Page 19 - Seniors Today - February Issue
P. 19

We are trapped in our lives and may have          through the bars into the cage. Go back? Stay
         been for a long time - not realized and            outside? Discover the unknown?
         unnoticed. We sit inside like in a cage, the
         “cheese” is awfully close to us and we can see
         the “outside” only through the bars. But we
         do not even notice the trap, the cage, because
         we are so used to it. Its protective bars even
         give us security. And we do not realize that
         this sense of security is just a trap itself.
          Then we carefully nibble on the “cheese”.
         Just enough to give us a little bit of
         happiness. If we do not want much more,
         everything seems fine. At least in the cage. It     Step by step we dare to go further and
         looks different outside.                           notice that something new is waiting for us
          We know this. But what can we expect              outside. First, we take cautious steps. Just
         outside? We can see it through the bars. No        not too far. And it pulls us back towards
         limits, freedom, no familiar surroundings          the trap like a magnet. But the longer we
         and, no “cheese”. At least not visible at first    manage to stay outside, the more we must
         glance. From what should we live? What             oppose this move back. The feeling of
         nourishes us? Where are the usual limits           freedom combined with sentimentality for
         and restrictions?                                  the past. But with each passing day, with
          Can we survive there? Without “cheese”?           each step further, the trap fades and loses its
         Where should we turn? How far can we go            attraction.
         What happens when we no longer see the              There are surprises in every direction we
         way and know what to expect ...?                   go. Many good ones, sometimes negative
          Despite an urge to explore you feel okay          ones, but new ones. We can decide for
         inside. We know what we have there. And            ourselves where we want to turn and how
         what we do not have.                               far we want to go.
          It is never too late to open the door. Cheese      There are no bars that limit us, only the
         or not…                                            bars that we set ourselves and we can
                                                            reinstall them every day until we no longer
         The trap seen from the outside                     need them.
         But how is it outside of the trap? Known            In the beginning they are still helpful
         unknown.                                           because this is what we are used to, but
          We saw it through the bars but did not            over time everything becomes much more
         experience it. And now we are outside.             exciting without them. At some point we are
         Intentionally or unintentionally. Suddenly,        so brave that we throw the key to the trap
         we are on the other side. How to find our          away. Then we are free because there is no
         way?                                               turning back.
          Where to turn to? Where are the usual              And the most important. We find cheese
         ways? What gives us the supposed security?         all over our discoveries and we can take as
         So where is the “cheese”?                          much of them as we want.
          Sometimes the gaze longingly goes back             Outside is our own life.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #20 | FEBRUARY 2021                                                           19
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