Page 22 - Seniors Today - February Issue
P. 22

Filmi, Indian Rock, and Indian Pop.                emotions it can also be a great painkiller
          In the Indian system of music there are           by simultaneously distracting you and
         about the 500 modes and 300 different              boosting your positive emotions. Music
         rhythms used in everyday music. The                also has a capacity to evoke nostalgia;
         modes are called Ragas.                            Nostalgia is essentially a mechanism that
          You can have all genres of music on               helps provide meaning in life and helps
         your smart phone and listen to just about          us through our existential crises. When
         anything you are in the mood for.                  we are feeling anxious or fearful, music
          Just download an app, such as Apple               can help bring about a sense of calmness
         Music, Spotify, Pandora or SoundCloud.             and relaxation by lowering your pulse and
         These provide ready-made playlists.                heart rate, dropping blood pressure, and
                                                            decreasing stress hormones.
         Music for all moods                                 On the other hand, what are the negatives
         You may have a particular style of music           of music?
         that is especially meaningful to you. Also,         • Hearing loss with continuous increased
         there may be certain types of music that you       noise levels.
         gravitate towards when in a mood.                   • Music can be distracting.
          On waking: chanting music, inspirational           • Music can trigger bad memories.
         gospel music and meditation music.                  • It’s very difficult to make money in the
          During your exercise: rhythmic music,             music industry.
         which you can walk or jog to.                       • Some people just can’t stand loud music,
          Evenings with your glass of wine:                 it causes more stress than calm.
         classical, jazz, shlokas or filmi music.            • Noise pollution.
          Evenings with friends: for a karaoke night,        The positives far outweigh the negatives.
         a game of Antakshari, or YouTube videos to          Music at every level transports you to
         sing along.                                        another world, it’s a conversation with your
          Bedtime: lullabies, classical instrumental.       soul.
          Induce sleep and reduce insomnia: pink             Make it a habit.
         noise, white noise, the rhythms of the              Let the music play on.
         natural world the sound of rain, waterfalls,
         streams, the ocean, wind, birdsong, crickets
         keep disturbed sleep at bay.

         Self-care and music
         If you want to keep your brain engaged
         throughout the aging process, listening to
         or playing music is a great tool. It provides
         a total brain workout. Research has shown
         that listening to music can reduce anxiety,
         blood pressure, and pain as well as improve
         sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and
         memory.                                            Music during exercise routines can help you keep time
          Listening to music soothes pain and the           and maintain rhythm

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