Page 8 - Seniors Today - February Issue
P. 8
President Biden with his wife Jill, who holds a PhD in education and teaches at the community college in Northern Virginia
his other son, is an attorney who manages a ‘Average Joe’, one who is most comfortable
private equity firm in Washington DC and around his two German Shepherds Champ
is the Chairman of World Food Program and Major, friends and family. He overcame
USA. Ashley, his daughter, is Director of a childhood stutter, was a high school
the Delaware Center for Justice. He has six football star and is a car enthusiast; he still
grandchildren: Natalie Biden, Finnegan drives the 1967 Corvette Stingray gifted
Biden, Maisy Biden, Robert Biden II, Naomi to him by his father. His favourite movie
Biden, Beau Biden Jr. A family man to the is ‘Chariots of Fire’ and he embodies the
core, he urges his staff not to prioritise message of putting personal fame and
work over family obligations, saying if glory behind principles. And, best of
he found out that staffers were working all, something that both he and I have in
instead of attending a family event, it would common is that we do not drink or smoke,
“disappoint [him] greatly”. [4] but we love ice cream. It is a known fact that
President Biden has cultivated a profile $10,000 was spent during his campaign on
as Uncle Joe, the aviator-wearing charmer ice cream alone, a change from the deviant
known for the occasional verbal gaffe pleasures of some past politicians.
notwithstanding his sharp knowledge of On the lighter side, Joe is famously known
foreign affairs, his advocacy for victims of for his gaffes. Once at the White House
sexual assault, and his more recent “cancer signing ceremony for Obama’s landmark
moonshot” effort to accelerate a cure for healthcare bill in 2010, Biden leaned in to
Covid-19. Biden is what you would call an embrace Obama and whispered directly into