Page 13 - Seniors Today October 2020
P. 13

Special Feature  conjures thousands of memories of bygone   enterprising spirits and, yes, even a tale of
         days? Well, that is the poignant state of an       the prodigal son that returned. They have
         NRI visiting his motherland. Thefriends            all achieved milestones for themselves and
         and extended families left behind years ago        raised a generation that are the flag-bearers
 NRIs:   have moved on, India has changed and the           of fulfilled dreams. Their comfort zone now is
                                                            their adopted country and even though their
         westernisation it has adopted has obliterated
 Happy in their   the ideology of “atithi bhava devo bhava”.   loyalties are to the hand that feeds them, each
 New Home  Again, this is a generalisation and mostly       and every one of them left a part of their heart
                                                            behind and remember their motherland with
         applies to metropolitan masses. Some of the
         homesick ones that did return to settle back       an aching heart.
 Non-Resident Indians have accepted   encountered disappointments because of

 the country they immigrated to as   bureaucracy and somewho weretargets of a   Anshuman Desai – The Prodigal Son
 their home and are comfortable   con wereforced to move back with no hopes of
 visiting India occasionally, writes   finding remuneration.
 Minoo Shah  Statistically, five percent of those that did
         return have managed to find a niche inspite of
 Why do Indians who left India not wish to   in various professional spheres. They identify   the odds. So, then let’s discuss the exodus of
 return, is a complex question with no easy   themselves as North Americans or English,   this second wave of migrants lovingly called
 answers.   as it is the only home they know.   techies, millennials or Genzers!They have
 Let’s parse the Indians who left decades ago   Come the twenty-first century and the   multiple options and if ever there was a time
 to the lands of milk and honey. In the span of   augmentation of an immigrant generation   to use the phrase –having the world at one’s   Anshuman Desai
 the latter half of the twentieth century, most   of techies that arrived from an India which   feet – they do. They are young, smart, techno
 of them went for higher education, and better   was fast earning global recognition. The   savvy and the most coveted of any migrant
 job opportunities until the advent of the   world’s eyes were on the young India that   race. They are part of the Space Age and it’s
 twenty-first century when it was the ‘come   Thomas Friedman described in his book ‘The   not so much that they do not wish to return
 hither’ call of the Silicon Valley. The timeline   World is Flat’. Here we were now with two   to India. Their lifestyles are accustomed to a
 is important because even though they   age groups of immigrants and one common   shrunken world where communication and
 faced discrimination early on, the laws went   lure. What was the lure? The buying power   travel bring possibilitiesof having the best
 through necessary changes to help eradicate   of the European pound, the Canadian and   of both worlds. Will they return? Possibly.
 racism and make it punishable by law.   the US dollar. To the first set of immigrants   Will they want to return? Depends on the   Saral Vikas
 The migrants who are now in their 60s   more so than the second, this helped fulfil   government policies. Should they return? A
 and 70s succeeded in spite of it and found a   dreams of a better life and luxuries that   million-dollar question!
 common ground to co-exist with the locals.   would have been unattainable had they not   While we debate this conundrum, it is best
 They got involved in politics, community   ventured forth. Most chose to make their   to understand that the Non-Resident Indians
 service and learned to give back in cash   stay permanent and opted for a citizenship   have accepted the country they immigrated
 and kind. The acceptance of the Indian   to their host country thus earning the title   to as their home and are comfortable
 diaspora increased for all the above reasons.   ‘Non-Resident Indian (NRI)’. They put their   visiting India occasionally. Those that have
 Additionally, they had now borne a second   roots down, raised families and helped their   returned for altruistic reasons and because
 generation who spoke the right English and   parents and siblings migrate. The roaring   of the Indian government’s offer of a dual
 soon collectively, they all became a part of the   question then is: why, having fulfilled their   citizenship (Overseas Citizen of India)
 melting pot. This second generation has come   dreams, did they not wish to return to   feel privileged and don’t see any reason to
 of age and have become the 20 per cent of the   India?Have you ever had that empty feeling,   choose permanence in India. The following
 minority mass that hold high-level positions   a sense of being lost,heaving a sigh that   unique stories of NRIs talk to the grit, valour,   Women Empowerment

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