
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order blood and urine tests to determine           small surgical margin without violating
                                                                                                                          the specific microbe causing the infection         principles of cancer surgery, the standard of
                                                                                                                          and to check the level of infection in the         care today is to remove ONLY the tumour
                                                                                                                          blood and assess kidney function. In               while leaving the involved kidney intact
                                                                                                                          addition he will order an imaging study to         whenever that is technically feasible.
                                                                                                                          determine the underlying cause. Treatment          This is known as Partial Nephrectomy
                                                                                                                          will involve appropriate antibiotics               and is best done utilising Robot Assisted
                                                                                                                          administered intravenously or orally, and          Laparoscopy. It is important to realise
                                                                                                                          treatment addressing the underlying cause.         that the technical feasibility of removing
                                                                                                                          Kidney infections are not to be trifled with       difficult tumours (in terms of size and
                                                                                                                          especially in the elderly or diabetic, because     situation) increases with experience and
                                                                                                                          of the concern for septicaemia which could         expertise of the urologist, and there is no
                                                                                                                          be life-threatening.                               gainsaying that these procedures should
                                                                                                                                                                             be done in tertiary centres with significant
                                                                                                                          Kidney Tumours                                     experience. Removal of the entire kidney
                                                                                                                          It is not uncommon to have spherical               (Radical Nephrectomy) when indicated
                                                                                                                          collections of clear fluid in the kidneys          owing to the size and location of the tumour
                                                                                                                          especially in older individuals. These are         is relatively simpler and should be done
                                                                                                                          called kidney cysts and as long as they            laparoscopically in most cases. Even
                                                                                                                          have a thin wall and clear fluid within, are       today, large tumours which have invaded
         Kidney infections must not be taken lightly specially if you are diabetic, because of the risk of septicaemia    referred to as simple cysts which warrant          surrounding tissues may still require open
         usually done endoscopically (URS) using            Nephrolithotomy). Either way the pain                         no concern. If cysts have a thick vascular         surgery for optimal removal.
         a fine ureteroscope (the size of an average        is minimal and patients are usually                           wall or have partitions within or solid             It is important to realise that most kidney
         ball-point refill), which may be semi-rigid        discharged home within 2-3 days. For                          contents, these are called complex cysts           cancers do not respond to standard
         or flexible passed up the natural urinary          larger stones within the kidney including                     and certainly warrant careful scrutiny             chemotherapy or radiation regimes,
         passage to visualise the stone and fragment        staghorn or ramified stones that form a cast                  and removal if required. All solid tumours         surgery being the best option in the initial
         it using energy (usually a laser). A fine          of part or all of the kidney, the procedure of                (swellings) within the kidney have a high          phase. Recent research has thrown up
         plastic tube called a Double J Stent may be        choice is PCNL. Majority of urinary stones                    probability of being a cancer, and need            targeted therapies and immunotherapy
         left in the patient from kidney to bladder         (>95%) will be amenable to one of these                       careful scrutiny and removal as soon as            that have given a ray of hope in advanced or
         for a week or longer. The patient usually          three techniques (URS, RIRS or PCNL). The                     possible.                                          recurrent cases.
         goes home within 1-2 days and can resume           occasional stone may require open surgical                     Until as late as a decade ago it was
         normal work and activities immediately.            removal. Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)                        common urological practice to remove
         If the stone is in the kidney and is unlikely      is often used by some urologists for kidney                   the entire kidney in the case of a solid
         to pass on its own, it will need removal.          stone less than 15 mm in size.                                tumour within it. Removal of the tumour
         For stones in the kidney up to 20 mm in                                                                          only, while sparing the involved kidney,
         size, the same procedure mentioned above           Kidney Infections                                             was reserved only for special cases such
         using a flexible ureteroscope (Retrograde          Infections may reach the kidney                               as single kidneys or small tumours well
         IntraRenal Surgery - RIRS) is preferred by         (Pyelonephritis) either by travelling up                      amenable to resection with a wide margin.
         most urologists. Alternatively, a small tract      from the lower urinary tract (bladder or                      With the advent of minimally invasive
         from the skin of the flank to the interior         ureter) or directly via the blood. The patient                surgical techniques such as Laparoscopy
         of the kidney is made and an endoscope             usually has high fever with chills and                        and Robot Assisted Laparoscopy, and the
         (nephroscope) introduced to fragment and           may have moderate to severe pain in the                       realisation through evidence that kidney           Chronic use of prescribed medications such as some pain-
         remove fragments (PCNL -Percutaneous               affected kidney. The urologist will usually                   cancers can be safely removed with a               killers or antibiotics may affect kidney function

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