Page 13 - Seniors Today - February Issue
P. 13
This year’s speech We have had an enormous number of
We now come to this year’s Finance Speech. amendments to the Income tax Act in the past
There is a big plan for disinvestment in this two years and one day from February 1, 2019
year. This is necessary, for, as Harold Wilson, upto February 1, 2021.
former Prime Minster of the UK said, “The The number of amendments proposed or
Treasury could not, with any marked success, enacted is as under:-
run a fish and chips shop”! 2019 Finance Bill - 86
The Government wants to raise Rs 1,75,000 2019 Finance Bill No.2 - 67
crore this year. One of the enterprises to be 2019 Taxation Laws Amendment Act – 8
sold is Air India. We must note, however, 2020 Finance Bills – 103
that the plan to disinvest Air India has been 2020 Taxation and other laws (Relaxation
discussed earlier, in the Budget Speech of and Amendment of certain provisions) Act,
2019, in the Budget Speech of 2018 and even 2020 - approx. 40.
as far back as in the Budget Speech of 2001! 2021 Finance Bill - 78
It was then stated that Air India would be This comes to a total of about 382
sold in that year. Unfortunately 20 years amendments proposed or enacted in just the
have passed and this has not happened and last 2 years!
the tax payers are the ones who have to bear
the brunt of the losses of the PSUs which the Key amendments
Government has not been able to manage Let us consider some of the amendments
well. proposed in this year’s Finance Bill.
Another part of the Budget is the tax SENIOR CITIZENS The proposal is that
proposals. Finance Secretary Ajay Bhushan a person of more than 75 years of age, at
Pandey stated, “There is a need to get out any time during the financial year, who has
of the mindset of tinkering with tax rates income only from:
in every budget and tax stability will be (a) Pension; and
achieved by keeping rates unchanged.” This (b) Interest from a specified bank, being the
is a good sentiment but should it not apply to same bank in which the pension is deposited,
the provisions of law as well? Even if the tax may file a Declaration with the bank and will
rates remain constant, if the provisions of law then not have to file an Income-tax Return.
change, the desired stability is not achieved. Please note however, the various conditions.
This will not apply to every Scheduled Bank
or every Nationalised Bank, but only to banks
which have been specifically approved for
this purpose.
Also, if a senior citizen has accounts in two
or more banks, he or she will not be entitled to
avoid filing returns. If the Senior Citizen has
any income from shares or Mutual Funds,
then also this exemption will not be available.
In any case, a Declaration will have to be
Relief from filing income tax returns has been provided for given to the bank concerned and it will deduct
senior citizens, but it is limited in scope and will benefit
only a few the appropriate amount of tax and then the