Page 8 - seniors today november 2020
P. 8

“However, bigger opportunities came after
                                                            he became the prime minister. I had become
                                                            a journalist and was a war correspondent in
                                                            Kashmir when Pakistan invaded in ’47-48. I
                                                            used the camera as the tool of my profession
                                                            as much as the typewriter. During the
                                                            fourteen-month invasion of Kashmir,
                                                            Nehru paid many visits to Srinagar and
                                                            the war front. Later, after the ceasefire of
                                                            January 1 1949, he would visit for political
                                                            reasons or for short holidays accompanied
                                                            by his daughter, Indira Gandhi, and
         At the Aeodrome in Srinagar with the Air Officer Com-  sometimes his grandsons Rajiv and Sanjay
                                                            came along.
         at a personal level. But my experience with         “For the next seventeen years, I became a
         him was entirely different. Perhaps I was          familiar face in the Nehru household and
         lucky; perhaps I had more opportunities            was accepted as such by his entourage,
         than others. I lived and worked in Kashmir         personal physician and security officer. In
         while Jawaharlal was riding the crest of           those days, there was no need for the strict
         popularity as leader of Indian National            and all pervading security that exists today.
         Congress and later as Prime Minister               Those were the days of charismatic and
         of India. Partly because his ancestors             popular leaders. Once the VIP gave his nod,
         belonged to Kashmir and partly because             there was no difficulty in moving about—
         he avidly loved the outdoors and the               all you needed was a press identity card.
         Himalayas, he loved visiting Kashmir               Camera wielding journalists were few and
         as frequently as possible. Although his            far between. In a war zone, accreditation
         first visit was in 1916 when he spent his          with the defense ministry was necessary—
         honeymoon at Baltal on the Kashmir end of
         Zoji pass. His first major political visit was
         in May 1940. I was a student at the time.
         “I was fascinated by his charm, friendliness
         and popularity. In 1945 he visited Kashmir
         to participate in the annual session of the
         Jammu and Kashmir National Conference
         organised by Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah.
         Nehru was accompanied by Maulana
         Abul Kalam Azad—the then Congress
         President—and the ‘Frontier Gandhi’, Khan
         Abdul Ghaffar Khan. After the session,
         Panditji and Khan Badshah went on a trek
         up in the mountains nearby. I was lucky to
         get an opportunity to catch up with them
         one day.                                           At the Awantipur ruins outside Srinagar

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