Page 37 - Seniors Toady March 2020
P. 37


              Way to go,


              Introducing a new monthly column by Sandeep Suri that
              will help technology appear easier for our readers.

       We are witnessing unprecedented change                 Doing a lot more
       around us, especially in the field of                  Of late, wearables have become increasingly
       technology. We have gone from Cassettes to             popular, but the basic idea is nothing

       Digital Players, Landline to Smartphones,              new. For example, if you’ve ever worn a
       Books to Book Readers, Watches to                      wristwatch, you’ve already used a simple
       Smartwatches and now Wearables.                        kind of wearable. Today’s wearables can
       Let’s start with understanding the subject:            connect with your devices, like computers
       Wearables. You may have heard someone                  and smartphones, which means they can do
       mention wearable technology, but perhaps               a lot of exciting things. In fact, networking
       you weren’t quite sure what it meant? Simply           is the glue that holds the various technology

       put, wearable technology is a general term             branches together. Earlier, the worlds of
       for a group of devices — including eyewear,            voice and data were separate. As these two
       fitness trackers, footwear, neckwear,                  technologies integrate, this could bring in
       bodywear, smartwatches and so on — that                endless potential to grow.
       are designed to be worn throughout the day.             Now, talking about the usage of wearable
       These devices are often called Wearables.              technology, it is not just limited to health
       A few popular brands: Watches-Apple,                   care alone. Interestingly, it is extending its
       Withings, Fitbit, Garmin; Spectacles-Snap 3;           reach to the entertainment industry as well.
       Shoes-Nike Smart shoe AdaptBB, Adidas1;                Wearable technology will soon allow us to

       Bra-Nike Motion Adapt; Shirt-Under                     immerse more in entertainment forms such
       Armour Hexoskin etc. Wearable technology               as video games and televisions. One should
       has always held great appeal for first                 be able to feel and smell things as the film
       adopters and trailblazers, but the only piece          progresses is something you could only
       of wearable technology that has achieved               imagine in the past but would be a reality
       true mass adoption is the Smartwatch.                  soon. Wearable technology that can allow

       37                                                                      SENIORS TODAY | Issue #9  |  March  15,  2020
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