Page 7 - Seniors Today - February Issue
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children had been out Christmas shopping he said, “I think empathy is a critically
when they were broadsided by a tractor important thing. It does not make it easier
trailer. Neilia and 13-month-old Naomi to talk about because you’ve been through
were killed instantly, and Joe’s other two it, but when you’ve been through it and you
children Hunter and Beau were rescued talk to people about it, they go, ‘OK, I know
and hospitalised. And it is in the hospital in he or she understands, because they’ve been
January 1973 that Joe Biden was sworn in, by through it’,” — and that is what defines the
his sons’ bedside. For months afterwards he 46th President of the United States!
commuted daily by train from Delaware to After suffering another personal tragedy
Washington DC, so he could be close to his while serving as vice president — the loss
sons. [1] of his eldest son Beau Biden to glioblastoma
at the age of 46 in 2015, Joe Biden addressed
Empathy, the defining trait the nation, “When you lose a loved one,
Now serving as the 46th president of the the ‘firsts’ are always the hardest — the
United States, Joe Biden is a member of the first Christmas, the first birthday, the first
Democratic Party who served as the 47th anniversary. I know from my experience
vice president from 2009 to 2017 under how little words can mean at such a time,
Barack Obama and represented Delaware in but I know, as hard as it can be to believe,
the United States Senate from 1973 to 2009. that time does heal. Grieve. There’s a reason
Despite his initial unwillingness to serve, to grieve. But there will come a time, remind
Biden remained in the Senate and public life, yourself, just be reminded that the time will
turning his grief into a way to connect with come when you’ll think of your husband,
others through empathy — a trait that has wife, son, daughter, mom or dad, and you’ll
perhaps most defined his career. And now, get a smile to your lips before you get a tear
even nearly 50 years after the death of his to your eye. That’s how you know you’re
wife and daughter, empathy remains at Joe going to make it.” These words came from a
Biden’s core. heart that has weathered storms and created
Having dealt with unthinkable family a largesse so very full of empathy.
tragedies, once, while on a talk show with
Stephen Colbert (late night host of CBS’s Giving family priority
“The Late Show with Stephen Colbert”), Joe was born on November 20, 1942 in
Scranton, Pennsylvania. He studied at
the University of Delaware and Syracuse
University College of Law. Several years after
losing his first wife Neilia, he married Jill.
Dr Jill Biden, who holds a PhD in education
and is a lifelong educator, currently teaches
at the community college in Northern
Virginia. Of his four children Beau (2007-
2015) was Delaware’s attorney general who
served as a major in the 261st signal brigade
of the Delaware National Guard and was
Empathy is the trait that has perhaps most defined the
career of Joe Biden deployed to Iraq from 2008 to 2009. Hunter,