Page 21 - Seniors Today
P. 21

the country, not just the marginalised             the crowd.”
         or the disenfranchised weaker sections              “Freedom for me means easy access to
         of our society. That this should happen            education and jobs; I don’t want to depend
         in the year of our 75th independence               on government handouts. I want to live
         anniversary is a powerful symbol of us             with self-respect. It is a huge challenge for
         having come a long way. There is a silent          us to get there, but we are making some
         revolution taking place in our country for         progress in that direction.”
         sure and a blooming confidence and self-            “Freedom to me means the ability to make
         belief is driving its citizenry to greater         my own choices and to do what I like on my
         heights. Yes, there are severe challenges          own terms. The concept of freedom is also
         facing the country like poverty, gender            tied deeply with the freedom of speech for
         and class biases, unequal development,             me and I value that aspect greatly. When I
         environmental dangers, cornering of                think how India has changed in 75 years, it
         national resources and so many other               seems to be a great example of how liberty
         maladies, but thankfully an aware citizenry        and empowerment has allowed common
         is watchful and vociferous and keeping             people to ideate and contribute in building
         the rulers (earlier it was the British, now        a prominent nation.”
         it is the self- aggrandising political class        “Freedom to me is being free from worry
         chasing perpetual rent and sinecure, save          and anxiety of what I should wear, what
         for the very few ) in some kind of check and       I should eat, what I should say or think.
         ensuring a modicum of governance.                  I know these are questionable in some
          Freedom is a generic term and contextual.         context today, but I feel like a free Indian
         It can have multifarious meanings, but             woman who can make her own choices
         broadly refers to the quality or state of          without societal pressure.”
         being free. There can be clearly no freedom         “Freedom (indeed true freedom) is to
         in the truest sense unless the four pillars        live and let live, to dissent, to question, to
         of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity       love, to practise or not practise religion;
         are strong. It means different things to           essentially freedom is to be yourself
         different people, with all its grandeur and        and still be an equal part of the societal
         complexity, but the core remains the same.         construct.”
          Let us hear what some millennials ( I
         had intentionally chosen this category
         to speak to), across a cross-section of our
         society, had to say to me when I asked
         them what freedom means to them. These
         are unexpurgated statements made by the
         young of our country who are the future
         of our country and have been chosen at
          “Freedom of country is a given. It is taken
         for granted almost. Freedom for me has
         more to do with knowing and accepting
         myself wholly, even if it means not fitting in

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #38 | AUGUST 2022                                                             21
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