Page 19 - Seniors Today
P. 19


         Another Tryst with Destiny?

         Freedom is a generic term and contextual. It can have multifarious meanings,
         but broadly refers to the quality or state of being free, writes Nagesh Alai

         I answered an early morning doorbell today         building. It is a welcome initiative and in
         to be pleasantly surprised with a gift of our      its own way has engendered a feeling of
         national flag from our housing society. It         comity and community in our sovereign
         was a joy indeed to receive it, a first-time       socialist secular democratic republic with
         personal experience in independent India,          a resolve to secure justice, liberty, equality
         as it must have been for millions across the       and fraternity to all citizens. Thanks to the
         country. For sure, proud Indians will hoist        tenacity and sacrifices of legions of our
         the flag in their homes on the Independence        freedom fighters and martyrs and leaders
         Day.                                               who ensured our independence from the
          To herald the 75th anniversary of                 British yoke and founded our republic.
         our independence on August 15, the                  Nothing can capture the ethos and
         government of the day has planned an               emotions of the momentous occasion than
         elaborate year-long Azadi Ka Amrit                 Jawaharlal Nehru’s speech on the eve of our
         Mahotsav. Under the aegis of this                  independence,  so beautifully captured  in
         celebration, a special movement called ‘Har        profound words - to quote verbatim from
         Ghar Tiranga’ was launched to encourage            his opening para –
         people to bring home the tiranga ( or the           “Long years ago, we made a tryst with
         tricolour ) and build a personal connection        destiny; and now the time comes when we
         with the  national flag and reinforce a            shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in
         sense of identity and pride for the country        full measure, but very substantially. At
         and enthuse a commitment to nation-                the stroke of the midnight hour, when the

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #38 | AUGUST 2022                                                             19
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