Page 6 - seniors today november 2020
P. 6

Cover Story

           Nehru in u in


         Veteran journalist Sat Paul (Sati) Sahni was part of the inner circle of the
         Nehru family, and made the most of his access with countless exclusive
         photographs. Published here for the first time are some pictures of
         Jawaharlal Nehru’s visit to Kashmir. By Navneet Sahni

         Here is the story of photo-journalist              consternation in my parents’ minds was not
         Sat Paul (Sati) Sahni’s association with           how to get the valuable possessions but how
         Jawaharlal Nehru during his many visits to         to get my father’s priceless photo collection
         Kashmir. Perhaps the largest collection of         and his cameras out of Kashmir. Without
         photos of Mr Nehru’s visits to Kashmir with        the knowledge of the children, my mother
         his family were taken by my father, most of        made a daring visit to Kashmir during the
         which have still not been published. Due to        worst phase of Kashmiri militancy (April
         the uncertain political climate in Kashmir         1990) only to retrieve the most prized
         in 1990, Sati Sahni had to leave Kashmir –         possessions of the family – the many
         never to return to live in his house. Having       cartons of photos (both black-and-white
         moved to Jammu in the autumn of 1989, the          as well as colour slides) and his cameras,
         family had only a few woollen clothes to           besides some very important books, papers
         go through winters. Never in their wildest         and clothes. With just 24 hours in hand, she
         dreams did the family imagine that they            had to put together whatever she could.
         would never return to live in the ancestral        How do you choose what to pack and what
         house.                                             not, from a house where the family had
          Once it became clear that they may not            lived for the past 55 years? In order not to
         be able to return to Srinagar to live, the         draw attention by switching on lights, she,

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