Page 29 - seniors today August issue
P. 29
include bowel movements that feel incomplete, Four easy things you can do
strain or pain when you try to pass stool, 1. Drink more water
bloated abdomen, fissures, haemorrhoids or Being dehydrated regularly can make you
swollen tissue around your anus, blood streaks become constipated. To prevent this, it’s
in your stool, loss of appetite. important to drink enough water and stay
Causes of constipation 2. Eat more fibre
Various factors can lead to constipation -- such Increasing your fibre intake increases the bulk
as unhealthy and irregular eating habits, lack of and consistency of bowel movements, making
fibre-rich foods in the diet, not visiting the toilet them easier to pass. Consume a mix of the two
when the pressure arises, leading a sedentary fibres, insoluble fibres (found in wheat bran,
lifestyle, insufficient exercise, not drinking vegetables and whole grains) and soluble fibres
enough water, and stress. Sometimes it may be (found in oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, beans,
due to any mechanical obstruction or a serious lentils and peas, as well as some fruits and
problem such as colon cancer. vegetables).
Causes of constipation in the elderly 3. Exercise more
While causes of constipation are more or less The fact is, your bowel movement is deeply
the same for people of all ages, when it comes to connected to your body movement. Which
geriatric patients, sometimes, the use of certain means, the more you move, walk, jog or run, the
drugs to treat other medical conditions, such as better your bowel movement will be. Regular
antidepressants, antacids containing aluminium exercise is the key to avoid constipation.
or calcium, antihistamines, diuretics, and anti-
Parkinsonism drugs, can be a cause. 4. Over-the-counter or prescription laxatives
Apart from this, there is also an often-ignored Make sure you consult your doctor before
issue: the loss of teeth, which makes it difficult choosing an effective laxative, whether it is a
to eat regular food. Older people may end up bulking agent such as concentrated wheat husk
eating soft processed food with low fibre. or isabgol (psyllium), both fibre-based laxatives
Another issue is urinary incontinence, which used to increase the water content of your
causes elderly people to consume less fluid in stool, or stool softener or a stimulant laxative
order to avoid frequent urination, which in turn to stimulate the nerves in your gut to increase
results in hardening of stool. Prolonged bed rest bowel movements.
due to a fall, accident or illness leads to lack of
not just movement but lack of bowel movement
as well.
Lastly, it is ironic, however, the constant
anxiety about bowel movement can make
elderly patients over-dependent on laxatives,
which are habit-forming. Over a period of time,
the natural mechanisms fail to work without
the help of drugs. For instance, repeated use of
enemas also can lead to a loss of normal bowel
movements. One way to combat it is by bowel
training, helping the patient recognise pressure
and the urge to use the toilet at the right time.
SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 2