Page 24 - Seniorstoday September 21
P. 24

Life Lessons

         Say bye to bias

         The negative effect of bias is incalculable and has an infinite perpetuation
         impact on those at the receiving end, writes Nagesh Alai

         The other day, in a WhatsApp group that I           One of the most extant attributes in
         belong to, someone queried about training          human behaviour is bias. Simply put,
         programmes for ‘unconscious bias’ at the           bias means a tendency or inclination or           S Kumar
         workplace. Some recommended training               feeling or opinion that is preconceived or
         modules adopted by overseas ivy league             unreasoned. It is a damaging behavioural
         institutions while some talked about               pattern cutting across our existence
         specialist trainers. On querying the querist       whether it is to do with our employment,
         and getting an answer, I suggested that it is      vocation, business, families, friends, race,
         best to avoid theorists and look for known         caste, community or even transborder state
         people who have traversed the distance and         and country relationships. The negative
         come across various types of biases. After         effect of bias is incalculable and has an
         all, personal experience makes for the best        infinite perpetuation impact on those at the
         tutors. The point is training has had mixed        receiving end. The class-caste-community-
         results given the entrenched nature of bias        religion-country clash and divide that we
         and can only hold a mirror for us whereas          see all over is nothing but active biases
         inward realisation and transformation can          cleaving minds and hearts.
         do so much more to mitigate and eradicate           I am no authority on bias nor a practitioner
         bias.                                              of behavioural studies. But what we

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