Page 25 - seniors today August issue
P. 25

Advance Directive –

 A Living Will

        expression of the patient’s wishes and will be        officer of the local Government or the Municipal
        given effect to.                                      Corporation or Municipality or Panchayat, as
                                                              the case may be. The aforesaid authorities shall
        Procedure for recording the Advance Directive         nominate a competent official in that regard
        1. The document should be signed by the               who shall be the custodian of the said document.
        executor in the presence of two attesting             7. The JMFC shall cause to hand over a copy of
        witnesses, preferably independent, and                the Advance Directive to the family physician, if
        countersigned by the jurisdictional Judicial          any.
        Magistrate of First Class (JMFC) so designated        5. The JMFC shall cause to inform the immediate
        by the concerned District Judge.                      family members of the executor, if not present
        2. The witnesses and the jurisdictional JMFC          at the time of execution, and make them aware
        shall record their satisfaction that the document     about the execution of the document.
        has been executed voluntarily and without             6. A copy shall be handed over to the competent
        any coercion or inducement or compulsion              officer of the local Government or the Municipal
        and with full understanding of all the relevant       Corporation or Municipality or Panchayat, as
        information and consequences.                         the case may be. The aforesaid authorities shall
        3. The JMFC shall preserve one copy of the            nominate a competent official in that regard
        document in his office, in addition to keeping it     who shall be the custodian of the said document.
        in digital format.
        4. The JMFC shall forward one copy of the             7. The JMFC shall cause to hand over a copy of
        document to the Registry of the jurisdictional        the Advance Directive to the family physician, if
        District Court for being preserved. Additionally,     any.
        the Registry of the District Judge shall retain the
        document in digital format.
        5. The JMFC shall cause to inform the immediate
        family members of the executor, if not present
        at the time of execution, and make them aware
        about the execution of the document.
        6. A copy shall be handed over to the competent
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