Page 33 - Seniors Toady March 2020
P. 33
The vitals about
All you need to know about vitamins, explained by Dr Noor Gill
How many of you have been taking BCForte women tend to have deficiencies more than men
or Vitamin B complex capsules for a while do.
now? Have you been popping vitamin E and Here are some of the vitamins that are necessary
multivitamins just because someone (not with to keep the body functioning well and their added
a degree in medicine and a stethoscope around advantages.
their neck) recommended them to you? Vitamin A: Its active form is present only in
Well, when you take your capsule in the evening the animal tissue. But don’t you worry, our
you should at least know what you’re taking it body knows how to break down and convert the
for. Read on to boast to your friends all the ways inactive form to an active one. So eat your greens
in which you can use VitE while you sip on your and carrots and papaya. Mango season is on
whites and reds. its way which means that you’ll be loading up
Vitamins are organic compounds which occur on VitA without even realising you’ve already
in small quantities in different natural foods and chowed two mangoes down.
are necessary for the growth and maintenance
of good health and well functioning body. Most
vitamins can be procured from out food. Yes,
you are already getting your recommended daily
allowance (RDA) of vitamins from your diet
itself. Make healthier lifestyle and dietary choices
so you don’t have to remind yourself to take an
extra tablet. Some people may however need
Some Essential Vitamins
Both men and women require vitamins to keep
their body well oiled. But in the Indian scenario Women tend to have more vitamin deficiencies than men,
specially in India
33 SENIORS TODAY | Issue #9 | March 15, 2020