Page 59 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 59
Plays (on OTT):
Shobha Yatra
Filmed versions of of great leaders will be taken around the
some popular plays vicinity.
can be watched The line-up of historical icons include
on the Zee5 OTT Gandhi (Chirag Vohra), Nehru (Ayaz
platform, and Khan), Rani Laxmibai (Mansi Multani)
Shafaat Khan’s satirical Shobha Yatra, Netaji Bose (Nikhil Ratnaparkhi) and Tilak
directed by Ganesh Yadav is worth catching. (Anand Alkunte)—the last leader everyone
The two-decade old play has proved to be has trouble remembering, even though his
such a hit, that it has been performed on immortal line about independence being
stage several times in over six languages. his birthright, is taught to school kids. A bit
A gangster with political ambitions too long, with some redundant characters,
organises a shobha yatra (pageant) the play is, nonetheless, funny, thought-
on Independence day. His white-clad provoking, and still quite relevant.
henchman (Ganesh Yadav) has collected a
group of people, put them in costumes of Directed by Ganesh Yadav
freedom fighters, given them famous lines to Starring: Chirag Vohra, Mansi Multani,
mug up and settled them into a warehouse Nitin Ratnaparki, Ayaz Khan
to wait for the ‘chariot’ in which the tableau Zee5
Books Nostalgia:
Before She Was Helen Anand
Caroline B. Cooney’s book, on The message in Hrishikesh
bestselling lists for months Mukherjee’s 1971
and on awards nomination masterpiece, Anand, is apt
shortlists, is also set in a for today’s uncertain times—
luxurious home for seniors. life should be large (badi)
Clemmie, the seventy plus not long (lambi), says the
Latin teacher who lives eponymous leading man of
there and spends free time days on card the film, dying from a terminal illness.
games and activities laid out for residents Anand (Rajesh Khanna in a career best
of Sun City, has a past, when she had a performance) crashes into the life of his
different name and identity. Cooney creates stern and silent doctor, Bhaskar (Amitabh
a fascinating protagonist and goes over her Bachchan, who would soon dislodge Khanna
life right from her troubled teen years to as the reigning superstar). Watch it multiple
lonely youth and content old age, adding times and it remains a richly emotional
the issue of social discrimination against experience.
women, to an engaging suspense drama.
Directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee
Publisher: Poisoned Pen Pr Starring: Rajesh Khanna, Amitabh
Pages: 310 Bachchan, Sumita Sanyal
Paperback: Rs 1287.99 YouTube