Page 37 - Seniors Today Febuary 2020
P. 37

income, then there is a limitation on the             reference to Government valuation. At
        change from year to year. Each assessee               present the law states that when a property
        must, therefore, look to his or her tax               is sold, tax has to be paid by the Seller with
        situation and work out which is better,               reference to the Government Valuation
        whether to claim deductions and then pay,             or the actual transaction price, whichever
        or not to claim deductions.                           is higher. There is only a margin of 5%
                                                              allowable. If, therefore the Government
        Real estate                                           valuation is Rs. 1 crore and if a property
        There are several provisions relating to Real         is sold for, say, Rs. 91 lakh, then since the
        Estate.                                               difference is more than 5%, the seller would
         One of these changes relates to                      have to pay tax as if he or she had received
        determining the cost of acquisition of                Rs. 1 crore. A buyer also would be deemed
        a property. If one had purchased an                   to have paid Rs.1 crore, even if he has
        Immovable Property before 1.4.2001,                   actually paid only 91 lakh. The Government
        then there is a benefit available under the           now proposes to increase the “safe harbour”
        Income-tax Act, i.e. to step up the cost to           from 5% to 10% of the transaction value.
        the value as on 1.4.2001. Normally, the               So, if the Government valuation is Rs. 1
        Capital Gain is the Selling price minus the           crore and you sell the property for, say, Rs.
        actual cost. However, the Government gives            91 lakh, then Rs. 91 lakh + 10% thereof, i.e.
        a benefit. This is to step up the cost from           Rs. 9.1 lakh would bring you to a total of
        the figure of actual cost to the value as on          Rs.100.1 lakh. Since the Stamp valuation is
        1.4.2001. The amendment that is now being             within 10% of the transaction price, in such
        made is to say that the value as on 1.4.2001          a case the seller will be allowed to pay tax
        is to be the value as per the Government’s            with reference to the transaction value and
        figures for stamp duty, which, in Mumbai,             the Government Valuation can be ignored.
        is referred to as Reckoner value and in other
        places referred to as Circle Value etc. If,           Affordable housing
        therefore, the Government valuation as on             There is presently an exemption available
        1.4.2001 was Rs. 5,000/- per sq.ft. then one          from tax for a Developer of affordable
        can substitute that for the original cost. This       housing, provided the construction
        can give a benefit to the assessee.                   permissions had been taken on or before
        Another amendment is proposed with                    31.3.2020. This date is to be extended to

        The Vivad Se Vishwas provision enables an assessee to pay back taxes with a reduced or nil penalty
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