Page 17 - Seniors Today - June 2021 Issue
P. 17
someone or something. The other is The same goes for waiting to be happy.
waiting for something or someone to bring We think – After my daughter gets married
happiness to you. to a good boy then I will be happy. After
Both result in frustration. I get through my surgery then I will be
According to Eckhart Tolle, waiting is a content. Let my husband / wife get better,
state of mind more than it is a situation that then I will find happiness, when I get a
we find ourselves in, meaning that you can better rate of interest, then I’m going to be
control it. over the moon.
The next time you find yourself waiting We defer our happy moments by giving
for something, try not to think of yourself the power away to a situation or person.
as waiting at all. Little realising we can be happy right now,
Consider a person who is waiting for a bus right here – for no reason at all and without
to arrive. waiting for conditions to be fulfilled.
Now, if you were to ask this person what I hear you say it sounds good in theory.
they were doing, most people would tell But once you start owning your own joy,
you that they were waiting for the bus. you will thank yourself.
But what if, instead, their response was Spiritual guru and author of several
that they were enjoying the fresh air and books including bestsellers, The Power
watching the events around them unfold? of Now and A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle,
When the bus arrives, they’ll get on it and calls it stillness. “It’s an aware presence,
carry about their lives. Until then, though, he says, nothing to do with past or future.
they are enjoying the present moment they We can also call it waking up. That’s why
find themselves in rather than spending many spiritual traditions use the term
the entire time staring at their watch. awakening. You wake up out of this dream
Imagine what a more pleasant time this of constant thinking. You become present.”
person is having than they would have if He goes on to say, “The only moment we
they had a waiting mindset. ever really have is this one. Happiness isn’t
A waiting mindset breeds impatience, and in the future or the past but in mindful
impatience breeds frustration. awareness of the present.”
The reality is, though, that waiting is a The art of being present can be learned
choice, and rather than choosing to wait if you practice diligently and commit to
you can choose to enjoy life’s moments as moments of awareness daily. Wherever
they come instead. you are, be fully there. For it is in “being
here now” that the magic of your life truly